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Mohamed Abdelghany

Angestellt, Northern Europe Health and Safety Manager, WeWork
Berlin, Deutschland

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

Occupational Safety
Safety engineering
Health Safety Environment HSE
Environmental management
Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsschutz


Berufserfahrung von Mohamed Abdelghany

  • Bis heute 2 Jahre und 7 Monate, seit Sep. 2022

    Northern Europe Health and Safety Manager


  • 1 Jahr und 11 Monate, Nov. 2020 - Sep. 2022

    Regional Safety Engineer

  • 5 Jahre und 6 Monate, Mai 2015 - Okt. 2020

    Behavioral Based Safety advisor - Master Thesis

    Mondi Group

    Working on my master thesis regarding to Human error and Human factors using human reliability, campaigns with different focus and new analysis safety approach to handle and assess the human errors through the company’s plants around Europe.

  • 3 Jahre und 11 Monate, Dez. 2014 - Okt. 2018

    Offshore Safety and Training advisor

    ADES Drilling International

    Led a rig to be ranked the rig of the year two time and the most compliant rig regarding to the safety among 11 offshore rigs and 12 onshore rigs, in a gap analysis. Helped to issue a new and strong safety management system for the company including HSE strategies, risk register system, new emergency response plan, security plan and new reporting system.

  • 1 Jahr und 8 Monate, Mai 2013 - Dez. 2014

    Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) Advisor

    Maersk Drilling International

    Managed health, safety, security and Environment for different onshore and offshore rigs. Enhanced the workplace safety culture and influenced the rigs’ staff in becoming safety oriented. Got the best safety performance appreciation for three times. • Enforcing the level of understanding and implementation of HSEMS at the rig. • Conduct QM-HSSE Audits, Inspections, investigations, and training. • Helicopter Landing Officer (HLO) and Ship Security Officer (SSO) of the unit.

Ausbildung von Mohamed Abdelghany

  • 2 Jahre und 1 Monat, Okt. 2018 - Okt. 2020

    Process Safety and Environmental Engineering

    Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg

    Master of Process Safety and Environmental Engineering

  • 4 Jahre und 11 Monate, Sep. 2007 - Juli 2012

    Petroleum and Mining Engineering

    Suez Canal University

    Bachelor of Process and Petrochemicals Engineering


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