Walthers will award two deserving students, each with a $2,500 scholarship to pursue a STEAM (science, technology, Engineering, Arts or Math) program at a two-year or four-year technical college or university.
Qualified applicants MUST meet the following criteria:
- 2024/25 high school senior or 2025 high school graduate residing in the United States.
- Have a 3.0 GPA or higher
- Plans to attend a two-year or four-year technical college or university during the 2024-25 school season with an intent to pursue a degree in one of the STEAM programs.
- Demonstrated participation in a model railroad youth activity program such as Youth in Model Railroading®, Scouts MRR program, 4H model railroading, MRR Youth clinics, active participant in building a home layout, or belong to an organized model railroad club.
- Write an essay describing their involvement in model railroading and how they feel it has benefited their education within one or more of the STEAM areas of interest.
- Include one reference that can attest to their involvement in model railroading activities. Walthers will be contacting the reference of selected finalists.
Read this entire application before proceeding to ensure that you are prepared and have all the required information to complete this form. You will not be able to save your application and edit it later. Walthers will be contacting reference of selected finalists only.
Please contact Karen Formico - karenf@walthers.com if you have any questions.