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10 March 2022


aaronlev, aria, chlane, jamesn, Jaunita_George, MarkMcCarthy, melsumner, myasonik, scotto, spectranaut
CurtBellew, PeterKrautzberger

Meeting minutes


<chlane> scribe; chlane

chlane: I said I'd scribe today :) unless you really wwant to

<chlane> ok

New Issue Triage

https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1701 - milestone 1.4, put on agenda for later


scott: figcaption is not up to date in html-aam for UIA

scott: I'll probably make a PR updating

<scotto> https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/issues/375

scotto: scoped is used in reference in header, footer and soon aside, when then map to implicit landmark roles or become generic

scotto: spectranaut pointed out "scoped" is not a defined term

scotto: I want to get some more information on similar terms, if we should use it, or if we should just define it

jamesn: css defines something called "scoped" which might actually work!

<jamesn> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-contain-2/#property-scoped

jamesn: they defined it as an exported definition, so if we mean what they have defined scoped as, we should use it

<melsumner> do we mean something other than what computer science means?

<jamesn> https://respec.org/xref/

jamesn: utility called "xref" which you can use to search for references

jamesn: and how to reference it when writing spec

New PR Triage


jamesn: editorial, peter reviewed, is that enough scott?

scotto: its a single word sounds good


scotto: needs minor review

scotto: trying to close carolyns old simpler issues

jamesn: reviewers chris lane and juanita (who needs to be added to the github org) and melanie


jamesn: reviewers: melanie and james and valerie


scotto: another html-aam from caroyln, if you review please read linked discussion

jamesn: sounds like something aaron or cynthia should review?

cyns: me and aaron are probably too swamped right now

cyns: if it can wait I can do it in a couple weeks

scotto: it can wait

reviewers: james, siri and cyns

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to say (metaphorically "say") sorry I have a meeting conflict, but if there are review assignments or other actions for me, please mention them here with jcraig in the notes and I'll review later. Thanks all.

Should we meet next week? CSUN / axe-con

jamesn: some members are going to be at CSUN and others at axe-con

jamesn: if you will be there, speak up and you can all meet!

jamesn: maybe we will need to move the deep dive next week

melsumner: I agree we should push

jamesn: what about hte meeting next week, should we skip?

scotto: the internet can wait

jamesn: next meeting will be the 24th of march, and the next deep dive will be then as well

jamesn: if there is any more details to put into the agenda, melsumner please email me

jamesn: day lights saving is this weekend btw

Deep Dive planning

jamesn: we now have one for the 24th, any one want to propose one for 31st of march?

jamesn: if not, people have time

Handling Author Errors: form & region roles @cookiecrook to review agendabot]

jamesn: jcraig is down to review

this is a nudge to jcraig

please review you are the last outstanding :)

Should form-with-name map to IA2_ROLE_LANDMARK? - can we close?

jamesn: scott thinks nothing needs to be updated at this point?

scotto: yeah I made a PR for this, but I do have one more question on the issue

scotto: I need clarification from jcraig

jamesn: we need jcraig !

Figure out what to do with the DPUB mappings overlap with the ARIA Core spec, in the context of newer implementation differences - publishing responded - what is next?

jamesn: another jcraig thing. we were waiting for the DPUB working group to get back to us and they made a comment.

jamesn: aaron can you read the comment?

aaronlev: I'll take a look

scotto: I'm sort of familiar with this... it seems like a lot of these roles could be solved with aria-roledescription

jamesn: seems like they think all things are equally important

jamesn: can I leave this with aaronlev and jcraig ?

aaronlev: I don't have time for it, I support the idea, I don't see the urgency

aaronlev: btw we are looking for a full time standards person at google

jamesn: I'm going to move the agenda and deep dive, because we just aren't ready to move anything forward here

Support aria-description - how can we move this forward?

bryan: I'm not sure how to consolidate everything that has been discussed into one simple PR

jamesn: melsumner can you help with responding to jcraig comments?

melsumner: we are actually waiting on jcraig who thinks he can resolve some of it, and I can also look into what I can resolve

When is hidden content taken into calculation of name and description? - any updates?

jamesn: any updates to this accname issue?

aaronlev: I'm waiting for jacobo to respond to the comments I left on his PR, I pinged him yesterday

<aaronlev> https://github.com/jaragunde/accname/pull/1

aaronlev: spectranaut can you help move this one forward?


