Melle Scherpereel
Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse
Berufserfahrung von Melle Scherpereel
I joined the Thalento® team as the Marketing Coordinator and is therefor responsible for the communication and marketing of Thalento® to better inform and connect with customers all over the world.
- 4 Monate, Feb. 2016 - Mai 2016
Communications Assistant
A Communication
During this internship I had the possibility to collaborate in projects such as the launch of new companies, website analyses where I had to apply SEO, writing the news items. In time I eventually work on a individual base on projects such as optimalisation of the company website and the magazine of one of our biggest clients, LRH (a police corps in Hasselt). During this internship I had the opportunity to sharpen my commercial abilities with PR in the back of my head through each and everry creation.
- 1 Jahr und 3 Monate, März 2015 - Mai 2016
Communications Manager
Foundation against Cancer
2015: communication assistant on a voluntary base at relay for life in Hasselt (a festive event of the foundation against cancer, for all ages that focuses on solidarity and fund-raising for the fight against cancer over 24 hours. Later on, in 2016 I was asked to become the Spokes Person for Press and Communications where I was part of the organisation of this event, as well as the spokes person regarding all types of communication (Teams, Press,..) making sure everything ran smooth.
Ausbildung von Melle Scherpereel
- 3 Jahre und 10 Monate, Sep. 2012 - Juni 2016
Communications Management
Hogeschool PXL
Public Relations, Gouvernemental and Corporate Communications
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