Matthias Holzapfel
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Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse
Berufserfahrung von Matthias Holzapfel
- Bis heute 4 Jahre und 9 Monate, seit Juli 2020HPS Home Power Solutions GmbH
Entwicklungsingenieur / Project Lead Systemtesting
Experimental systems development team member. Project lead system testing. verifying new software and hardware features, developing commissioning processes, planning and installing of testing infrastructure for new product prototypes, monitoring and analysing test facilities
Full-Time, Developing Test-Automation-Software in C++ and IEC 61131‑3, Supervision of Environmetal Simulation Tests, Developing Microcontroller Software in C & HMI / UI's in HTML5/JS/CSS, Requirement Engineering, LabVIEW Programming, Test Specifications, Measurement Systems Programming and Supervision
Student-Employee, 15-20 h a week, Test & Simulation / Writing Calculation-Scripts in G and VB/VBA, supervision of various test stand Hard-and Software, Test developing for Shaker-Testing in Matlab, and Sensordevelopment
Full-Time-Job, SW-Developing with C++ Framework for Embedded Systems, designing a teaching programm "Autonomous Driving", for the Technical University Ingolstadt , supportive development of new approaches for driver assistance systems, supervision of the test-vehicle
developing detection software for biogas-plants in Matlab/Simulink
- 1 Jahr und 2 Monate, Juli 2007 - Aug. 2008
preproduction coordinator automotive
SMP Deutschland GmbH (Peguform GmbH)
3 year full time IHK certified training
Ausbildung von Matthias Holzapfel
- 2 Jahre, Apr. 2015 - März 2017
Renewable Energies
Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin
Thesis: Developing of Vibration-Test-Procedures for Fatigue-Testing of Components in Wind-Power-Plants
- 3 Jahre und 10 Monate, Okt. 2009 - Juli 2013
Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency
University of Applied Sciences Regensburg
Thesis: Evaluation of Charge-Balancer-Circuts for lithium-accumulators and layout development of a resistor-bleeding-version
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