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W3C Technology and Society Domain The Semantic Web Home Page OWL

Web-Ontology (WebOnt) Working Group (Closed)

Contents: Conclusions, drafts/specs · Schedule/Milestones · Membership · Charter/History

Conclusions and Future Work

RDF and OWL are Semantic Web standards that provide a framework for asset management, enterprise integration and the sharing and reuse of data on the Web. [...] Testimonials from enterprise-scale implementors and independent developers illustrate current uses of these standards on the Web today.

World Wide Web Consortium Issues RDF and OWL Recommendations 10 Feb 2004


As of Monday, the 31st of May, our working group will officially come to an end. We have achieved all that we were chartered to do, and I believe our work is being quite well appreciated. ...

Jim and Guus 28 May 2004

Relationship with DAML+OIL

The Working Group Charter cites the DAML+OIL W3C Note as an important influence and starting place for working group deliberations. The Editor's Draft of the OWL Web Ontology Language 1.0 Reference contains Appendix D which describes changes between DAML+OIL and OWL. This document should not be considered authoritative and is provided for the convenience of those wishing a short description of the changes.

In addition, a converter for changing DAML+OIL files into OWLhas been written by Jennifer Golbeck, a graduate student at the University of Maryland. This link is provided for convenience, the Working Group does not explicitely endorse this converter or warrant its correct performance.


initially from the charter; changes to be negotiated with the relevant parties via the SemWeb CG:


To join this working group, review the charter etc. and have your advisory committee representative nominate you in a mail message to w3t-semweb-review@w3.org using the form from the CFR/CFP (member-confidential). If you're not affiliated with a W3C member organization but you feel you have experties not currently represented in the group that you would like to contribute, contact the co-chairs.

Then, if you like, introduce yourself to the group with a short bio and and what you have to contribute, as well as what you hope to get from the group.

See also: LANG/TEST/SEM/GUIDE focus group primaries as of 6 Mar 2002.

