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Global Indicators Group Seminar Series

This Seminar Series is hosted by the Global Indicators Group of the Development Economics Vice Presidency at the World Bank. Livestreamed every month, the series invites leading researchers in development economics and public policy to present their recent work on international development, especially on private sector development.

LATEST: Credit supply shocks and firms dynamics: evidence from Brazil

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Current Season - 2023/2024





September 18, 2024Roberto N. Fattal Jaef and Davide S. Mare World Bank and University of Edinburgh

The Role of Financial (Mis)allocation on Real (Mis)allocation: Firm-level Evidence for European Countries


June 13, 2024Samuel BazziUniversity of California, San Diego

Credit supply shocks and firms dynamics: evidence from Brazil

Event RecordingPaper

May 22, 2024Iacopo MorchioUniversity of Bristol, UK, Columbia Business School


The Gender Pay Gap: Micro Sources and Macro Consequences

Event RecordingPaper



April 17, 2024

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Alessandro RuggieriCUNEF Universidad

Labor Market Power and Development

Event RecordingPaper


March 20, 2024

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Joseph S. Shapiro


University of California, Berkeley


Institutions, Comparative Advantage, and the Environment 

Event RecordingPaper

February 21, 2024

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Djeneba Doumbia (World Bank), Imtiaz Ul Haq (International Finance Corporation), and Valentina Saltane (World Bank)World Bank, IFC

Issuer Composition and Stock Market Growth

Event recordingPaper

January 24, 2024

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Daniel J. Benjamin, Kristen Cooper, Ori Heffetz, Miles S. Kimball, and Jiannan ZhouUniversity of California Los Angeles, Gordon College, Cornell University, University of Colorado Boulder and Shandong University, China

Adjusting for Scale-Use Heterogeneity in Self-Reported Well-Being

Paper | Event recording

December 6, 2023


Sebastian Linkifo Institute, University of Munich, IZA, and CESifo

The Price and Employment Response of Firms to the Introduction of Minimum Wages



November 15, 2023


Vittorio Bassi, Jung Hyuk Lee, Alessandra Peter, Tommaso Porzio, Ritwika Sen, and Esau TugumeUniversity of Southern California and NBER, New York University and NBER, Columbia Business School and NBER, Northwestern University, and BRAC Uganda

Self-Employment Within the Firm

Paper|Event Recording

October 31, 2023Prepared and coordinated under the supervision of Serdar Çelik by Daniel Blume, Akiko Shintani and Tiziana Londero, with contributions from othersOrganization for Economic Cooperation and Development-OECD

Revised OECD Principles of Corporate Governance and OECD Corporate Governance Factbook 2023

Report|Event Recording

October 18, 2023Antonella Bandiera, Lelys I. Dinarte Diaz, Juan Miguel Jimenez, Sandra V. Rozo, Maria Micaela SviatschiMexico Autonomous Institute of Technology, University of British Columbia, Princeton University and World Bank

Rebel Governance and Development: The Persistent Effects of Guerrillas in El Salvador

Paper/Event Recording

September 28, 2023Yulia Shapovalova, Patricia Zghibarta, Illia Chernohorenko, Svetozara Petkova, Jarosław Bełdowski, Vihar Georgiev, Oleksii Yurchenko and Veronica BradautanuLegal Transition Programme, EBRD and Dentons

Lessons Learned from the EBRD Cross-Regional Court Performance Assessment Project


September 20, 2023Alejandro Granados, Jose Luis Peydro, Hernan Rincon Castro, Miguel SarmientoBanco de la República, Colombia, Inter-American Development Bank, and Imperial College, London

Wealth Taxes and Firms’ Capital Structures: Credit Supply and Real Effects

Event Recording



 Season - 2022/2023





June 14, 2023Daniel Ramos-Menchelli and Diana Sverdlin LiskerHarvard University and  Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Fragmented Markets and the Proliferation of Small Firms: Evidence from Mom-and-Pop Shops in Mexico

Paper|Event Recording

May 10, 2023Sebastian HeiseFederal Reserve, Bank of New York

Labor Misallocation Across Firms and Regions

Paper|Event Recording

April 12, 2023Marco Sanfilippo, Elena Perra, Asha SundaramUniversity of Turin and Collegio Carlo Alberto, University of Florence (Department of Economics),  University of Auckland (Department of Economics)

Roads, Competition, and the Informal Sector

Paper|Event Recording

March 8, 2023Julian di GiovanniManuel García-SantanaPriit JeenasEnrique Moral-Benito and Josep Pijoan-MasFederal Reserve Bank of New York; World Bank Group; Pompeu Fabra University; Bank of Spain; and Centre for Monetary and Financial Studies (CEMFI)

