Dr. Jürgen Schneider
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Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse
Berufserfahrung von Jürgen Schneider
- Bis heute 6 Jahre und 3 Monate, seit Jan. 2019
Dr. Juergen Schneider
Commercial responsibility for finance, controlling, accounting, reporting, human resources and IT functions. Responsibility of compiling consolidated and annual, quarterly and monthly financial statements as accounting specialist - IFRS, Swiss GAAP (OR), German GAAP (HGB) Designing and optimising the finance department, reporting and controlling systems, including KPIs Compliance Optimising processes Restructuring M&A IPO ERP, SAP Governor of Asian investors
- 6 Jahre und 2 Monate, Nov. 2012 - Dez. 2018
Country CFO
Swissray Medical AG, Switzerland
Project Manager IFRS Conversion and IPO. Promoted to Country CFO in 2013. Member of management team with responsibility for finance, controlling, reporting, HR and IT functions. • Oversaw initial public offering (IPO) of the group (emission pros.), contact person for IPO team in Taiwan • Reduced costs 30 % by restructuring finance dep. • Shortened process to prepare quarterly financial statements from 12 to 3 days.
- 1 Jahr und 10 Monate, Nov. 2010 - Aug. 2012
Project Manager – First Consolidated Financial Statements
Krah North America Inc, Georgia, USA
Krah specialise in manufacturing and distribution of water supply and wastewater disposal pipe systems from plastics. 200+ staff and USD40m group revenue in 2012. I was hired as PM to create processes of consolidated financial statements as a solid basis of reliable information for the executive management. Key achievements include: Led implementation of first group financial statements while optimising processes and quality of accountancy delivered.
- 2 Jahre und 11 Monate, Nov. 2007 - Sep. 2010
Senior Manager - IFRS-Specialist Group Accounting Policy
Zurich Financial Services AG, Switzerland
I was Leader of 5-person project team IFRS3, responsible for IFRS and its implementation throughout Group. Key achievements include: Implemented revised IFRS 3 on M&A into the Zurich Group. Resource person for M&A issues for the whole Zurich Group leveraging deep knowledge and expertise in the field. Designed standardised interim financial statements for all 3 quarters. Succeeded in enabling delivery of quarterly interim financial reports which can now be downloaded via their website.
- 5 Jahre und 2 Monate, Sep. 2002 - Okt. 2007
Manager - Technical Department of IFRS & Auditing
BDO Deutsche Warentreuhand AG, Germany
- 1 Jahr und 8 Monate, Jan. 2001 - Aug. 2002
Assistant - Auditing and Taxation
Ernst & Young Deutsche Allgemeine Treuhand AG
- 5 Monate, Aug. 2000 - Dez. 2000
Project Manager - Holding Concept
Karl-Heinz Krah GmbH
- 5 Monate, März 2000 - Juli 2000
Visiting Professor - International MBA Course
Zhongshan (Sun Yatsen) University, School of Management, China
- 4 Monate, Nov. 1999 - Feb. 2000
Assistant - Projects and Auditing
PWC Deutsche Revision AG
- 4 Jahre und 9 Monate, Feb. 1995 - Okt. 1999
Assistant - Auditing and Taxation
BRTG Betriebsberatungs- Revisions- und Treuhandgesellschaft mbH
Ausbildung von Jürgen Schneider
Masters Degree
Management, Accounting, Taxation, Law
International Management
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