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Recent Web Tech Updates
                   from Japan

                     YAPC::Europe 2009.08.04
                    Yusuke Kawasaki (kawanet)
                   Recruit Media Technology Labs

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                           1
PaPaPa Live Comment System

 • http://www.kawa.net/c/
   – Please access from your PC, iPhone, etc.

 • Write your comment on form and click the
   button below to send it to the screen.

                                 ← comment form
                                 ← submit button

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                           2
                     Yusuke Kawasaki

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon               3
Yusuke Kawasaki(川﨑 有亮)

 • Perl monger
         – XML::TreePP, XML::FeedPP, etc.
 • JavaScript addict
         – Shibuya.js, the JUI conference


 • I created XML::TreePP module.
 • I think “DOM” needs more
   elegant interface.

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                    4
CPAN Author

  •   XML::TreePP
  •   XML::FeedPP
  •   Class::Accessor::Children
  •   Lingua::JA::Romanize::Japanese
  •   Lingua::KO::Romanize::Hangul
  •   Lingua::ZH::Romanize::Pinyin
  •   Encode::JP::Emoji
  •   Unicode::Emoji::Base

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                           5

 • XML string from/to Perl hash object
     Pure Perl, fast and easy

 • use XML::TreePP;
   my $tpp = XML::TreePP->new();
   my $hash = {elem=>"value"};
   print $tpp->write($hash); # XML string

 • my $xml = "<elem>value</elem>";
   my $tree = $tpp->parse($xml);
   print Dumper($tree); # Perl hash object
YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                     6
DOM Manipulation by Wiimote

                           Last year, I manipulated
                           the DOM by Wii Remote
                           at YAPC::Europe 2008.

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                              7
The DOM Operations 2008

           I manipulated it around the world.



  2008.04         OSDC.TW
  2008.05         YAPC::Asia
  2008.06         YAPC::NA
  2008.08         YAPC::Europe
YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                           8
The main difference between
        YAPC::Europe 2008 and 2009

                      My experiences in
                   Copenhagen and Lisbon.

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                    9
Super rock, Lisbon

             48 kr
                                     0.8 Euro!
          (6.4 Euro)
YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                         10

                    ActionScript library for
                   AR (Augmented Reality)

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                       11
 • Image synthesizing engine for AR
    – 2009.05 released by Kawanet (me!)
 • Pure ActionScripe 3.0
    – No other library dependencies
 • Only webcam needed
    – No blue back screen
    – No need to print
      AR marker PDF

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                  12
Step 1/3 - Stationary background

 At first, connect you webcam and run LiveChromaKey.
 Never move until it recognizes stationary background.

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                                 13
Step 2/3 – Bluescreen on the fly

    It generates bluescreen automatically.
    Live Video – Background = Bluescreen

                           -        ⇒

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                     14
Step 3/3 - Transparent foreground

    Get the foreground image as a translarent Sprite.
    Live Video – Bluescreen = Foreground

                           -           ⇒

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                                15
LiveChromaKey Synopsis

    LiveChromaKey provides four kinds of Sprites.

           v a r c h r o m a k e y : L C K _ C o r e                                              =       n e w         L C K _ C o r e ( ) ;
            c h r o m a k e y . i n i t ( ) ;

           v a r          s p L      i v e       : S p      r i t       e      =       c h r      o m a      k e y      . g e      t L i      v e (      ) ;
            v a r          s p B      a c k       : S p      r i t      e      =        c h r      o m a      k e y      . g e      t B a      c k g     r o u n d ( ) ;
             v a r          s p M      a s k       : S p      r i t     e      =         c h r      o m a      k e y      . g e      t M a      s k (     ) ;
              v a r          s p F      o r e       : S p      r i t    e      =          c h r      o m a      k e y      . g e      t F o      r e g     r o u n d ( ) ;

           t h i      s . a       d d C      h i l       d (        s p L      i v e           ) ;
            t h i      s . a       d d C      h i l      d (         s p B      a c k          ) ;
             t h i      s . a       d d C      h i l     d (          s p M      a s k         ) ;
              t h i      s . a       d d C      h i l    d (           s p F      o r e        ) ;

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                                                                                                                                                     16
Example: Travelling in Egypt

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                   17
Sprites augmented IN reality

    The key feature of LiveChromaKey is to insert
    Sprites augmented between background and
    foreground images.


YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                            18
Example: Slideshow in reality

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                   19
Augmented reality by reality

 Another way to augment reality is using past reality.

                                                -2nd frame

                                   Previous frame

                           Current frame

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                                     20
Multiarmed deity

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                  21
Brothers on the fly

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                   22
“Exile” Dancing

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                     23

 • You can play these demos on:

     – http://kawanet.blogspot.com/
     – http://www.libspark.org/svn/as3/LiveChr
     – http://www.libspark.org/svn/as3/LiveChr
     – http://www.libspark.org/svn/as3/LiveChr

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                         24

                   ActionScript library for
                 detecting colored pointers.

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                       25

 • Live Color Pointer Detection Library
 • Uses Webcam as a 3D human interface
     – No need to print AR marker PDF
 • Any Color Pixel Cluster = Pointing Device
 • Ex.
   – Cluster #0 (250 pixels)
   – RGB: 25D985 (hex)
   – H: 152
   – S: 0.83
   – V: 0.85
YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                       26
Multiple Pointers Detection

         Live Color Pointer Detection Library
YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                        27
Labeled Pointer Detection

 • Labeled pointer guided by color code.

 • Works as a human input
   user interface device.

 • Ex. a labeled pointer
    – Name: “fingercap”
    – Color: 0x2197A9 (uint)
    – Cost: approx US$1

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                   28
Price is an advantage for UI
       Wii Remote Controller           Fingercap
            US$35.96                   US$1.00

     Iʼm sure that Fingercap is definitely important
         user interface device of very near future.
YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                               29
Corporate Perl Situation
                     in Japan

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                 30
Corporate Perl in Japan

 • Several major Japanese companies strongly
   use Perl for their main business domains.
 • DeNA (mobagame)
    – Mobile SNS. 10+ mil users.
 • Livedoor
    – dankogai and miyagawa quit.
 • Mixi
    – SNS. 16+ mil users.
 • Recruit
    – Employs me.          And more!
YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                       31
Recruit Co., Ltd. (RGF)

 • Major publishing company since 1960
 • Media is changing as well as in Japan.
 • Now third part of our sales is earning
   on/from the Interet.
 • Established Media Technology Labs 2007
    – Web tech R&D, business dev, incubation

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                       32
Japan Perl Association

 • Established on April 2009.
   – The Chair: Daisuke Maki (lestrrat)
   – Focusing to support corporate use of Perl
     and Perl hackers job changing.

 • Hosts YAPC::Asia 2009 Tokyo.
   – 2009.09.10 – 09.11 Autumn
   – Shibuya.pm has hosted Y::A until 2008.
YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                         33
OpenSocial Container
                       By Perl

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                34

 • OpenSocial is a set of APIs for SNS.
 • Many SNSs in the world, including Mixi in
   Japan, support OpenSocial apps.

 • Two way to access to social network ■
   – JavaScript library interface ■
   – RESTful XML / JSON-RPC protocols ■
YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                       35
Apache Shindig

 • An OpenSocial container implemention
   by Apache incubation project.
 • Consists of four parts:
   – Gadget Container JavaScript
   – Gadget Rendering Server
   – OpenSocial Container JavaScript
   – OpenSocial Data Server

 • Java and PHP version of it released.
 • No Perl version yet.
YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                  36
Importing Shindig to Perl

