What Is an Aptitude Test?

How these tests help determine if you might excel at school or work

Aptitude tests help measure capabilities.
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An aptitude test is designed to assess what a person is capable of doing or to predict what a person is able to learn or do given the right education and instruction. The goal of an aptitude test is to predict the ability to learn new skills. It represents a person's level of competency to perform a certain type of task.

At a Glance

An aptitude test can help determine your individual ability in a certain area to help predict whether you are likely to succeed. Such tools can help assess student strengths or evaluate a potential job candidate's strengths and weaknesses.

Such tests aren't designed to see how intelligent you are; instead, they assess specific skills or inclinations. Keep reading to learn more about how aptitude tests work, the types of tests you might encounter, and how they differ from intelligence tests.

What Does an Aptitude Test Do?

Aptitude tests are often used to assess academic potential or career suitability and may be used to assess mental or physical talent in a variety of domains. They are based on the idea that people have innate abilities and inclinations that predispose them to succeeding (or struggling) in specific areas.

So, is an intelligence test an example of an aptitude test? Not exactly. The two tests are similar but distinct in what they measure. An intelligence test measures your current cognitive skills; on the other hand, an aptitude test measures whether you have the potential to develop skills in specific areas in the future.


An aptitude test evaluates your potential to succeed in a certain area by looking at your strengths and weaknesses in particular abilities. It doesn't look at how intelligent you are—it looks at how well you might do on a specific job, task, skill, or subject. That's why you often see aptitude tests used to screen job candidates.

Aptitude Test Examples

People encounter a variety of aptitude tests throughout their personal and professional lives, often starting while they are children going to school.

Here are a few examples of common aptitude tests:

  • An aptitude test assessing an individual's potential for becoming a fighter pilot
  • A career test evaluating a person's capability to work as an air traffic controller
  • An aptitude test given to high school students to determine which type of careers they might be good at
  • A computer programming test to determine how a job candidate might solve different hypothetical problems 
  • An aptitude test designed to assess a person's physical abilities needed for a particular job, such as a police officer or firefighter

When You Might Take an Aptitude Test

Some situations where you might encounter aptitude tests include those given in school or work settings. Some examples of how these might be used include:

Aptitude Tests in School

Students encounter a variety of aptitude tests throughout school as they think about what they might like to study in college or do as a career.

For example, a student might take an aptitude test suggesting they are good with numbers and data. Such results might imply that a career as an accountant, banker, or stockbroker would be a good choice for that student.

Another student might find that they have strong language and verbal skills, suggesting that a career as an English teacher, writer, or journalist might be a good choice.

Researchers suggest that standardized academic aptitude tests predict a variety of important life outcomes.

Special Aptitude Tests

Special aptitude tests are designed to look at an individual's capacity in a particular area. For example, a business that is looking to hire a computer programmer will consider a candidate's work history and interview performance, but they might also want to administer an aptitude test to determine if a person possesses the necessary skill to perform the job.

In this case, the special aptitude test is designed to look at a very narrow range of ability: how skilled and knowledgeable the candidate is at computer programming.

Multiple Aptitude Tests

Multiple aptitude tests are designed to measure two or more different abilities. In some cases, such tests may even resemble intelligence tests in terms of their focus and scope. The Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) that high school students take during their senior year is a good example of a multiple aptitude test.

The SAT measures aptitudes in areas including math, reasoning, and language and is often used by colleges and universities to determine if an applicant is prepared and has the ability to do well in college.

The Graduate Requisite Exam (GRE), as well as the specialized tests required in order to get into medical (MCAT), law (LSAT), and business graduate programs, are also examples of multiple aptitude tests.

Types of Aptitude Tests

Aptitude tests fall into different categories or types. Different types are given in settings such as schools or workplaces.

Some of the common types of aptitude tests include those focused on specific skills, such as:

  • Verbal reasoning: The capacity for language skills and reading comprehension
  • Inductive reasoning: The ability to infer general ideas and principles based on specific observations
  • Logical reasoning: The ability to use logic to solve problems, spot patterns, and identify relationships
  • Numerical reasoning: Assesses overall numerical aptitude and ability to reason with and manipulate numerical data
  • Abstract reasoning: The capacity for taking general, abstract information and using that information to solve problems and identify patterns
  • Creative and artistic aptitude: The ability to come up with novel ideas and exhibit artistic potential
  • Spatial reasoning: The ability to understand relationships between two- and three-dimensional objects, patterns, and shapes
  • Situational judgment: The capacity for solving problems and making decisions quickly and accurately
  • Mechanical aptitude: The ability to understand mechanical concepts and technical information
  • Error checking: Looks at how well you are able to spot mistakes and errors

Intelligence Tests vs. Aptitude Tests

So what exactly makes an aptitude test different from an intelligence test? Below, we compare the differences.

Intelligence Tests
  • Measure general intelligence (the capacity to perform in all areas)

  • Used by schools

  • Take the ages of test-takers into consideration

Aptitude Tests
  • Measure a narrower range of abilities than intelligence tests do

  • Used by schools and workplaces

  • Don't take the ages of test-takers into consideration

Intelligence encompasses many different abilities including problem-solving, reasoning, memory, knowledge, and the ability to adapt to a changing environment.

Aptitude tests, on the other hand, are designed to measure a much narrower range of abilities than intelligence or IQ tests do. However, some aptitude tests might have a very narrow focus that limits what they are able to predict. Other tests that look at multiple domains are much more similar to intelligence tests.

Similar to intelligence and aptitude tests are achievement tests, which measure a person's knowledge and skill level in a particular area. Achievement tests tend to focus on what a person has learned as a result of formal learning or training.

So, what are the differences among intelligence, achievement, and aptitude tests? Viewing the three types of tests in terms of a timeline may help you differentiate them:

  • Past: Achievement tests measure what you've already learned or accomplished.
  • Present: Intelligence tests measure the innate cognitive ability you have right now.
  • Future: Aptitude tests aim to uncover where you can potentially apply your skills in the future.


Aptitude tests can help you get an idea of what you are good at or what you might be good at given the right training. However, these tests cannot tell you everything. Consider your results carefully and evaluate other factors, such as your interests and experiences. Then, use this information to explore career options.

A poor score on an aptitude test doesn't mean that you don't have the potential to eventually succeed or even excel in that area, just as a high score on an aptitude test isn't a guarantee of success. Instead, think of this information as a guide for where you might need extra work. With the right support, training, and effort, you can play to your strengths and overcome potential weaknesses.

8 Sources
Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. American Psychological Association. Aptitude test.

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  3. Hadar B, Katzir M, Pumpian S, Karelitz T, Liberman N. Psychological proximity improves reasoning in academic aptitude testsNPJ Sci Learn. 2023;8(1):10. doi:10.1038/s41539-023-00158-x

  4. American Psychological Association. Specific ability.

  5. American Psychological Association. Multiple aptitude test.

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  7. Flensborg-Madsen T, Falgreen Eriksen HL, Mortensen EL. Early life predictors of intelligence in young adulthood and middle age. PLoS ONE. 2020;15(1):e0228144. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0228144

  8. American Psychological Association. Achievement test.

Kendra Cherry

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd
Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."