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13 October 2022


chlane, MarkMcCarthy, Matt_King, pkra, scotto, spectranaut, StefanS
AdamPage, CurtBellew, MichaelC

Meeting minutes

New Issue Triage

jamesn: timescale for milestones

aam #149

focus in editors meeting

valerie, put a year on it

scotto: would be happy to agenda it

people want to fix this it is unclear what to do

no guidance

specs are contradicting

amm 146

jamesn: remove these from core aam?

definitions that don't exist in spec

valerie will merge

pr 147

aam #145 editorial

jamesn: review

#173 slot element

aria label issue

jamesn: agrees safaria and ff are correct

this is accname issue

we don't specify what happens?

how should an aria label on a slot be treated


scotto: happy to take on been thinking about prohibited names

slot should not be interacted with or introduce content to a11y API

new category of name NOT supported

jamesn: <body> would be another

meta tags

scotto: add as formal section to accname in aam

#1829 aria

scotto: from IBM, topic has come up before with them, general confusion about how 'generic' is supposed to be exposed

divs, sometimes exposed as generic other times ignored

conformance checker folks

need guidance

jamesn: assinging for opinion to schne324

scotto: happy to contribute not the person to own

#439 aam

should an img with no src map to img

jamesn: on agenda

New PR Triage

pr #1830, reviewers added

#1827 pr similar

Deep Dive planning

Should an img with no src be mapped to role=img?

aam #439

img with no src

and no alt

browsers do different things

safari is correct, chrome and ff should change

they should not render anything for this case

scotto: there are instances without a src that do have alt text and people add css background images

jamesn: if alt text is set to non empty it should be exposed as an image per the spec

scotto: if alt is meaningful it should be exposed

jamesn: it shouldnt' break

jamesn: Id be happy with changes to aam

jcraig: author workaround is to include a url-encoded spacer gif

spacer gif

scotto: put src=#

jamesn: src='' would be removed

jamesn: browser inconsistency, we are attemptimg to make it work the same which is good

<jcraig> s/include spacer giv/author workaround is to include a url-encoded spacer gif/

pkra: not having src? is that a technique for lazy loading the image (post DOM load)?

scotto: probably author error

jamesn: templates can provide empty src=''

scotto: question for group,,, do we have a preference to indicate generic or presentation


img set to presentation with empty string, is that a good idea?

should it be generic instead?

img broken auther added alt text but role presentation caused it to be pruned from the a11y API

scotto: is this a way to set role to img, or to generic, or to none

Matt: how can you have 2 roles?

3 situiations

alt provided but empty -> one

what role should be for img that doesn't have a src?

jamesn: just do not map this at all?

scotto: usaully applied to things we don't have roles for

img could map to none

jamesn: concerned about none

that is the same as alt=''

no src, HTML says it's nothing

jamesn: the case is not a 'decorative image' it 'does not exist to anybody', img with no 'src'

jamesn: generic is better than none

matt: why

it putis it in the tree

matt; presentation image is NOT in the tree, that is what we want

jamesn: I don't want it in the tree

people asking for more info on presentation elements

jamesn: concerned about adding extra things

matt; browsers cant correct, no src

scotto: tabindex-0 makes it generic

Matt: feels like author error

putting it in the tree with generic makes no sense

there is no src, no image

jamesn: if theres a broken src, browsers will try to render text

jamesn: no text in this case

no alt text

scotto: chromium firefox, src is absent or '' nothing renders

any character will render a broken img tag

happens on firefox, not chromium, FF looks like a peice of paper torn in half

Matt if I forgot to put src and using FF

i would't get role none

jamesn: no src, it does not render

jamesn: webkit is rendering img

jcraig: if different than windows we may not be decided

jamesn: good way of moving forward

AccName Role Traversal Proposal

jamesn: don't understand why the focusable concept

focusable elements, logic to traverse the roles

some roles would be exposed regardless

constructs that shouldnt be included

jamesn: can we move to something that is always traversable or not?

matt: is there something in accname about menu button inside a heading

bryan: accname specificed 2h to 2x.i it would include everthing

i don' think that is useful

matt: accname stops at groups

content of group in treeitem won't be in the name

bryan, in accname it does not stop

jamesn: it does not stop


changed 2f.i to 2f

was told to put it back

algo skips initial statement

jamesn: name from content too restrictive

mirror what browsers do

can we come up with a list

of traversals

bryan, how do you deal with that in the ARIA spec to sync the accname spec

jamesn: why not work on that latert

jamesn: doesn't have to be the end state

make it more correct today

bryan: spec bypasses conditional statement

the accname spec

some devs are interpeting that the beginning of F is ignored

there is nothing in aria that supports ...

jamesn: clarify that conditional is always checked at FI

jamesn: we need something new to determine if a role is traversable

jamesn: divs for example, you want to traverse a generic, but currently it is not allowed

which is wrong

jamesn: if it isn't name from author only

don't traverse

scotto: if no name, you maybe still have to traverse

link that contains an <article> with no name returns a link with no a11y name

jamesn: if parent focusable and no accessible name should drill in

scotto: both are necessary

jamesn: is this just error correction

jamesn: maybe article should allow name from content

bryan it could be anything like a table

table does not support name from content

jamesn: like to make some progress

bryan need help with proposal

addresses, never always

and focusable

jcraig: will discuss with bryan

Should aria-hidden be effected by aria-owns?

jamesn: hidden is looking at 'ownership' rather than dom ownership

scotto: modal dialog, pops up and live regions didn't work because they were inert

aria-owns could pull the live region in the dialog

scotto: could solve this now

matt, more than one way to go

make owns take precedence over hidden

owns references a child of something hidden

scotto: like aria-labelledby describeby referencing hidden content

matt if hidden left it out of tree

chromium marks it hidden and webkit leaves it out of tree?

jcraig: it would not work as intended

jcraig: to follow owns tree

a cross reference not a move in the tree

plan to adopt new meaning of aria-owns

not implemented in safari until other ownership change happens

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 192 (Tue Jun 28 16:55:30 2022 UTC).


Succeeded: s/include spacer giv/author workaround is to include a url-encoded spacer gif

Failed: s/include spacer giv/author workaround is to include a url-encoded spacer gif/

Succeeded: s/not having src? is that a hack?/not having src? is that a technique for lazy loading the image (post DOM load)?/

Maybe present: bryan, jamesn, jcraig, Matt