What Does Taking Creatine Do for a Woman’s Body?

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Creatine, a chemical naturally produced by the body and found in seafood and red meat, is often used as a supplement to improve athletic performance and muscle mass.

Research suggests adult women can benefit from taking creatine supplements because women tend to have lower natural amounts in the body than men. Health benefits for women include supporting hormonal health, cognitive function, bone density, and muscle strength.

1. Supports Hormonal Transitions

Routine shifts in the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone can impact fluctuating creatine levels. However, taking a creatine supplement daily can help increase and maintain those levels and support hormone balance.

In one study, female athletes who noticed reduced athletic performance and recovery time during a certain stage of their menstrual cycle benefited from creatine supplements. Researchers believe creatine may curb this decrease by regulating hormone levels.

Check with a healthcare provider if you are pregnant, postpartum (having given birth), or at the point of menopause (when menstrual cycles have permanently ceased) to ensure this supplement is right for you and your hormonal health.

2. Improves Exercise Performance

Creatine is an ingredient in many sports nutrition supplements. Creatine can improve athletic performance in people who perform high-intensity exercise or heavy lifting by increasing available energy in muscles. It might also support athletic performance by enhancing postexercise recovery and injury prevention.

Studies show that creatine also benefits people who participate in moderate exercise. These people may experience up to 10% to 20% athletic performance improvement while performing fitness activities like weight training, running, swimming, golfing, and playing volleyball or ice hockey.

3. Helps Build Muscle and Reduce Fat

Creatine helps build muscle mass by increasing the energy in muscle cells and decreasing muscle protein breakdown during physical activities like strength training.

It also helps with age-related muscle decline (sarcopenia) in people ages 57 to 70. One analysis found that supplementing with creatine while undergoing resistance training produced greater muscle mass and upper and lower body strength.

Another study showed that women athletes who used creatine supplementation for five weeks could increase muscle strength during bench press activities and experienced a greater reduction in body fat than those who took a placebo.

4. Boosts Mood and Cognitive Function

Daily creatine supplementation for six weeks is thought to improve certain aspects of cognitive health, such as executive function, processing speed, balance, mental fatigue, and mood state.

One study showed adults 60 and older who consumed 0.95 grams (g) of creatine daily performed higher on a cognitive function performance test. Other research revealed that creatine may help improve short-term memory and reasoning in healthy older adults.

Research suggests taking creatine supplements along with antidepressants for 8 weeks may help reduce depression symptoms in women. Similarly, a daily dose of creatine may improve mood and cognition in female participants. However, more research is needed.

5. Improves Bone Mineral Density

Some research suggests that creatine may benefit bone mineral density maintenance and strength in postmenopausal people when taken in conjunction with resistance training exercises.

Studies show that older female adults who took creatine improved muscle strength with resistance training. Research shows that bone strength also increases when creatine is paired with exercise. This may counteract bone loss (osteoporosis), common in aging women.

6. Curbs the Effects of Short-Term Sleep Deprivation

Creatine can help improve energy levels, which is beneficial when experiencing low energy, fatigue, or temporary sleep deprivation.

A 2021 study showed that creatine supplementation helped relieve extreme fatigue after recovering from a viral infection.

While this may not correlate directly with immediately getting better sleep or rest, creatine does show promise for women looking for extra support after a particularly sleep-deprived night (or two).

When to Take Creatine

Creatine is safe for adults to take every day in recommended doses.

Although there is no official guidance on a specific time to take creatine, research suggests that it's most helpful for exercise performance when taken before, during, or immediately after a workout.

However, avoid taking creatine with caffeine, as researchers think the stimulant may interact negatively with the supplement. In addition, creatine should be taken with plenty of water.

How Much Creatine Should a Woman Take?

While most studies on creatine supplementation have been performed in male participants, experts believe that women can benefit from similar dosing, though a more gradual approach could also be appropriate.

Typically, this involves a one-time loading dose of 20–25 grams (g) of creatine per day for five to seven days. From there, a maintenance dose of 3–5 g of creatine per day is often recommended.

It is always best to check with a healthcare provider before starting a new supplement routine.

Potential Negative Effects

When taking the recommended dose for short-term periods, most studies have not found significant adverse effects of taking creatine. However, there are some potential side effects that you may experience, including:

People who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not take creatine, as there isn't enough safety evidence on its use in those populations. It's a good idea to check with a healthcare provider before taking creatine, especially if you have an underlying health condition like bipolar disorder or kidney disease.

How to Choose the Right Creatine Supplement

Creatine can be consumed through foods like red meat and fish. However, some people may benefit from taking a creatine supplement to get the necessary amount for their bodies to function optimally.

Most creatine supplements are labeled "creatine monohydrate." This is the most studied form of creatine, which increases muscle mass, strength, and recovery. It is available in capsule and powder form.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate supplements like medications or food. Because of this, experts recommend looking for products that include a reputable third-party testing organization on the label, like NSF or ConsumerLab.com. This indicates that other independent organizations have ensured the supplement contains what is stated on the label and doesn't contain harmful contaminants.


Creatine is a naturally occurring compound in the body that helps produce muscle energy. It's also found in foods like red meat and fish and is a main ingredient in many sports supplements.

In addition to supporting muscular energy and post-workout recovery, some evidence suggests that creatine may benefit brain, bone, cognitive, muscular, and hormonal health, particularly for women.

Creatine is generally considered safe in recommended dosages for most healthy adults. However, speak with a healthcare provider before adding new supplements to your routine.

A Note on Gender and Sex Terminology

This article will focus on the benefits of creatine for people assigned female at birth. Verywell Health acknowledges that sex and gender are related concepts, but they are not the same. To reflect our sources accurately, this article uses terms like “females” and “women" as the sources use them.

20 Sources
Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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By Cristina Mutchler
Mutchler is an award-winning journalist specializing in health and wellness content. She is based in Illinois.