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X-ray Validation Task Force

Method-specific Validation Task Forces have been convened to collect recommendations and develop consensus on additional validation that should be performed, and to identify software applications to perform validation tasks.

The recommendations of the X-ray Validation Task Force have been published:

A New Generation of Crystallographic Validation Tools for the Protein Data Bank
Randy J. Read, Paul D. Adams, W. Bryan Arendall III, Axel T. Brunger, Paul Emsley, Robbie P. Joosten, Gerard J. Kleywegt, Eugene B. Krissinel, Thomas Lütteke, Zbyszek Otwinowski, Anastassis Perrakis, Jane S. Richardson, William H. Sheffler, Janet L. Smith, Ian J. Tickle, Gert Vriend and Peter H. Zwart.
(2011) Structure 19: 1395-1412.

These recommendations are the basis for the validation reports produced by the wwPDB.

The wwPDB X-ray VTF was convened in 2008 at a workshop organized by Randy Read (Cambridge University), and sponsored by the RCSB PDB & PDBe. Detailed information about the workshop is available.

The wwPDB greatly appreciates the efforts of its Task Forces.

Questions? info@wwpdb.org.