<aaronlev> That's the current PR for the accname improvements for invisible/hidden content

aaronlev: it's a very long project, there is a lot of nuance

jamesn: I'm concerned about how hard it is in chromium, will it be hard to get into firefox and webkit?

aaronlev: it's harder to pave the road than drive down it

Should SPACE to be allowed to activate the <a> element?

melsumner: specifically, I am proposing that browsers implement these space bar to active to an <a> element for links the same way a space bar will active a button

<Jaunita_George> +1!!

melsumner: what I have done into this issue is explained how I ran into this from a use case scenario, I have since heard other people have the same problem

melsumner: I also looked through all the specs and can't see anywhere something that says "what should space bar do"

melsumner: which is weird because more other keys are covered

melsumner: maybe I missed something?

melsumner: what should a space bar do when a link <a> is focused

melsumner: jaws-test commented that neither the html or aria specs says how elements should be operated, it is currently left up to the browser

melsumner: where does this request belong??

melsumner: probably this group should decide philosophically, but I'm not sure where it should go finally

jamesn: I agree we should define this, but ARIA can't define it, and I am not sure where it should go

jamesn: this is a fine place to track and discuss for now

<Jaunita_George> +1 to cyns

cyns: it probably belongs in html

<MarkMcCarthy> +1

cyns: I talked to one person at html and I didn't get hard pushback. I'm happy to back channel it a little

everyone is very excited about focus on links is set by default

on mac now

jamesn tested it and actually it doesn't work

cyns: eventually, not now, we should discuss that different operating systems have different keyboard behavior

scotto: why does anything need to change here? why do all links need to change because of confusing cause by making a link look like a button? if a link looks like a link, it's long standing behavior that space doesn't active the link? why should we change it at the element link?

scotto: it seems a large swing into the other direction to fix a small number of links

scotto: for example, when navigating a page, space bar is useful

scotto: jaws-test brings up a good point, if you want to style a link ot look like a button, then add a spacebar event listener

jamesn: maybe we could have an attribute on a link instead of having to write a javascript?

melsumner: if you are using tab to focus on an interactive element

melsumner: in my mind, there are things that are forms and things that are not forms, so, links are not a form so it doesn't respond to space bar

melsumner: is this a bug? was it done on purpose?

cyns: keyboard interaction was thought about in the early days of implementing the internet. my impression is that it was accidental

sarah_higley: I'm curious how much this is actually an issue. how much this is presenting a problem to keyboard users?

sarah_higley: I feel like this is all speculation until there is more user research

<MarkMcCarthy> +1 sarah_higley - good point

sarah_higley: because it is such a long standing behavior

aaronlev: what happens if you are in a form

aaronlev: enter does the default action in the form - so what happens if you have a link in a form?

aaronlev: this doesn't seem like an aria working group thing

jamesn: I were going to echo -- is this REALLY a user problem?

jamesn: we think it is a problem because we get reports in audits

melsumner: I see this as a minor inconvenience, if space bar doesn't work, I'll try enter

<sarah_higley> @aaron enter does not submit a form when focus is on a link

<sarah_higley> at least not on Windows :D

melsumner: the element doesn't meet users expectation, but, users know you could probably also press enter.

<siri> +1

<Zakim> cyns, you wanted to say I've seen in usability, but it wasn't the thing being tested

melsumner: the way sarah_higley put it hit home -- content heavy websites that use anchor tabs, and you can scroll the content through anchor tabs. I just tried in aform, and it had a link in it, when you press enter in a link, it did not submit form,

cyns: I've seen this come up in usability as a side issue a handful of times

jamesn: people who try enter on a button if space doesn't -- sometime enter does something unexpected, and enters not the button you want (default button on mac?)

scotto: if we have to do this for links, because the visual style confusing people, what about buttons that look like links?

<siri> lol

jamesn: is this something that could be discussed in open ui?

<siri> cancel button

jamesn: a link that functions like a button/looks like a button

cyns: why do this instead of html?

jamesn: it's easier?

cyns: what about an attribute in html?

jamesn: oh that is fine to

cyns: I'll drive this discussion forward with html

scotto: I don't know about open ui

scotto: I think we should just go directly to html

cyns: assign it ot me

RSSAgent, make minutes

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 185 (Thu Dec 2 18:51:55 2021 UTC).


Succeeded: s/work/word

Succeeded: s/geere/where/

Succeeded: s/cyns: if you/melsumner: if you/

Succeeded: s/cyns: in my mind/melsumner: in my mind/

Succeeded: s/cyns: it this a bug?/melsumner: is this a bug?

Succeeded: s/whoops that was all melsumner not cyns ^/

Maybe present: bryan, cyns, reviewers, sarah_higley, scott