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ARIA WG F2F - Day 1

03 May 2023


Adam_Page, AndreaCardona, BenBeaudry, cyns, DanielMontalvo, DougGeoffray, JamesCraig, jamesn, JamesTeh, RashmiGarimella, SarahHigley, scotto, Spectranaut
Adam_Page, BenBeaudry, cyns, jcraig, sarah_higley, spectranaut_

Meeting minutes

What do. you want to work on this year for ARIA

spectranaut_: continue to work on testing for Core AAM and HTML AAM

continuing to improve the contribution process


<jcraig> s/Andrea: /Andrea: would love to help with contributing process/

Adam_Page: open PRs, aria-actions, WPT

sarah_higley: taking Adam_Page's freetime

sarah_higley: aria-actions, interactive lists, etc

<spectranaut_> sarah's interactive lists: w3c/aria#1884 (comment)

Matt_King: aria features: aria-actions, live regions and notifications, and finally dialog, in particular particularly non-modal or modeless dialogs

Matt_King: working on process to get both practices and WPT tests landed simultaneously with the spec change...

<spectranaut_> Matt_King also mentioned ARIA-AT tests

dmontalvo: 1.2 Rec process, ARIA-AT showing results now

cyns: interactive elements in general, in particular, AOM incubations, Open UI, overlap with ARIA, etc

cyns: Chrome implemementations, finding gaps between implementations, bringing more Googlers into the process of contributing

DG: Live Regions is the primary driver for my participation, joined because it's been overloaded for cases it wasn't designed for. Understanding users

DG: constantly hearing things like "the web doesn't do that".... Most web apps have very poor accessibility

DG: Would love to get the richness of desktop accessibility to the web

BenBeaudry: Live Regions, pushing in Edge and Chromium. New to this group, but not to Accessibility (in Chrome, etc)

BenBeaudry: want to push my boundaries to contribute to the design process...

BenBeaudry: all platforms... Mobile, Linux, etc. the web is the equalizer

BenBeaudry: need to rebuild expertise lost from people that have left recentlyt

jcraig: focused on testing. all the other wg builds these tests to make sure that it works in at least 2 implementations so that whenever there's a change to the specs we see the differences and where it breaks. we're just scratching the surface

jcraig: just the tip of the iceberg

jcraig: a related area I'm interested about is find a path forward for enabling all these tests and allow for relationships between nodes

jcraig: more to discuss in the meeting tomorrow

jamesn: excited about live regions.... likely a replacement

improvements to tables and grids... even HTML tables... would love to be able to do everything we need to for complex web apps

accessible dataviz

scotto: aria-actions and interactive lists.... composite widgets. fixing the implementation and UI paths

getting clarity around modeless/non-modal dialogs.... Notification API, etc

Agree with jamesn that a notification API can coexist with Live Regions

Open UI scope: are there new ways to think about old patterns like list boxes... Are there better patterns we could promote instead?

Siri: interested in polishing patterns/widgets like tables/grids

not well supported in all screen readers

determining commonly used widgets and patterns, to tackle the interaction problems

Rashmi: mostly how ARIA interacts with screen readers. Correcting the edge case problems.

spectranaut_: summarizing

focusing on the list that aren't slotted for discussion in this F2F

ARIA-AT tests

validation tests

exposure of more surface than currently testable

how to bring the richness of native to the web

polish of old patterns, and anti-patterns... Open UI is working on this to some degree

specific examples: interactive lists, tables and grids, dataviz, etc.

normalizing platform differences

how to facilitate and mentor the next generation and make sure knowledge isn't lost

<spectranaut_> documentation: https://github.com/w3c/aria/blob/main/documentation/tests.md

and https://github.com/w3c/aria/blob/main/documentation/wpt.md

<Zakim> cyns, you wanted to ask if we can put links to the various tests suites into the minutes?

cyns: old Edge tests not yet landed in WPT

jamesn: in terms of getting mentorship and new blood, I'm talking to A11yCamp Bay on Friday

open to suggestions for exciting topics to share

DG: re: live regions, devs will *think* they have written Live Regions well... How do they know? Are these in those tests?

Matt_King: ARIA-AT has manual tests for all manner of Live Region tests

Much is left up to implementations...

APG only has 3 or 4 Live Region tests?

Scott and Sarah also have live regions tests

DG: devs may be hesitant to throw excess notifications if they could see the excess of text thrown at the user

Matt_King: back-burner project... simplified accessibility tree and events would be a good visualization

<cyns> Old Edge WPT UIA Implementation tests for HTML MicrosoftEdge/a11y

<cyns> IIRC there were ARIA tests at one point, but they may be lost the sands

Matt_King: including live region "flashes"

jamesn: start with a UI for the tree

<cyns> Demo of Chrome Dev Tools A11y Tree viewer https://io.google/2022/program/84bda4d4-bdd9-418f-aa85-f6adbc9f50d8/

jcraig: re: DG's comment that web devs don't test live regions, imagine how foolish a web dev would be for writing CSS but never reloading the page to view it. That's how many web devs test accessibility. the flip side though is that you can't overload a new web dev with too much SR verbosity, or it will backfire and they'll react with fear rather than empathy.

jamesn: standards and wcag can be to blame for testers thinking verbosity needs to be high

re: live regions: don't overcomplicate the notification API with a requirement for Live region completeness

cyns: screen reader visualizer experience, could recruit others to build it

sarah_higley: visualizer could show when speech jobs get trampled with live regions

and other interaction problems
… edge cases re: live region queueing

spectranaut_: will make a visualizer dev tools issue in the tracker

spectranaut_: jamesn what about fixing tables

jamesn: wanted for a long time, particularly large tables offloaded to the servers, sectioning scrolls out of view, editable cells, virtualization…

<scotto> big +1 to how to exposed 'virtualized' content in a better way

trying to keep focus in the right part of the table while the virtualized tables are being re-rendered

sarah_higley: virtualization of tables should consider lists and other container types

Aaron: including more things in HTML, like keyboard interaction by default rather than accessibility-specific interfaces, so devs don't have to specialize

<Matt_King> Virtualization proposal https://github.com/MicrosoftEdge/MSEdgeExplainers/blob/main/Accessibility/VirtualContent/explainer.md

BenBeaudry: Matt_King was talking about ARIA virtual content.... I implemented support in Chromium. needed SR support

DG: concerns re: performance

Matt_King: read through this before the meeting time tomorrow

cyns: accessibleObject (abandoned API ) behind a flag in Chrome

jcraig: echo what doug mentioned, we talk about virtual content, performance was a concern. the other concern -- the reason we couldn't implement -- it violated the new html design principles -- strict guidance to never let the web know you are using assistive technology. actually that is impossible to prevent, too many heuristic ways to know this. this has made it difficult to explore many new ideas.