 • Weʼre importing Shindigʼs RPC Data API
   handling servlets to Perl!
 • Collaboration/partnership wanted.
                                       A p i               S e r               v l e               t . p               m
         Database Layer                 A p p               D a t               a H a               n d l              e r .              p m
                                         A p p               D a t               a S e               r v i              c e .             p m
                                          C o l               l e c               t i o               n O p              t i o            n s . p m
                    Data     Gadget        D a t               a R e               q u e               s t H              a n d            l e r . p m
                   RPC API   Render         D a t               a S e               r v i               c e S              e r v            l e t . p m
                   Servlet   Servlet         J s o               n R p               c S e               r v l              e t .            p m
                                              P e r               s o n               H a n               d l e              r . p        m
                                               P e r               s o n               S e r               v i c              e . p       m
        Perl          Perl    PHP
                                                R e q               u e s               t I t               e m .              p m
                                                 R e s               p o n               s e I               t e m              . p m
                    Apache                        R e s               t R e               q u e               s t I              t e m    . p m
                                                   R p c               R e q               u e s               t I t              e m .    p m
YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                                                                                                                                  37

             Picture characters commonly
            used on mobile phones in Japan

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                     38

 • 3 mobile phone carriers in Japan.
    – NTT DoCoMo, KDDI and SoftBank.
    – Vodafone has gone away from Japan.
 • Each company has
   defined their Emoji
   character sets with
   less compatibility.
 • Most Japanese users
   heavily use Emojis
   on mobile email.
YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                   39
Private code points

 • Each company uses their own code point in
   PUA (private use area). Ex. “heart”
 • DoCoMo           KDDI           SoftBank
   U+E6EC           U+E595         U+E022
   SJIS-F991        SJIS-F7B2      SJIS-F962

 • We need translation maps for each pair of
   Emoji sets.
YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                       40
NTT DoCoMo Emojis (282)

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon             41
KDDI Emojis (647)

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon               42
SoftBank Emojis (351)

    Some of Emojis are displayed like
    animation GIFs on mobile phone devices.
YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                      43
Googleʼs code points

 • Gmail supports “emoticon” characters.

 • They also uses PUA again and has their
   translation map from/to Japanese Emojis.
 • Then, Googleʼs “emoji4unicode” project has
   proposed unified code points of Japanese
   Emojis to Unicode standard. Thanks!
 • http://emoji4unicode.googlecode.com/
YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                        44
Ex. Emoji for Sun

 •   DoCoMo PUA <U+E63E>
 •   KDDI PUA <U+E488>
 •   SoftBank PUA <U+E04A>
 •   Google PUA <U+FE000>

 • Unicode Standard
YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                 45
Ex. Emoji for Dung

 •   DoCoMo (donʼt have emoji for dung)
 •   KDDI PUA <U+E4F5>
 •   SoftBank PUA <U+E05A>
 •   Google PUA <U+FE4F4>

 • Unicode Standard proposed
   <U+1F410> “DUNG”
YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                  46
Perl Modules Released

 • Unicode::Emoji::E4U
   – Emoji mappings based on emoji4unicode
   – Pure Perl OO interface for the table
 • Encode::JP::Emoji
   – Emoji encodings and cross-mapping
     tables in pure Perl
   – Pure Perl encodings for Encode.pm
   – XS (UCM) version of this was canceled.

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                      47
Encode::JP::Emoji Usage
 u s e      E n c o d e ;
  u s e      E n c o d e : : J P : : E m o j i ;

 #     f r o m D o C o M o < U + E 6 E 2 > t o G o o g l e < U + F E 8 2 E >
 m y $ k e y c a p 1 = " ¥ x E E ¥ x 9 B ¥ x A 2 " ;
  E n c o d e : : f r o m _ t o ( $ k e y c a p 1 , ' x - u t f 8 - e 4 u - d o c o m o ' ,                       ' u t f 8 ' ) ;

 #     f r o    m     K D D I < S     J I S      + F 7      F 5 > t o S o f t B a n k < S J I S + F 7 4 7 >
 m y $ s        c r e a m = "          ¥ x F      7 ¥ x      F 5 " ;
  E n c o d      e : : f r o m _ t      o ( $      s c r      e a m , ' x - s j i s - e 4 u - k d d i a p p ' ,
        ' x -     s j i s - e 4 u -      s o f      t b a      n k 3 g ' ) ;

          Encode::JP::Mobile is an alternative module to do above.

