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Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference

19 Jul 2018


MichielBijl, Joanmarie_Diggs, MichaelC, janina, melanierichards, jongund, MattKing, Bryan, Garaventa
Irfan, James_Nurthen


<joanie> agenda: this

<joanie> agenda: be done

Publications update (FPWDs)

joanie: We've got FPWD of ARIA 1.2, Core-AAM 1.2, and Authoring Practices 1.2, and updated Authoring Practices 1.1 all published

<joanie> https://www.w3.org/blog/2018/07/aria-1-2-fpwd/

joanie: doing some migration of text cases so we have a fuller report
... want to get the test case list more complete (a couple hours) before broadly sharing the post more
... Congratulations everyone!

<scribe> scribe: melanierichards

Charter – bug your AC reps!

joanie: need a minimum of 24 supporting votes, have 19 now
... please bug your AC rep to vote

Janina: would appreciate votes from your reps on APA

joanie: [reminder that APA is taking on personalization work, better fit for that WG]

TPAC ping – price goes up July 31; Math meeting Monday

joanie: TPAC price going up July 31, register and pay soon
... math community group coordinating with Janina to have APA and math meeting at TPAC
... if you care highly about math accessibility, consider coming to that meeting on Monday (TPAC)

janina: the APA is trying to look at that from the generic point of view, there's desire to support ChemML, we're looking at what can we say generically that can help us do this? is every one [math language] a write-off?

joanie: some of those publishers are probably going to continue not using ChemML. MathML is one way to get math on web pages, but not the only way. Others want to see accessible math via SVG. Question is: how do we use ARIA and other host-language that are not domain specific to make math specific?
... would be good to have a conversation about ChemML at the Monday meeting in order to help Math and APA look at the broader picture
... no matter what host language is used, should be fully accessible

New Issues since last meeting – Triage ONLY

joanie: no issues have been filed since the last meeting
... we'll keep working on existing issues

Issue 780 – do we have consensus yet?

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/780

joanie: different viewpoints at the last meeting, asked for comments. Thank you Matt and Bryan!
... those are opposite opinions as well, Matt would like required and remove default value, Bryan wants supported not required

bryan: don't have a strong opinion one way or the other

mattk: same boat, don't have a strong opinion here
... in terms of the way we treat normative requirements, when we change things (like required), we should treat those as a big deal because they affect validation. It's possible validators weren't looking at this already, though. It's possible because people don't often make accessible scrollbars, don't know that I've seen one on the web

joanie: my understanding is that the same situation applies to sliders
... let's frame in terms of sliders instead of scrollbar

mattk: if it already says required, I would vote for leaving it, for this validation reason
... in the case of slider we have this situation where what screen readers say, if there are sliders that aren't specifying orientation...think there might be quite a bit of those...

bryan: there are

MichielBijl: for tabs, we do have a requirement only if it's vertical. is that an option?

mattk: that's the current discussion, yes
... for tabs, most of the time they're horizontal, so doesn't make sense to put extra burden on others. how common is horizontal vs vertical with scrollbars/sliders?
... for scrollbars there's not a clear winner for horizontal vs vertical, so we might not have the same answer here
... between scrollbars and sliders
... I think probably most sliders are horizontal so it makes sense to have this a supported property that defaults to horizontal
... but that doesn't apply, to me, for scrollbars

joanie: is there some way to get data?
... does anyone think we have consensus on this issue?

mattk: I think we may have consensus on the concerns, meaning we do have a concern in the case of slider of existing implementations. to have browsers not assume a default value for sliders when they are currently doing so, to make that change in browsers could have negative ramifications. to do the same for scrollbars would probably have no negative ramifications
... in either case, people who are not specifying aria-orientation, their implementation is not validating or the validators aren't checking

joanie: should we open a new issue for slider and deal with scrollbar separately?

melanierichards: separate issues seems reasonable

mattk: agree, treat independently
... I don't know if that means you have to have a new issue

joanie: typing this is in the github issue
... [reads out language about treating separately]

mattk: leaning toward keeping it required, and I don't think removing the default with have severe consequences

jongund: agree with mattk

joanie: resolution is to leave it required, and remove default value



Issue 779 – any objections before work starts?

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/779

<joanie> Consider moving normative, NON-mapping content from Core AAM to ARIA

joanie: want to check in before doing a bunch of work

<joanie> Inclusion and Exclusion from the Accessibility Tree

<joanie> ID Reference Error Processing

<joanie> The bulk of General rules for identifying the correct ARIA role, not exposing abstract roles, etc.

<joanie> The bulk of General rules for exposing states and properties

<joanie> Supporting keyboard navigation

joanie: there's all this stuff in AAM that is not mapping, it mostly belongs in ARIA, some perhaps in authoring, but just not in mapping
... do people agree that these do not belong in the mapping specs?
... should we move to ARIA and remove from AAM?

mattk: on the same page as you
... let's make sure the information is easy to find, is my only concern or feedback

joanie: just self-assigned this issue
... thank you for pointing out the concern, we might want to have non-normative references
... non-normative links that say "for more info on blah, go here"
... objections before I do this work?

[no objections]

mattk: I'm wondering, and this might be a discussion for when you have a PR, but section 7 is implementation and host languages. It's pretty user agent heavy as well. So I'm wondering if that's actually the right title for that section?
... section 7 in the ARIA spec, not AAM
... would like to know where that should land
... seems a little bit like implementation in everything other than ARIA, which is user agents and host languages. seems like most of that stuff would blend neatly with what's in that section

joanie: making a note to myself on this

mattk: thank you for applying your brain power and time to this

Testing reflective properties

joanie: reflective properties that are needed for AOM going into ARIA 1.2
... what kind of tests need to go into WPT for that?

mattk: do we need to do some tests to make sure the browser supports the property when you use it?

joanie: I'll take an unofficial action item to reach out to James Craig and ask what these tests should look like

janina: did some googling and found quite a few vertical sliders

joanie: I think it's Steve Faulkner who has a tool that hunts for usage of particular features

Issue 780 – do we have consensus yet?

mattk: what percentage of sliders on the web rely on the fact that aria-orientation has a default value?

janina: suggest talking to Steve Faulkner about getting a query for this

[refer to some notes inside agenda item 7 for the beginning of this conversation]

joanie: we have to figure out, if a slider is depending on something being horizontal, is it really horizontal? check for bounding box dimensions?

mattk: we really only need to know how often people make sliders that don't have orientation specified
... the fact that they're just present is important

joanie: some potential options to handle lack of value from screen reader or UA

mattk: author still relying on default value

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/07/19 17:54:01 $

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Succeeded: s/going up soon/going up July 31/
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Succeeded: s/it/default value/
Present: MichielBijl Joanmarie_Diggs MichaelC janina melanierichards jongund MattKing Bryan Garaventa
Regrets: Irfan James_Nurthen
Found Scribe: melanierichards
Inferring ScribeNick: melanierichards
Found Date: 19 Jul 2018
People with action items: 

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