<jcraig> scotto: consider attribute parity with HTML

<jcraig> HTML has a partial solution to virtualization with the lazy attributes.... What if we leveraged existing or created new HTML features

<jcraig> Matt_King: many problems we are discussing are so magnificent in size, if we can focus all our efforts on them one at a time, we could solve them in sequence

<jcraig> jamesn: BREAK until 10:30 AM Pacific (14m)

Introduction/Overview of Automated Testing

<jamesn> w3c/aria#1879

jcraig: I work on a11y standards at Apple in San Jose, I used this to explain to my team what I'd been working on for a couple months

jcraig: I updated it to share more details on the history of WPT and where I'd like this to go, and at the end it trails into demos

jcraig: ask questions, feel free to interrupt

jcraig: cross-browser a11y automation is what I'll call this effort. I wanted to explain what we're talking about, because automation and accessibility automation means different things to different people

jcraig: tech stack: we have the web author and end user. The web author is most of you, and most of us are end users as well. Some of us are end users with ATs too

jcraig: the web author writes some framework that gets to the web platform as HTML CSS and JS. This is interpreted by the rendering engine. For apple this is Safari, for others this is Chromium

jcraig: Inside that browser stack is the implementation, we refer to this as WebCore. This handles events like mouse clicks and key presses, output like rendering pixels

jcraig: it handles a bunch of background API like XHR requests, etc.

jcraig: when you get into a11y, the stack is a bit different. Inside the rendering engine is another portion of it that runs on demand, and some of it overlaps. In webkit, this is WebCore/Accessibility. In Chromium it used to be similar

jcraig: this takes all of what the browser has rendered on the screen, and turns it into its own internal model of an a11y tree with events and things, and exposes it to the platform. In Mac this is AX API, on Windows this is IA2, UIA, etc.

jcraig: switch controls, screen readers, ATs interface with that and present it to the user.

Matt_King: on these slides do you have graphical representations?

jcraig: yes, want more detail?

Matt_King: no, I've had to explain the same stuff to other non-accessibility people, wondering if the slides are shareable

jcraig: I can share a PDF version of this

jcraig: let me double check

Matt_King: I imagine there's other people who also need to explain this

(general agreement)

jcraig: there are a lot of pieces to this stack on screen. Feels like 20 years ago no one was doing automated testing with the web platform, but more and more pieces have been possible with automation

jcraig: I"ll explain the web automation stack next

jcraig: started with platform-specific automation. This is why UIA is named UI Automation. Apple has its own automation framework

jcraig: now a native app dev would use something like XCUI tests for XCode tests, these leverage the platform a11y api

jcraig: there are general component versions of this. Right now a third party dev can't automate someone else's app, so you can't automate VoiceOver except for the APpleScript bridge, but we have our own solution for automating our own products

jcraig: likewise, most people probably thought of these client automation tools like axe-core.

spectranaut_: we call these the validator tests

jcraig: does your DOM structure comply with WCAG, these sort of things

jcraig: WebDriver, Selenium started off as this sort of thing as well before they moved into the browser

jcraig: for Windows there's another little arrow I'm missing that comes from this AT over here into the WebCore implementation

jcraig: it doesn't work that way on mac, but it does on Windows

Matt_King: JAWS is using IA2 and UIA and MSAA, they're not processing the DOM

jcraig: let's not divert into that

jcraig: those are the two platform-specific, client automation

jcraig: there's also engine internal automation. In webkit, most are in this section called Layout Tests, There are 82000 tests, in Chromium there are probably (missed number)

jcraig: all these engines are duplicating the work. Webkit, Chromium, Gecko, all have these thousands of tests

jcraig: sounds like a lot, until you realize how web platform tests has 1.8mil tests

jcraig: Up until now the only a11y things they were doing crash tests. Val added these IDL tests for ARIA

jcraig: someone wrote those in the past year or two. Not testing the accessibility internals, only testing that this works

jcraig: look up Acid3 tests, with a weird css smiley face

jcraig: that wasn't specific to a11y. But all the automation tests are in these LayoutTests

jcraig: the cross-browser automation project is a collab between w3c and a whole lot of other entitites

jcraig: 1.8 million tests, with a whole bunch of features. Shadow DOM, css, etc. Not a lot about a11y

jcraig: been around for about 10 years, only 3 years ago they started this project called Interop

<jcraig> “WPT Interop 2023 is a cross-browser effort to improve the interoperability of the web — to reach a state where each [Web API] works exactly the same in every browser.”

<jcraig> https://wpt.fyi/interop-2023

Matt_King: what does works exactly the same mean?

jcraig: heh

jcraig: I'll come back to that in a demo

jcraig: this (graph) was as of this week or last week. Webkit and Edge keep leapfrogging eachother

jcraig: there are lines for each of the different implementations up until May, now

jcraig: Chrome, firefox, safari, and interop

jcraig: axes are months in 2023, Y is percentage towards 100

jcraig: this is a selection of features that devs agreed on we would work towards interop this year

jcraig: the interop line is lower than the browsers, at 73% passing interop

jcraig: the features include inert, flexbox, etc. 73% of those are passing in all implementations

jcraig: the browsers are in the high 90s, interop in high 80s at end of last year

jcraig: we all compete to be the best and work together along the way

jcraig: someone said let's get a standardized a11y tree, and everyone said that's not gonna happen but love the enthusiasm

jcraig: so working together to get more a11y testing

jcraig: went to browser testing and tools group to say we need more api, and browser testing & tools said make it a DOM extension. I said no, we got computed role and (??) out of that

jcraig: based on that, I started shopping it around, Alice was at google and said it'll be really tedious to write webdriver tests for everything in WPT and others had the same concerns. So I wrote a testdriver wrapper around webdriver that simplifies the test writing

jcraig: it still uses webdriver behind the scenes, but makes it a lot easier to write tests

jcraig: literally one line of js

jcraig: I've tried to write tests to make sure they all work, I haven't written comprehensive tests because I want all of you to write them with me. But there are now a few hundred more tests in WPT in the last couple months

jcraig: (listing browser passing numbers)

jcraig: all hitting around 90% of these tests

jcraig: firefox is way down below, but that's because they're working on adding support for these new webdriver props. Jamie Teh is making great progress

