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CTAO: an observatory for ground based gamma-ray astrophysics


The Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) is the next generation of gamma-ray astronomy research infrastructure with a leading role worldwide in multi-wavelength and multi-messenger studies of the Universe. High energy astrophysics is the study of the Universe through radiation and messengers emitted by high energy or decaying particles, heated or accelerated close to deep gravitational potentials (such as black-hole and neutron stars), large electro-magnetic fields, shocks in diffuse media or forged in stars.  CTAO will explore a wide variety of particle accelerators in the Universe, from the nearby pulsars, micro-quasars, stellar winds and supernova to active galactic nuclei, gamma-ray bursts and clusters of galaxies. These sources accelerate particles to energies much larger than in man-made accelerators such as the LHC. CTAO will also probe fundamental physics such as the violation of the Lorentz invariance and the nature of dark matter. At energies beyond the mass of the proton, gamma-ray astronomy has the potential to unravel the sources of cosmic rays, the charged particles of extraordinary high energies that continuously bombard our atmosphere. CTAO is a landmark of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructure (ESFRI) and has the highest priority in the roadmap of the Astroparticle Physics European Consortium (APPEC). It will be built and operated by the CTAO European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) for the next three decades. CTAO will be composed of 2 telescope arrays (at the ESO premises in Paranal, Chile, and at the site of Roque de Los Muchachos La Palma, Canary Islands) made of 3 types of telescopes from 4, 12 and 23m diameter.

More informations

For more informations and details, please have a look to the pdf file linked below