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A–Z list of databases

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Use our subscription to EBSCOhost for access to a major platform featuring over 40 databases. Subject coverage includes business and industry, management and marketing, social sciences and humanities, communication and mass media, news and current affairs, education, science and health, nursing, engineering, computing and technology, design, film and television.

Search EBSCOhost


Use our subscription to the IBISWorld database to access full-text market research reports for over 700 Australian industries. Reports include executive summaries, major players, five-year forecasts, detailed financial analysis and recent industry performance.

Search IBISWorld


Use our subscription to ProQuest for access to a major platform that provides access to multidisciplinary e-books, dissertations and periodicals. Major subject areas include business, health and medical, social sciences, education, science and technology, and humanities.

Search ProQuest


Use our subscription to Scopus to access this database of peer-reviewed literature in life sciences, physical sciences, health sciences, social sciences and humanities. Includes content from the databases Compendex (engineering), Embase (biomedicine and pharmacology) and 100% Medline coverage.

Search Scopus


Use our subscription to the Techstreet global standards database to access the complete collection of Australian standards and a small number of selected ISO standards.

Search Standards

Web of Science

Use our subscription to access multiple databases that provide comprehensive citation data for many different academic disciplines.

Search Web of Science

Search for journal articles 

Search the library catalogue 

Search across all our collections, including databases and journals. Type in the title of the article or search for your topic. Select Articles from your search results to filter journal articles only.

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A–Z journals

Browse our collection of journals listed in alphabetical order, or search by title or International Standard Serial Number (ISSN).

Search A–Z journals

Google Scholar

Search Google Scholar for peer-reviewed articles across all areas of research and access Swinburne Library collections. To get direct access to Swinburne Library collections at home go to Settings > Library Links > Search for Swinburne and then click Save.

Search Google Scholar

Search for books and ebooks 

Search the library catalogue 

Ebooks are available by searching our library catalogue. Type in keywords and refine your results to 'books'. At the paper clip icon, click ‘access online'. 

You can also find out more about how to access and use ebooks.

Search for Ebooks

Find Library resources using LibKey Nomad

Instantly connect to Swinburne Library resources from anywhere using the LibKey Nomad browser extension.

You can search the web to find scholarly articles and the extension will automatically connect you to these articles in the library collection. You can do your research using the LibKey Nomad extension from anywhere.

How it works

Download and install the LibKey Nomad extension and ensure you choose Swinburne Library as your organisation. It works with Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Vivaldi, Brave and Safari.

You may be required to sign in. if you see a Swinburne screen at any time, sign in using your Swinburne username and password.

Then simply watch out for LibKey links while you search. You may see them on a webpage, in PubMed or throughout a Wikipedia reference list. 

While searching keep an eye out for:

  • download pdf
  • article links
  • access options.

Contact the library if you need any help. 

Find Course Readings

Course Readings are essential items such as textbooks and online resources identified by educators to support courses.

To find Readings, go to your unit in Canvas and click on the link called ‘Readings’. It is in the navigation pane to the left.

In the Readings tool you can see a list of items. Click on the item title to find out more information. Online items can be accessed by clicking the link. Physical items can be found at the Library location listed.

If you cannot access your Readings check with your course educator. Some educators may not use the Reading List function in Canvas and may share a list using other methods.

A typical reading list has different types of material. Identifying these types will help you find them: 

  • Book — look for a publisher and place of publication.
    For example: Jones, R 2010 Recruit, select & induct staffPearsonFrenchs Forest, NSW. 

  • Book chapter — look for the word ‘in’, followed by the editors and title of the book.
    For example: Dalton, M 2006 ‘Developing the global manager’, in RJ Burke & CL Cooper (eds) 2006, The human resources revolution: why putting people first matters, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 123-136. 

  • Journal article — look for the volume numberissue number or month, and page numbers.
    For example: Hughes, H 2010, ‘International students’ experience of university libraries and librarians’, Australian Academic & Research Librariesvol. 41, no. 2, pp 77-89.  

Other helpful resources

Need help accessing databases?

Check out our tips for troubleshooting common issues with accessing databases and find out who to contact if our tips don’t solve your problem. 

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Do you know about copyright law limitations?

Under Australian copyright law, you can only copy limited amounts of literary, dramatic, musical, artistic works and audio-visual material as part of your studies. Use our interactive copyright tool to decide how to use images, videos, text and music in your assessment.

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Contact the library

For all enquiries and feedback, please email library@swinburne.edu.au or call 1300 794 628. Alternatively, complete this form so our team members can get in touch with you.

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