Government Procurement and Access to Credit: Firm Dynamics and Aggregate Implications


February 8, 2023Stefanie StanchevaHarvard University

How to Run Surveys: A Guide to Creating your Own Identifying Variation and Revealing the Invisible

Paper|Event Recording

January 31, 2023James A. Robinson, Alexander Vostroknutov and Ekaterina VostroknutovaUniversity of Chicago, Maastricht University and World Bank Group

Endogenous Institutions and Economic Policy


Paper|Event Recording

December 7, 2022Jonas Hjort, Hannes Malmberg, Todd SchoellmanUniversity College London, University of Minnesota, and  Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

The Missing Middle Managers: Labor Costs, Firm Structure, and Development

Paper|Event Recording

November 16, 2022Salvatore Capasso, Franziska Ohnsorge and Shu YuUniversity Parthenope of Napoli, World Bank Group

From Financial Development to Informality: A Causal Link

Paper|Event Recording

October 12, 2022Anna Minasyan and Gabriella MontinolaUniversity of Groningen & University of California Davis

Gendered Aid and Women Legal Empowerment


September 14, 2022Titan AlonSena CoskunMatthias DoepkeDavid Koll and Michèle Tertilt

University of California at San Diego: Titan Alon

Northwestern University: Matthias Doepke

University of Mannheim: Sena Coskun, David Koll, Michèle Tertilt,

Wilfrid Laurier University: Brian McCaig

From Mancession to Shecession: Women's Employment in Regular and Pandemic Recessions


Season - 2021/2022





January 20, 2021Mohammad AminWorld Bank Group, Enterprise Analysis

Exports and Female Workers in Formal Firms

Presentation l Paper | Event Recording

February 17, 2021Klaus Peter HellwigIMF

Can Disaggregated Indicators Identify Governance Reform Priorities?

Paper| Event Recording

March 17, 2021Hibret MaemirWorld Bank Group, Enterprise Analysis

Are Trade Preferences a Panacea? : The African Growth and Opportunity Act and African Exports

PresentationPaperEvent Recording

April 21, 2021Tea TrumbicWorld Bank Group, Women, Business and the LawWomen, Business and the Law 2021 Report
May 19, 2021Luis Felipe Cespedes, Roberto Chang and Andres Velasco

Luis Felipe Céspedes: Universidad de Chile

Roberto Chang: Rutgers University and NBER

Andrés Velasco: London School of Economics and CEPR

Credit, Employment and COVID Crisis
Paper | Event Recording

June 16, 2021Mohammad Amin and Domenico ViganolaWorld Bank Group, Enterprise Analysis

Does Better Access to Finance Help Firms Deal with COVID-19 Pandemic? Evidence from Firm-level Survey Data


September 29, 2021Nona Karalashvili, David Francis and Peter MurellWorld Bank Group, Enterprise Analysis & University of Maryland

Mapping the Landscape of Transactions: the Governance of Business Relations in Latin America


October 13, 2021Mohammad AminWorld Bank Group, Enterprise Analysis

Does Competition from Informal Firms Hurt Job Creation by Formal Firms?

Evidence Using Firm-Level Survey Data


November 10, 2021Asif Islam and Silvia MuziWorld Bank Group, Middle East and North Africa Region & Enterprise Analysis

Mobile Money and Investment by Women Businesses in Sub-Saharan Africa


December 8, 2021Pierre Bachas, Roberto N. Fatal-Jaef, Anders Jensen

World Bank Group, London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE)


Size-dependent tax enforcement and compliance: Global evidence and aggregate implications


January 19, 2022Stephie Fried and David LagakosArizona State University & Boston University

Electricity and Productivity: A General Equilibrium Approach 

Paper | Event Recording

February 16, 2022Frederic MeunierWorld Bank Group


Entrepreneurship Database Project and We-Data: How did the COVID-19 impact business formation around the world?

Event Recording

March 16, 2022Brian McCaig and Nina PavcnikWilfrid Laurier University & Dartmouth University


Entry and Exit of Informal Firms and Development

Paper | Event Recording

April 20, 2022Roberto N. Fattal Jaef, Kaleb Abreha, Xavier Cirera, Hibret Maemir and Elwyn DaviesWorld Bank Group


Deconstructing the Missing Middle: Informality and Firms' Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa

Paper | Event Recording

May 18, 2022Erica BosioWorld Bank Group

Procurement in Focus: Rules, Discretion, and Emergencies – A New eBook

Event Recording

Note: Information on upcoming events is subject to change.

Last Updated: Jun 06, 2024