<jcraig> Cite: https://wpt.fyi/results/?label=master&label=experimental&aligned&q=path:/accessibility or path:/accname or path:/html-aam or path:/wai-aria or path:/html/dom/aria-element-reflection.html

<jcraig> https://wpt.fyi/results/?label=master&label=experimental&aligned&q=path%3A%2Faccessibility%20or%20path%3A%2Faccname%20or%20path%3A%2Fhtml-aam%20or%20path%3A%2Fwai-aria%20or%20path%3A%2Fhtml%2Fdom%2Faria-element-reflection.html

jcraig: this is a subview in these tests inside the WAI ARIA tests

jcraig: all of them are passing basic.html, getting some differences in roles.html, safari has 2 bugs, chrome and edge have some bugs with synonym roles

jcraig: filed these in browser trackers and re-associated them with this triage view in the WPT dashboard. It's a cool view, you can see all a11y tests and see where browser diffs lie

jcraig: benefits are that literally thousands of a11y tests are now unblocked. Specifically computedRole and ComputedLabel, but there are thousands with those

jcraig: bugs have been discovered and resolved in webkit, chromium, and gecko. Also found spec ambiguities

jcraig: one of the reasons I'm so excited about this is there are new incentives for writing these tests I didn't see before. Browser engineers always had incentives to write these tests, but before it was easier to write interal tests than WPT tests

jcraig: but spec authors and w3c contribs had incentives to write it

jcraig: now the change is web devs who find this weird a11y edge case bug and need to file issues in browsers, and it's really complicated to find a process to write tests. So there's a lot of incentive to write one tests and get it running, submit to WPT, spawn all these bugs, and once it's fixed they shouldn't regress

jcraig: so it's a lot of incentive for the web devs to take over this

jcraig: next steps are that there are more tests currently in review, hundreds more coming. Nolan has a manual test last year that's updated to an automated test this year for shadow dom slots

jcraig: I'm in the moment recruiting other stakeholders to write more tests. Want to extend beyond role and label, Scott mentioned role and attr parity, that could be through ARIA or this other AOM issue

<jcraig> WICG/aom#197

jcraig: the AOM issue is computed accessible node

jcraig: potentially this could be an accessibility focus area for 2024. This work doesn't contribute to that final score yet, can't test implementations against eachother since there are known diffs

jcraig: let's go into demos

jcraig: WPT github dashboard

jcraig: URL is wpt.fyi, these are all the 1.8 mil tests. You'd be tempted to go into accessibility, but most of them are not

jcraig: it's considered an antipattern to put things in there. If tehre's a spec, it should be in a top-level spec directory. There's a top-level accname and html-aam directory. At the bottom there's a wai-aria directory

jcraig: there will be more in here for svg-aria and svg-aam, but those are draft PRs now

Matt_King: what are those in the a11y folder, e.g. crash tests

jcraig: those are specific crashes that occured during implementation

spectranaut_: Aaron wrote them!

jcraig: thanks for writing these, I went in and filed a webkit bug because there were more crashes in firefox and safari. There isn't a spec associated with crashing, so those are in the accessibility dir

jcraig: I have this search query to get all teh current a11y tests, I pasted in earlier

jcraig: this is not a permanent link because I don't know how to get regex working in the query. This is just the paths I knew about at the time. Includes crash tests, accname, html-aam

jcraig: and the new aria tests too

jcraig: if you dig into accname or aria you see a manual dir. I put them there because they're not being maintained

spectranaut_: they are being maintained by me

jcraig: you run them?

spectranaut_: yeah, we have hacked-together tools to run them. It's a long story for another day

jcraig: OK, valerie is running the one implementation

spectranaut_: only html-aam and core-aam

jcraig: that's the thing that runs the client server and etc etc?

spectranaut_: no actually, I have to look at the manual tests in ARIA, nvm. I was thinking about html-aam and core-aam

jcraig: the stack to set it up is really complicated

spectranaut_: the html-aam and core-aam are maintained

jcraig: anyway they're manual and not run by the dashboard implementation

jcraig: so some of them could be converted, and when converted I'd expect them to be deleted in the manual, and created as a new test outside of the manual tests. Currently not adding to any of the numbers

jcraig: in ARIA, good news. Besides the firefox stuff jamie is working on , we have high levels of pass rates across all implementations. Couple bugs I mentioned, we can go into those

jcraig: if you click on roles.html you can see specific results for each, you can see passing for alert, alertdialog, etc. All missing results in FF, one failure in Safari -- no two. Wanted you to see there's a switch abve the table called show details

jcraig: increased cursor size makes it easier to see

jcraig: showing us all his computer display settings

jcraig: cursor doesn't show up on the shared screen! New bug to file

jcraig: in details, see associated bugs

jcraig: anyone who are listed as reviewers have access to triage mode, and you can click on any failing cell and click triage and add bug. Be careful adding the bug because you can't take it out afterwards

jcraig: don't do it unless you're sure that's the right bug

jcraig: in html-aam tests --

jcraig: we have yellow and red in html-aam, there's quite a bit more here with associated bugs. So table roles, you can see there are one, the bug for rowgroup

jcraig: so this is how the dashboard works in WPT

jcraig: next is interop a11y investigation. This is a github project, check the issues list. Issue 3 is the scoring criteria

jcraig: we meet once a month, and decided how to measure the success rate, decide what to tests, how to test it. Have it running in chrome and webkit. Gecko isn't done yet

jcraig: remaining portions are all based on writing these tests and getting them running. A handful are completed

jcraig: all these other tests in accname and role are things you all can take

jcraig: tried to separate them out so it's easy for someone to take them on as an issue and PR

jcraig: some of the other things include things like computed parent and children, that's an AOM issue

jcraig: note to anyone here for anyone who works for a big org. Some grey areas with WPT and IPR. Whoever owns github/web-platform-tests isn't assocated with that, so there isn't an IPR policy

jcraig: so if there's an API discussion that should happen in a w3c group, or html. Just tests are OK, but discussion should not happen in this repo because it's ambiguous what that would mean for your company's IPR

jcraig: (listing issues in accname)

jcraig: there are running tests for these, but they're usually just a single test

jcraig: interop 2023 dashboard

jcraig: I mentioned the diff between focus areas and implementation areas.