  1. Yasser Alsafadi, Philips Electronics N.V. yasser.alsafadi@philips.com
  2. *ALT Jean-François Baget, INRIA, Jean-Francois.Baget@inrialpes.fr
  3. *ALT James Barnette, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), barnettj@ncr.disa.mil
  4. *ALT Sean Bechhofer, Network Inference, seanb@cs.man.ac.uk ( intro)
  5. Jonathan Borden, Jonathan@openhealth.org (Invited Expert; intro)
  6. *ALTFrederik Brysse, Ivis Group, Limited Frederik.Brysse@ivisgroup.com ( intro)
  7. Stephen Buswell, Stilo Technology StephenB@stilo.com, sb@stilo.com ( intro)
  8. Jeremy Carroll, Hewlett Packard Company jjc@hplb.hpl.hp.com, jeremy_carroll@hp.com ( intro)
  9. Dan Connolly, W3C connolly@w3.org
  10. Peter Crowther, Network Inference peter.crowther@networkinference.com
  11. Jonathan Dale, Fujitsu Limited jdale@fla.fujitsu.com ( intro)
  12. Jos De Roo, Agfa-Gevaert N. V. jos.deroo.jd@belgium.agfa.com ( intro)
  13. *ALT D.C. De Roure, University of Southampton dder@ecs.soton.ac.uk ( intro)
  14. Mike Dean mdean@bbn.com (invited expert; intro)
  15. Jérôme Euzenat, INRIA, Jerome.Euzenat@inrialpes.fr
  16. Dieter Fensel, Ibrow, dieter@cs.vu.nl ( intro)
  17. Tim Finin, Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab at the University of Maryland finin@cs.umbc.edu ( intro)
  18. Nicholas Gibbins, University of Southampton nmg@ecs.soton.ac.uk ( intro)
  19. Pat Hayes, phayes@ai.uwf.edu (invited expert) ( intro)
  20. Sandro Hawke, W3C sandro@w3.org ( intro)
  21. Jeff Heflin heflin@cse.lehigh.edu (invited expert; intro)
  22. Ziv Hellman, <ziv@unicorn.com>, Unicorn Solutions Inc. ( intro)
  23. James Hendler, Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab at the University of Maryland hendler@cs.umd.edu (Co-Chair; intro)
  24. Bernard Horan bernard.horan@sun.com Sun Microsystems, Inc.
  25. Masahiro Hori horim@res.kutc.kansai-u.ac.jp (invited expert)
  26. Ian Horrocks, Network Inference horrocks@cs.man.ac.uk ( intro)
  27. Jane Hunter, DSTC jane@dstc.edu.au
  28. Francesco Iannuzzelli, <francesco.iannuzzelli@ivisgroup.com>, Ivis Group Limited ( intro)
  29. Ruediger Klein, Daimler Chrysler Research and Technology ruediger.klein@daimlerchrysler.com ( intro)
  30. *ALT Natasha Kravtsova, Philips Electronics N.V. natasha.kravtsova@philips.com ( intro)
  31. Ora Lassila, Nokia daml@lassila.org, ora.lassila@nokia.com ( intro)
  32. *ALTAlexander Maedche, <maedche@fzi.de>, Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI)
  33. Massimo Marchiori, W3C massimo@w3.org
  34. Deborah McGuinness, Stanford dlm@ksl.stanford.edu ( intro)
  35. Enrico Motta, Ibrow e.motta@open.ac.uk ( intro)
  36. Leo Obrst, MITRE lobrst@mitre.org ( intro)
  37. Laurent Olivry EDF (Electricite De France) Laurent.Olivry@edf.fr
  38. Martin Pike, Stilo Technology mp@stilo.com ( intro)
  39. Marwan Sabbouh, MITRE ms@mitre.org ( intro)
  40. Guus Schreiber, Ibrow schreiber@swi.psy.uva.nl (Co-Chair; intro)
  41. Shimizu Noboru, Interoperability Technology Association for Information Processing, Japan (INTAP) shimizu@intap.or.jp
  42. *ALT Michael Sintek, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) Gmbh sintek@dfki.uni-kl.de ( intro)
  43. Michael Smith, Electronic Data System (EDS) michael.smith@eds.com ( intro)
  44. John Stanton, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) StantonJ@ncr.disa.mil stantonj@ncr.disa.mil ( intro)
  45. Lynn Andrea Stein, lynn.stein@olin.edu (invited expert; intro)
  46. Herman ter Horst, Philips Electronics N.V. herman.ter.horst@philips.com ( intro)
  47. Lynne R. Thompson, Unisys Corporation lynne.thompson@unisys.com ( intro)
  48. David Trastour, Hewlett Packard Company david_trastour@hplb.hpl.hp.com, david_trastour@hp.com ( intro)
  49. Frank van Harmelen, Ibrow Frank.van.Harmelen@cs.vu.nl ( intro)
  50. Bernard Vatant, Mondeca bernard.vatant@mondeca.com ( intro)
  51. Raphael Volz, <volz@fzi.de>, Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI) ( intro)
  52. Evan Wallace, ewallace@cme.nist.gov, National Institute of Standards and technology ( intro)
  53. Christopher Welty, <welty@us.ibm.com>, IBM Corporation
  54. Charles White <Charles.White@networkinference.com>, Network Inference ( intro)
  55. John Yanosy, jyanosy@motorola.com, Motorola Corp.

*ALT = Alternate member.

in progress: formal version of WG membership, derived from official records: webont-mem-publ.rdf, Makefile

Administrative stuff for the team contact/chair:group/email database entry for WebOnt WG, w3t-semweb-reviewarchive.


