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part of Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1
RFC 2616 Fielding, et al.

17 References

Alvestrand, H., Tags for the Identification of Languages , RFC 1766, March 1995.
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ISO-8859. International Standard -- Information Processing -- 8-bit Single-Byte Coded Graphic Character Sets -- Part 1: Latin alphabet No. 1, ISO-8859-1:1987. Part 2: Latin alphabet No. 2, ISO-8859-2, 1987. Part 3: Latin alphabet No. 3, ISO-8859-3, 1988. Part 4: Latin alphabet No. 4, ISO-8859-4, 1988. Part 5: Latin/Cyrillic alphabet, ISO-8859-5, 1988. Part 6: Latin/Arabic alphabet, ISO-8859-6, 1987. Part 7: Latin/Greek alphabet, ISO-8859-7, 1987. Part 8: Latin/Hebrew alphabet, ISO-8859-8, 1988. Part 9: Latin alphabet No. 5, ISO-8859-9, 1990.
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Joe Touch, John Heidemann, and Katia Obraczka. Analysis of HTTP Performance , <URL: http://www.isi.edu/touch/pubs/http-perf96/>, ISI Research Report ISI/RR-98-463, (original report dated Aug. 1996), USC/Information Sciences Institute, August 1998.
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Troost, R., Dorner, S. and K. Moore, Communicating Presentation Information in Internet Messages: The Content-Disposition Header Field , RFC 2183, August 1997.