jcraig: inert is at 100%, wooooooooo

jcraig: as of the most recent Safari tech preview, we're at 100% inert tests

jamesn: does that mean we're not testing enough?

jcraig: probably

jcraig: in stable inert is still down at 94%, because of safari. But at experimental has 100%

jcraig: in a11y testing you can see the investigation is at 60% and that's based on that earlier criteria

jcraig: chrome jumped ahead, (reading %'s of each browser in dashboard)

jcraig: I'm going to run some tests now

jcraig: and then show some tests, because I think that's powerful as well

jcraig: (running accname tests in fully white terminal with black text on screen)

(now jcraig has a black terminal with green text)

spectranaut_: old hacker imagery

jcraig: back on topic

jcraig: so there's going to be a bunch of spew on screen, most of it is normal

jcraig: it's popping up browser windows, running tests in the accname dir, it's completed now

jcraig: the important part here is this bock of text saying ran X checks, subtests, tests. Expected results 31, unexpected results 1

jcraig: that matches the dashboard, so that's accurate

jcraig: the last line of text is the run script has some args. accname is the path, and before that is safari. Can replace safari with chrome, and now it runs for chrome

jcraig: this is running locally on my machine, on my copy of chrome and my copy of safari tech preview

Matt_King: so you can only test things on your machine? not the windows version?

jcraig: this should be the same because it's testing browser internals

jcraig: I'm just going to run one of these, the one that failed

jcraig: which test failed is in the logout

jcraig: running that with the test path

jcraig: the difference will be that it pauses that test in the window with it open

jcraig: running one a time pauses with the window open

jcraig: you get a popup when you try to interact with a window controlled by automation

(jcraig being evil and making people guess what to click in the popup)

jcraig: you all should read the documentation tonight

jcraig: click stop session in the dialog

jcraig: (reading message in the test details)

jcraig: also going to show you -- that was running locally -- when you instantiate a PR you can see the results online in a different interface

jcraig: this is one of the issues where I noticed there were ambiguities in the way SVG defined these roles, differences between chrome and webkit

jcraig: in order to inform that discussion I wrote a PR with a new test. (showing the PR diff)

jcraig: I put in what webkit is returning in data-expectedrole. The script is AriaUtils.verifyRoleBySelector

jcraig: it compares the computed role (not the role) against what I defined as the expected role

jcraig: to see the results, go to conversation review, in the checks usually the last three are the experimental results for chrome, ff, and safari.

jcraig: I click on the results from safari, and you can see 3/3 passed, there's a visual comparison of the results

jcraig: before the tests there were no results, after the tests all three pass

jcraig: going back to chrome's view, 0/3 passed in the visual comparison

jcraig: if you click show details you get the entire fail message, including markup and expectation vs. result

jcraig: so this is an area where the spec is ambiguous

jcraig: so my call to action: if you are interested in writing or running tests tomorrow, please read the documentation tonight and get it running tonight

jcraig: I can help if you have a mac. If you have a windows machine or chromebook or linux I'm not the one to ask

jcraig: try to get your machine configured tonight, I"ll paste in docs links

<jcraig> https://github.com/w3c/aria/blob/main/documentation/wpt.md

jcraig: this is what worked for me on my mac, the second link has more info for other systems

jcraig: (going through the info in the doc)

jcraig: there's a lot of documentation not in the wiki, but in the source itself.

jcraig: in accessibility, in addition to crash tests there's a readme

jcraig: it says not to use this directory

jcraig: in accname, I added a name dir for the name computation. At some point we'll have computed description and can add a dir for that

jcraig: lots of files for comp_tooltip, etc

jcraig: embedded control was failing, let's look

jcraig: in the file there are a lot of TODOs, that's a good action

jcraig: you can take this on and fill it out

jcraig: we can get you added to that project

jcraig: I could do it myself, but I want you all to do the work

jcraig: there's a readme in name that breaks down how the files are named

jcraig: there are some noops, but there are files for others, etc. etc.

jcraig: this is my readme of how I broke up accname into specific test files

jcraig: in wai-aria I want to point you at a few things. The role dir, which has a basic test. you can ignore the promise_test block. That's the original way to do it, but most tests don't use that, they use one of the convenience methods in AriaUtils

jcraig: I left the basic tests as a simple one that doesn't rely on that

jcraig: there's a readme in wai-aria, it's markdown, (reading the readme)

jcraig: you all should review the aria-utils.js if you're familiar with javascript in scripts/

jcraig: (talking through script) should keep complete list of roles in this file

live regions

<sarah_higley> jcraig: should keep a complete list of roles in this file

DG: Community feedback survey from Microsoft - voice of screen reader users, voice of deverlopers, voice of screen reader vendors

DG: Screen reader users were all Windows, would like input from other platforms

DG: also interviewed screen-reader vendors for deeper feedbak

DG: User feedback

DG: 1. Interruptions

DG: NVDA doesn't even represent Live Regions to Braille users

<DougGeoffray> Screen reader users are frustrated with irrelevant interruptions and want more control NVDA is filtering live regions from braille because of the overuse/misuse causing correctly used CoA to be missed Live regions are inconsistently implemented across browsers, screen readers, and web developers (have poor developer ergonomics) DOM-based notifications are buggy in a few ways: Inserting visually hidden live region text near the relevan[CUT]

