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Amin Ajami

Angestellt, Senior Full Stack Developer, Tunelink
Tehran, Iran (Islamische Republik )

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse



Berufserfahrung von Amin Ajami

  • Bis heute 2 Jahre und 4 Monate, seit Dez. 2022

    Senior Full Stack / PHP Developer


    Online store for women's underwear and jewelry in Netherlands. Developed web applications using PHP, Laravel, Livewire, MySQL, Rest API Under development www.zopy.ir

  • Bis heute 2 Jahre und 8 Monate, seit Aug. 2022

    Senior Full Stack / PHP Developer


    Trade journaling software Developed web applications using PHP, Laravel, Livewire, MySQL, Rest API Implemented VueJS for front-end development resulting in a 20% improvement in user experience. Utilized DevOps methodologies to streamline development processes and increase team productivity resulting in a 30% increase in code deployments. Multi language platform for Trader in Iran. www.tradezoom.me

  • Bis heute 3 Jahre und 3 Monate, seit 2022

    Senior Full Stack Developer


    Online platform for selling fixed IP and dedicated trade server Developed web applications using PHP, Laravel, Livewire, MySQL, Rest API Communicating with different servers with Linux, Windows and Mikrotik operating systems through Rest API Development of dedicated RADIUS server system to manage clinets & connections www.safeclient.ir

  • Bis heute 3 Jahre und 3 Monate, seit 2022

    Senior Full Stack Developer


    Online platform for selling fixed IP and dedicated trade server Developed web applications using PHP, Laravel, Livewire, MySQL, Rest API Communicating with different servers with Linux, Windows and Mikrotik operating systems through Rest API Development of dedicated RADIUS server system to manage clinets & connections Management of virtual server accounts (VPS) www.tunelink.ir

  • 2020 - 2022

    Senior PHP Developer


    Crypto Mining Monitor and Management Software Developed web applications using PHP, Laravel, Livewire, MySQL, Rest API Collected data from back end server PHP file using API and these datasets are then rendered on front end using PHP based server side API www.cloudfarm.ir

  • 2019 - 2022

    Senior PHP Developer


    Cryptocurrency OTC exchange software Developed web applications using PHP, Laravel, Livewire, MySQL, Vue.JS, Rest API www.zoneex.io

  • 2016 - 2021

    Senior PHP Developer


    Concert ticket reservation software Developed web applications using PHP, Laravel, Vue.js, MySQL, Electron.js, Leaflet, Rest API Manage sales of concerts with more than 6000 online users. Designing various concert halls. Integrate payment gateways resulting in a 20% increase in online transactions. www.exirconcert.com

  • 2017 - 2019

    Full Stack Developer


    Online video advertising platform Developed web applications using PHP, Laravel, Vue.js, MySQL Online video advertising platform with online video streaming Optimize and online rendering video www.kap4.ir

  • 2011 - 2019

    PHP Developer


    Tour, hotel and flight reservation platform Developed web applications using PHP, Laravel, Vue.js, MySQL Implemented VueJS for front-end development resulting in a 30% improvement in user experience. Collaborated with third-party providers to integrate payment gateways resulting in a 20% increase in online transactions. Lead a team of 5 developers in the development of a new platform resulting in a 40% increase in user engagement. Improved site speed by optimizing database queries. www.tourland.ir

  • 2014 - 2016

    Senior PHP Developer


    Online store for luxury accessories for parties and events Developed web applications using PHP, Laravel, Vue.js www.jashna.ir


  • Englisch


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