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Melle Scherpereel

Angestellt, Marketing Coordinator, Thalento®
Hasselt, Belgien

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

Public Relations
English Language
Public speaking
Marketing Communications
Event Planning
Event management
Strategic Planning
Business Communications
French Language
InDesign (Adobe)
Communication skills
Social Media
Adobe Photoshop
Writing and Editing
Dutch language
German language


Berufserfahrung von Melle Scherpereel

  • Bis heute 8 Jahre und 6 Monate, seit Okt. 2016

    Marketing Coordinator


    I joined the Thalento® team as the Marketing Coordinator and is therefor responsible for the communication and marketing of Thalento® to better inform and connect with customers all over the world.

  • 4 Monate, Feb. 2016 - Mai 2016

    Communications Assistant

    A Communication

    During this internship I had the possibility to collaborate in projects such as the launch of new companies, website analyses where I had to apply SEO, writing the news items. In time I eventually work on a individual base on projects such as optimalisation of the company website and the magazine of one of our biggest clients, LRH (a police corps in Hasselt). During this internship I had the opportunity to sharpen my commercial abilities with PR in the back of my head through each and everry creation.

  • 1 Jahr und 3 Monate, März 2015 - Mai 2016

    Communications Manager

    Foundation against Cancer

    2015: communication assistant on a voluntary base at relay for life in Hasselt (a festive event of the foundation against cancer, for all ages that focuses on solidarity and fund-raising for the fight against cancer over 24 hours. Later on, in 2016 I was asked to become the Spokes Person for Press and Communications where I was part of the organisation of this event, as well as the spokes person regarding all types of communication (Teams, Press,..) making sure everything ran smooth.

Ausbildung von Melle Scherpereel

  • 3 Jahre und 10 Monate, Sep. 2012 - Juni 2016

    Communications Management

    Hogeschool PXL

    Public Relations, Gouvernemental and Corporate Communications


  • Englisch


  • Deutsch


  • Französisch


  • Niederländisch


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