<sarah_higley> (con't): Inserting visually hidden live region text near the relevant control means that text is separately discoverable by screen reader users with their virtual cursor. ​ Site-wide live region systems often manage and insert live regions in a specific area of the DOM (often at the end), which can fail when users open a modal dialog. ​ Difficult for screen readers to know how to expose the DOM information ​

<sarah_higley> Live Regions lack richness (no context, interpretation of how to build the string, and primitive prioritization) for screen readers. ​ Developers are asking for a better answer than live regions for a reliable and consistent accessibility experience for users​ Screen reader developers want better guidance on what is expected behavior

<sarah_higley> Notification API: https://wicg.github.io/aom/notification-api.html

<sarah_higley> google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17kKNoCIoMSFMFicz0wSQR-PHWHfHGYfz1WdtHMYyrhE/edit?usp=sharing

Matt_King: ARIA-AT says that it SR shouldn't say "alert". role=alert is the only way to get live region behavior across all browser/at

jcraig: role=timer is supposed to be aria-live=none, not announce unless focused, but not always implemented that way

DG: All screen-readers behave differently

DG: A programatic way to filter by notification type

<sarah_higley> https://github.com/WICG/aom/issues

<sarah_higley> WICG/aom#187

DG: Goals of API

<sarah_higley> Improve end user experience:​ Consistent and predictable experience​ More control over what and how to consume notifications​ Filtering / Repeat / Jump to / Less disruptive​ Empower screen readers developers:​ Unambiguous string​ Context​ Grouping of notifications​ Improved Prioritization / interrupting guidance​ ​ Empower web/browser developers:​ Offer an alternative to “offscreen live region” scena[CUT]

DG: Improve user experience, empower screen reader developers, empower web/browser developers

<sarah_higley> has easy-to-use developer ergonomics​ solves the consistency and predictability problems of live regions​ Provide a design framework for improvements to live regions as a “declarative version” of the notification API.

<sarah_higley> Notification API - Summary: New API ariaNotify()​ Allows authors to directly tell screen reader what to read​ No return value, no inference of assistive technology​ Independent arrays/queues​ Labels for screen reader context​ Processing recommendations / restrictions

<sarah_higley> Notifications are placed into a document or individual element arrays (Queues)​ ​The document, and each element in the DOM have separate pending notification arrays​ No guarantee which array is processed first​ Only guarantee is items within an array are processed in the given order​ ​ Screen readers are not permitted to re-order the notifications within a p

<sarah_higley> (con't) Screen readers are not permitted to re-order the notifications within a pending notification array–they may only pull from the service end of such arrays

Matt_King: I don't think of things in a document as temporal. Is this a queue?

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to ask how this API solves some of the other use case problems you mentioned, such as how/where to act on the notification and to say, ah, the issue doesn't specify that this is on any element, not just document.

Matt_king: sent element bold on and then element bold off quickly (e.g. ctrl+b twice) - where does the first one go?

craig: There are things in the visual UI like a menu flash. Notification could come from the state change of the bold button.

jcraig: this javascript API would pass it's results to the relevant platform accessibility API.

DG: UIA, for example, has a rich notification API with more options that assertive|polite

<jcraig> https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiaccessibilityannouncementnotification?language=objc

<jcraig> https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/nsaccessibilityannouncementrequestednotification?language=objc

Matt_King are these labels standardized tokens or a freeform string that will have to be standardized elsewhere

DG: token lists always fall short. screen readers already script for individual apps

jcraig: I'm not comfortable with screen readers talking directly to web pages

matt_king: explore something similar to role and role-description

<sarah_higley> Notification API - Labels​: Each notification can have a label (unique or not)​ Labels provide context to the screen reader allowing users flexibility on how the notification is handled (filter / speech vs. braille / sound effects, etc.)

jamie: asking jcraig, is that really that different than voice-over custom labels?

jcraig: voice-over custom labels do filtering, not direct web page interaction

aaron: worried about proliferation. 15 chat programs shouldn't have 15 different behaviors for "user joins a chat". but now I'm ok with it, maybe standardize later

aaron: maybe call it somehthing other than label because it's not read to user

matt_king: so users can't block based on what they hear?

DG: block types of notification

jamesn: doesn't w3c have a place to put a list of conventions? Could use that for categories of notifications?

jcraig: notification calls are identified as task, progress, finished - but would be connected to a string like "file one downloaded"

jcraig: we should separate user-presented notification strings from system notifications (e.g. VoiceOver screen-changed notification is not exposed to user)

jcraig: context we've addressed in other ways with things like braille-description - should tweaks for different AT modalities be part of this

jcraig: started with lowest common denominator API, but now it seems like other types of notification use cases are piled on

DG: not sure why having more api is better?

DG: want to keep it simple and clear

jcraig: it seems less simple to have a bunch of different behaviors and a registry that's a parameter this seemingly simple api

cyns: API question: there is an interest tension, you can have an API that is seemingly simple, but if it has a huge list of "ids"

DougGeoffray: So you want an api that sends a string, and api that has specialized...

<spectranaut_> cyns: I think I'm trying to say this is not a simple API

jcraig: a simple one that just sends a string seems good for basic use case

jcraig: but if there's a different type of notification, like a system notification like a screen change, or a type of notification that users might want to suppress

adam_page: regarding potential proliferation, novice user might want to filter wihtout having to understand nuances of different types of notifications. Can we make isimpler for users to filter at a higher level

adam: user intent is different than interupt

DG: with screen-reader background, might have profiles for different apps and mapped into verbosity

cyns: built into browser so that less popular apps that there aren't scripts for seems better

matt_king: need to workshop these things individually with more time than we have here

matt_king: jcraig was talking about system notifications. I thought this wasn't for system events, just for things the web author thinks might need to be announced. Is it more general? How is it different than state chagne events and other stuff in core-aam?

DG: jcraig, are screen-change events coming from the web page of the system?

jcraig: when you change views, there's a UI Accessibility change event notification. Voiceover plays an earcon

jcraig: events in this doc are task start, task end, bold start, bold end (menu state change)

matt_king: from web author point of view looking at this api, are these things that are going to get spoken, or are they about other kinds of notifications

jcraig: api passes strings

matt_king: lets think about whether this should have different methods, and not complicate this for web authros

jamie: baseline for API is that we pass a string that should be announced. It can have parameters that user or AT vendor can choose to do something with it

jamie: this api is about announcing messages. first parameter should never be empty.