The WebOnt WG charter delegates a portion of work from the W3C Membership as a whole to this group. The events below led up to the creation of this group and chart our progress:

in Feb 2004
teleconferences: 26 Feb
in Jan 2004
teleconferences: 29 Jan, 15 Jan
in Dec 2003
teleconferences: 18 Dec
15 Dec 2003
: OWL is a W3C Proposed Recommendation. review forms and comments due 19 January 2004.
1 Dec 2003
sent request for PR to The Director; see also: Exit Criteria in the implementation report; tracking implementation experience and tools, 10 Oct RDF drafts
in Nov 2003
teleconferences: 13 Nov
in Oct 2003
ISWC2003 was a significant outreach event.
in Oct 2003
teleconferences: 30 Oct, 9 Oct, 2 Oct
in Sep 2003
teleconferences: 18 Sep, 11 Sep, 4 Sep
in Aug 2003
teleconferences: 21 Aug, 7 Aug
19 Aug 2003
OWL is a Candidate Recommendation!. See also some early press coverage
30 July 2003
CR request. Work on last call review status subsides.
17 July 2003
charter extended thru Jan 2004 announcement to W3C membership, following 1May call for review
July 2003
telcons: 24 July, 10 Jul, 3 Jul
June 2003
telcons: 26 Jun, (editors' meeting 19 Jun), 12 Jun, 5 Jun
May 2003
telcons: 29 May, 22 May, 15 May, 8 May, 1 May
Apr 2003
telcons: 24 Apr, (17Apr cxld), 10 Apr, 3Apr
1 Apr 2003
last call (docs dated 31Mar).
Mar 2003
teleconferences 27Mar (with ammendment), 20 Mar (with ammendment), 13 Mar
3-7 Mar 2003
W3C Technical Plenary in Cambridge, MA, U.S.A.
Feb 2003
teleconferences 27Feb, 20 Feb, 13 Feb, 6 Feb
Jan 2003
teleconferences 30Jan, 23Jan, 16Jan, ftf 9Jan, 2Jan
9-10 Jan 2003
5th ftf in Manchester, UK
Dec 2002
teleconferences 19Dec, 12Dec, 5Dec,
Nov 2002
teleconferences 28Nov cxld, 21Nov, 14Nov, 7Nov
Oct 2002
teleconferences: 31Oct, 24 Oct, 17Oct
24 Oct
1st WD TEST@@
7-8 Oct
4th ftf in Bristol, UK
Sep 2002
teleconferences: 26Sep, 19Sep, 12Sep, 5Sep
Aug 2002
teleconferences: 29Aug, 22Aug ( ammendment), 15Aug, 8Aug cxld, 1Aug
29 Jul 2002
1st working drafts: SEM (abstract syntax), LANG (reference), GUIDE (synopsis)
Jul 2002
teleconferences: 25Jul, 18Jul, 11Jul, 4 Jul cxld
1-2 Jul 2002
3rd ftf in Stanford, CA
Jun 2002
teleconferences: 27Jun, 20Jun, 13Jun, 6Jun
May 2002
teleconferences: 30May, 23 May, 16May, 2May
Apr 2002
teleconferences: 18Apr, 11Apr, 4Apr clxd,
8-9 Apr 2002
Mar 2002
teleconferences: 28Mar, @@
Feb 2002
teleconferences: 28 Feb,@@
25 Feb-1 Mar 2002
Jan 2002
teleconferences: 3 Jan, 24Jan, 31Jan
14-15 Jan 2002
Dec 2001
Teleconferences: 6 Dec, 13Dec, 20 Dec
18 Dec 2001
Nov 2001
teleconferences: 12 Nov, 29 Nov
1 Nov 2001
ANNOUNCE: W3C Web Ontology (WebOnt) Working Group

Dan Connolly

26 Oct 2001
Announcement: Web Ontology Working Group Creation for Semantic Web Activity (member-confidential)
27 Aug 2001
update: Semantic Web Activity and Web Ontology Working Group

Dan Connolly

27 Aug 2001
Call For Review, Call for Participation: Web Ontology Working Group (member-confidential)
14 Aug
13 Aug 2001
Call for participation (member-confidential)
9th February 2001
Semantic Web Activity created; see Semantic Web Actvity Statement

note: WebOnt patent disclosures, W3C manual of style, pubrules checker, spec-prod

Background References

Dan Connolly, WG team contact
Jim Hendler, Co-Chair
Guus Schreiber, Co-Chair
$Revision: 1.303 $ of $Date: 2004/06/15 22:02:35 $ by $Author: hendler $