<jamesn> s/set the topic: aria live regions/topic: aria live regions/

jcraig: use ID to group announcements from one element, only play the last one, but not suppress all notifications

matt_king: if notification is on container, messages will be on the same element

matt_king: screen-reader should manage this

matt_king: only announce when it has focus

sarah_higley: I think we're getting a lot into how screen readers could use these IDs. Somehting with a lot of notifications like a chat app needs to be managed through the app. SR management should be more an out

sarah_higley: value here is for authors to be able to have an easy way to clear a que of certain types of messages. Not necessarily a way for end users to manage notifications

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to say remember this should not be specific to SRs

jcraig: not only for screen-readers - useful for other kinds of AT. Zoomed in with ZoomText or HoverText for example with an out-of-view visual notification, move the banner for the notification into your view

DG: back to the slides

DG: Notification API Array priorities

DG: insert message at beginning, end of array, clear array

matt_king: platform API needs to have the richness to manage it

cyns: where does this array live? In the browser? In the platform AAPI?

DG: in the platform AAPI

DG: Notification API - processing recommendations/restrictions slide

DG: Developer feedback to address

DG: should you support SSML? SR vendors nervous about that

DG: should it support braille strings? SR vendors - don't block on it

DG: SR vendors want better guidance, better docs

DG: Better maginifier interaction

DG: make queues easier to implement

DG: Call to Action

DG: does feedback resonate?

DG: more feedback - what about spam?

<Zakim> jamesn, you wanted to ask are we missing the simplest possible use case. Often we need a notification just to confirm that the action the user did actually succeeded. It really doesn't need a message. Is this something different?

jamesn: we hear from developers that they want to be able to announce task succes/failure

DG: guidance - if focus doesn't change, then announce

jamie: I have concerns about the array concept, too implementation specific

jamie: horrified by implementation example of custom list box. should just use aria

<jamesn> +1000

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to ask about the component scope of notifications, can one part of the page clear the queue from another part? and to address the "don't want to hold up the API" comment

jcraig: component scope of notifications. Should one component be able to clear notifications from another?

jcraig: let's be sure that we're launching something good, not just fast

DG: Can some features be in stages

<Zakim> cyns_, you wanted to ask about guidelines for AT

jcraig: as long as it's strucutred so that we can add things in a way that

matt_king: we are getting feedback in aria-at that guidance is helpful

jamie: it seems that the tone is chaging on that

Secondary Actions

sarah_higley: bit of an overview for folks who have’t followed along or forgotten
… secondary actions are additional actions on a primary action, such as a tabset, where tabs are the primary actions and [ Close tab ] are a secondary
… or a list item, with secondary actions of favorite, share, etc.
… or in MS Teams, a list of meeting participants, each one of which has secondary actions of mute, etc.
… in composite widget roles, there is currently no mechanism to add secondary operations
… you can’t have children interactive items, or non-interactive items in a menu
… there’s no reliable way to semantically create that UI
… there’s a recently merged PR to change the definition of “required owned element” and “required context role”
… define the specifics of what the DOM tree needs to look like for a menu
… e.g., a menu can’t be nested inside a listbox inside a menu
… there is explicitly no room to add an additional button inside the menu
… i also have a test page
… there are other use cases for this beyond composite widgets, such as video to mute/unmute, play/pause, etc. without needing to navigate to associated buttons
… there is a lot of discussion for this in issue #1440. There’s a draft PR #1805


… context menu is not a substitute for secondary actions because 1) keyboard access is not universal, 2) does not solve visual/DOM presence of nested actions, 3) less discoverable
… for sighted users, secondary actions are often visibly much more discoverable
… in VoiceOver, the actions rotor could be a place for secondary actions to be surfaced, as one example

Jamie: Talkback also has an actions menu

Matt_King: it’s crazy hard to get to

Jamie: 100%

sarah_higley: aria-details is another thing that exists and is similar to secondary actions
… has browser and some screen reader support already
… the main difference between aria-actions and aria-details — similar in the abstract, but with different concrete UX needs
… so the proposal is `aria-actions="[id list]"`
… may reference any element with a widget role, exclude container roles (e.g. menuitem but not menu)
… controls references by aria-actions MUST be visible and activatable when the referencing element is focused or is the current active descendant of a focused element
… elements referenced by aria-actions do not participate in accname
… elements references by aria-actions are allowed children of their referencing element, or that element’s parents
… two options: 1) all nameable roles (with potential exceptions), 2) all elements of the base markup (with specific exceptions)
… not `presentation` or `none`, for example
… `generic` is an open question

Jamie: why do we need to change the naming spec? it feels like there could be cases where we do want them to be included in accname
… author in a tweet for example, becomes an action so you can get to that person
… why not aria-labelledby “yourself”

sarah_higley: the idea was name from content should just work
… vast majority of time, I’d expect you wouldn’t want them to participate in accname
… mute button would exist on every person in a meeting, for example

Matt_King: could we invert and recommend manual labeling when it’s desirable?

Jamie: yeah, understood, we just need to be sure we accommodate aria-labelledby

sarah_higley: yes, and it will only affect name from content
… the attribute is on the element whose accessible name it affects

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to react to cyns_

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to mention frozen element array element.ariaActionsElements

jcraig: in theory, this is futureproof for shadow DOM because reflected DOM property would be AriaActionsElements
… so two thumbs up from me

sarah_higley: yes, should reflect similarly to others

Matt_King: this might be controversial
… I’m leery of current scoping
… want to challenge “anything that is nameable”
… if we do that, and the action button that has to be visible, there are a lot of nameable containers that don’t get focus in any screen readers
… a landmark, for instance
… does that mean the custom action for that landmark is exposed on every single child?

sarah_higley: no

<Zakim> jamesn, you wanted to react to Matt_King

sarah_higley: take a dialog
… a dialog could have a close actions
… there’d still be a visible button
… like an alert dialog, or another dialog that has no interactive items
… so prohibiting aria-actions on dialogs _seems_ like a bad idea?

Matt_King: I’m leaning toward prohibiting in that case *would* be a good idea
… what’s the value to the screen reader user?
… elements that do the actions are things that are present and focusable

Jamie: it would be easier to prohibit for now and then add other use cases later
… address the use cases that we care about the most

Matt_King: exactly, be conservative here so we don’t have to backtrack
… I have another concern about screen readers that don’t change their virtual cursor focus
… if you have actions in a tablist on the tabs, and you’re reading through the tabs, where would focus go for one of those screen readers?

sarah_higley: it’s a tradeoff
… requiring all actions to be present in the DOM is a lot of weight
… especially for a grid, and goes against common interaction patterns

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to explain the "secondary" context and Matt's "prohibition"

jcraig: these are intended as “secondary” actions
… the actions rotor came about in iOS to expose some of these easy access methods that were accessible through some other means
… e.g., you’re in the Mail app on the phone. You can certainly go into the message to find secondary operations. But can be tedious, so we added gestures, etc. for easier exposure of those.
… the action rotor has the same intention
… a number of ways to get to the same action
… the intention is to be a convenience; not the *only* way to get to the action
… the bit about “prohibition” where I disagree is I want ARIA primitives that are simple to understand and simple to use
… fewer conditions for the author
… authors are going to make mistakes
… we shouldn’t design an API to be overly complicated so that only experts can figure out how to make it work
… the detail on how this action is exposed doesn’t require that a screen reader should be able to land on this container
… let’s say we’re in Gmail, I should be able to easily delete a focused message
… another example is a video container
… play/pause or change audio track is something you can do from anywhere within the container
… I like the idea of a primitive actions menu that works in any scenario
… there’ll always be some web author that comes up with a great example that could break our conditions

sarah_higley: I do have a slide for decisions to make which touches on this

scotto: you can’t put a button inside a button because the parser will just kick that button out
… there may need to be additional work with HTML
… not necessarily a parser change
… some sort of communication to let them know about a feature like this
… there is a potential feature or guidance that we need to consider bubbling up to the HTML spec
… so that when people do use this and they do try to misuse it, we should be able to explain why and what they should be doing instead

sarah_higley: in Office desktop, the font color “split button” — you press the button to change to the last chosen one, OR open a menu of all colors
… that’s kind of a button inside a button

Matt_King: the same way we have aria-selected, you can’t put it on all nameable elements. You could maybe make an argument that that policy was a mistake, but that’s the reality
… I look at this the same way
… I’m concerned about the idea that you could have aria-actions on an element that is spoken but not a navigable stop in the DOM
… and maybe this is the time to suggest that certain screen readers need to change how they behave
… but we’d need to pull them in

sarah_higley: I can see a potential SR mechanism for aria-actions. Right now it’s a semantic convenience, but you could have a SR key to pull up actions, similar to rotor, which would autofocus the control
… focusing the control could enable access to the secondary actions
… say you navigate to the primary action with your virtual cursor, the SR sees aria-actions, and can then present secondary actions

Jamie: for me the main question is — VO in iOS also doesn’t present landmarks as a navigable stop
… it worries me to allow something to be broad and then a situation where authors will say browser/AT aren’t complying with the spec, but they’re reasonably saying it’s impossible
… the fact we can’t spitball a good UX for this is a red flag

Jamie: we should start with a narrow, concrete use case and not be too permissive at first

jcraig: we’ve already got this video example, where the container has no role, but it would benefit from aria-actions, as broadly spec’d already

Jamie: well, video is an interactive thing

jamesn: we could limit it to interactive elements only

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to suggest this should change element continuations

sarah_higley: we could conceive a third policy option

jcraig: certainly this should not allow a literal <button> inside a <button>; aria-actions shouldn’t require a change to the HTML parser

sarah_higley: I do want to resolve this so that we can bring it to SR vendors
… and this will come up again later in the slides, so we can pick it up then

DougGeoffray: why does a SR user need to be notified that a secondary action exists?

jcraig: a sighted user can see these quickly, but a SR user otherwise would need to navigate around to know what’s available

Matt_King: there are situations where I’ve used the VO rotor feature and it _is_ useful, but there are also situations where it’s super confusing
… like in the case of email, if there could be actions on something that’s inside the email versus the email itself

Jamie: it also creates a lot of verbosity
… every single node in my email has an action on it, which can be deeply frustrating
… polluting the usefulness of an API. If everyone is seeing actions all the time, then it starts to become useless

sarah_higley: I’ll get through the rest, and then let’s come back to this
… Privacy
… jcraig and I discussed privacy implications at TPAC, but essentially our conclusion is that it does not introduce more risk than we already have
… for the underlying implementation, aaron can talk more about this
… but the proposal is that we can use the aria-details mapping

aaronlev: well, wanted to do that initially, but now am thinking it‘s too complicated
… so if we do it a nice, new, clean way, it’ll just be a bit longer for all users to have access to the feature

sarah_higley: this would be core-AAM and not ARIA

Matt_King: I think we’re gonna get good support for this out of the gate

Jamie: the mobile web sucks without this

jcraig: and we can already implement behind a flag without agreeing on all of the specific details

sarah_higley: nevermind on the aria-details mapping :-)

sarah_higley: another implementation detail is that we have an author SHOULD requirement for aria-keyshortcuts
… or a MUST aria-keyshortcuts _or_ some other keyboard access
… to expose keyboard activation hints
… for tabs in a context like VS Code, tab close buttons are not closeable

Jamie: I like this requirement

Matt_King: that’s not how aria-keyshortcuts works right now; currently, you put it on the target of the shortcut (i.e., the primary action)

Jamie: so better to have that on the secondary action targets

sarah_higley: let me pull up actual proposed wording
… my goal was not to be too prescriptive in how you access the secondary actions, just to ensure that there is keyboard operability

Matt_King: does the language say “the target action must be *focusable*?”

sarah_higley: no, need to be clickable but not focusable
… either need to 1) be able to navigate to it the DOM, or 2) activate it with keyboard

jcraig: re: privacy, the secondary actions must be visible and clickable to ensure that the API doesn't 'out' the user. Ideally it will look indistinguishable to the web app from a mainstream mouse click.

sarah_higley: aria-actions won’t require that secondary actions are descendants of the referring element

jcraig: one example: little hover buttons in Gmail; they need to be visible at the time they’re triggered
… alternative example, GitHub inbox: always visible bulk operation for multiple selected items in the inbox

Jamie: in that case, we do need to specify
… a practica example: social media
… you’ve got Like, Reply, React
… all these buttons after every single post

Matt_King: iOS Mail experience would be a great use case for us to put in the APG to clarify aria-actions usage and behavior

andrea_cardona: could you clarify the privacy concerns?

sarah_higley: we can’t have a situation where a SR user could activate a feature that a non-AT user *couldn’t*, otherwise they can be identified as an AT user

cyns: disability is sensitive PII

<Zakim> cyns, you wanted to ask if we should provide authors a way to specify the focus behavior if they want, and have a reasonable default that's controlled by either the browser or the AT?

cyns: maybe this proposal already covers this, but it sounds like we need a way for authors to specify how these show up, and a reasonable default if they don’t?

sarah_higley: yes
… it should be flexible
… if you wanted to avoid verbose announcement of actions, you could use aria-hidden
… but the *existence* of actions would still be announced

cyns: can this be made easier for developers as well as for their customers?
… seems like there’s an opportunity

Jamie: I agree
… I don’t think aria-hidden is the right solution
… if you manage to tab to something that’s aria-hidden, it’s not a good experience
… then we’d also need an entirely different way to implement, since aria-hidden is excluded from accessibility tree
… there needs to be a concept of “it’s not hidden, but it needs to be navigable”

Matt_King: the solution could be that it must be a descendant of the element?

jcraig: could be a non-default SR preference, like “automatically action elements that are also descendants”

jcraig: anytime we have an API that hides something as a side effect, authors get it wrong and hide things by accident

Matt_King: so what happens in the a11y tree if they are descendants? How does the reading order get calculated?
… if the SR was going to expose them?
… sounds complicated
… I have a tab that has two buttons inside of it. Does the SR present those both as descendants of the tab?

sarah_higley: yes, and invalid patterns like this are already in the wild

Jamie: aria-actions has the potential to make the mobile web in particular a lot better
… and we’ll need a robust way to allow for hiding of actions, to mitigate clutter

sarah_higley: I definitely agree that’s an issue, but not sure I buy that it’s directly related to aria-actions

Matt_King: I do wonder if there’s another attribute that we could put on the descendants to say whether or not they should be exposed

Jamie: it seems like 9 out of 10 times, you would not want it exposed, so I’m intrigued by the idea of another attribute to control that

sarah_higley: the thing that worries me is if *authors* decide when to hide things, versus SR vendors

cyns: what about a way for authors to hint?

sarah_higley: again, that seems related to aria-actions, but not limited to it — should be solved as a separate problem

Matt_King: right now, if you’re a web developer and you want to create iOS Mail on the web with a good SR experience, this doesn’t make it possible

jcraig: it does

jamesn: what actions are we taking up from this:

sarah_higley: things to follow up on:
… 1) nail down supported roles for referring and referenced elements
… 2) confirm whether to use aria-details platform mappings and implementation
… 3) get buy-in on full spec from browser and AT vendors
… 4) Web Platform Tests
… 5) and then this situation we’ve discussed about hiding secondary actions

Jamie: can we say that aria-hidden is off the table as a solution for #5?

sarah_higley: that was just one example

jcraig: it can’t be aria-hidden at the time I activate it, to paraphrase Jamie
… I do agree with that

Matt_King: I’m still wondering how that works in the a11y tree, seems like there’s a race condition

cyns: is the mechanism for switching between hidden and not hidden too complicated for developers, and can we make it easier?

sarah_higley: yes, that’s fair

<cyns> or is it good enough for V1

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


Failed: s/Andrea: /Andrea: would love to help with contributing process/

Succeeded: s/accesible/accessible/

Succeeded: s/queing/queueing/

Succeeded: s/this has killed many new ideas./this has made it difficult to explore many new ideas./

Succeeded: s/jcraig: @@@/jcraig: re: DG's comment that web devs don't test live regions, imagine how foolish a web dev would be for writing CSS but never reloading the page to view it. That's how many web devs test accessibility. the flip side though is that you can't overload a new web dev with too much SR verbosity, or it will backfire and they'll react with fear rather than empathy./

Failed: s/set the topic: aria live regions/topic: aria live regions/

Succeeded: s/(talking through script)/(talking through script) should keep complete list of roles in this file/

Succeeded: i/should keep a complete list of roles in this file/scribe:cyns/

Succeeded: i/should keep a complete list of roles in this file/topic: live regions/

Succeeded: i/cyns: I think I'm trying to say this is not a simple API/scribe: cyns/

Succeeded: s/Zoomed in,/Zoomed in with ZoomText or HoverText for example with an out-of-view visual notification,/

Succeeded: i/scribe: Adam_Page/topic: Secondary Actions/

Succeeded: s/ and we can implement behind a flag/ and we can already implement behind a flag without agreeing on all of these disagreements/

Succeeded: s/ agreeing on all of these disagreements/ agreeing on all of the specific details/

Succeeded: s/visible to ensure that AT can’t be detected/visible and clickable to ensure that the API doesn't 'out' the user. Ideally it will look indistinguishable to the web app from a mainstream mouse click./

Succeeded: s/“automatically hide descendants”/“automatically action elements that are also descendants”/

Succeeded: s/ SR preference/ non-default SR preference/

Maybe present: Aaron, aaronlev, adam, Andrea, andrea_cardona, craig, DG, dmontalvo, jamie, jcraig, Matt_King, Rashmi, re, sarah_higley, Siri, spectranaut_

All speakers: Aaron, aaronlev, adam, Adam_Page, Andrea, andrea_cardona, BenBeaudry, craig, cyns, DG, dmontalvo, DougGeoffray, jamesn, jamie, jcraig, Matt_King, Rashmi, re, sarah_higley, scotto, Siri, spectranaut_

Active on IRC: Adam_Page, andrea_cardona, BenBeaudry, cyns, cyns_, dmontalvo-mac, DougGeoffray, jamesn, Jamie, jcraig, Matt_King, sarah_higley, scotto, spectranaut_