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                                                                                                            48
             Web Application Contest


YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                    49
Mashup Awards

 • Largest web application development
   contest in Japan since 2006.
 • MA4 – 2008.06.03 – 09.16

(C) RECRUIT Co., Ltd.         2009/8/5   50
ChaMap – MA4 Grand Prix

                                   Geo location based
                                   chat communication
                                   platform service
                                   using Google Maps,
                                   Language API and
                                   some other APIs.
                                   Real time translation
                                   and read out in English.

(C) RECRUIT Co., Ltd.   2009/8/5                         51
Get 1,000,000 Yen on MA5!

 See detail on http://mashupaward.jp/english/
 about the previous MA4 contest last year.
YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                    52

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                53

 • Corporate Perl is growing also in Japan.
 • Come to Japan and see us in YAPC::Asia
   2009 on this September.
 • Recruit (RGF) is working for an OpenSocial
   container implemented by Perl.
 • Dung Emoji code point <U+1F410> is
   proposed to Unicode standard.
 • Apply your work to MA5 contest to win the
   grand prix of 1,000,000Yen! (≒9,000 beer)

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                        54
Thank you!

                          Yusuke Kawasaki
                        川﨑 有亮 (kawanet)

YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon                      55

More Related Content

Recent Web Tech Updates from Japan - YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon

  • 1. Recent Web Tech Updates from Japan YAPC::Europe 2009.08.04 Yusuke Kawasaki (kawanet) http://www.kawa.net/ Recruit Media Technology Labs YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 1
  • 2. PaPaPa Live Comment System • http://www.kawa.net/c/ – Please access from your PC, iPhone, etc. • Write your comment on form and click the button below to send it to the screen. ← comment form ← submit button YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 2
  • 3. Introducing Yusuke Kawasaki YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 3
  • 4. Yusuke Kawasaki(川﨑 有亮) • Perl monger – XML::TreePP, XML::FeedPP, etc. • JavaScript addict – Shibuya.js, the JUI conference http://www.kawa.net/ http://twitter.com/kawanet • I created XML::TreePP module. • I think “DOM” needs more elegant interface. YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 4
  • 5. CPAN Author • XML::TreePP • XML::FeedPP • Class::Accessor::Children • Lingua::JA::Romanize::Japanese • Lingua::KO::Romanize::Hangul • Lingua::ZH::Romanize::Pinyin • Encode::JP::Emoji • Unicode::Emoji::Base http://search.cpan.org/~kawasaki/ YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 5
  • 6. XML::TreePP • XML string from/to Perl hash object Pure Perl, fast and easy • use XML::TreePP; my $tpp = XML::TreePP->new(); my $hash = {elem=>"value"}; print $tpp->write($hash); # XML string • my $xml = "<elem>value</elem>"; my $tree = $tpp->parse($xml); print Dumper($tree); # Perl hash object YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 6
  • 7. DOM Manipulation by Wiimote Last year, I manipulated the DOM by Wii Remote at YAPC::Europe 2008. YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 7
  • 8. The DOM Operations 2008 I manipulated it around the world. Copenhagen Tokyo Chicago Taipei 2008.04 OSDC.TW 2008.05 YAPC::Asia 2008.06 YAPC::NA 2008.08 YAPC::Europe YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 8
  • 9. The main difference between YAPC::Europe 2008 and 2009 My experiences in Copenhagen and Lisbon. YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 9
  • 10. Super rock, Lisbon 48 kr 0.8 Euro! (6.4 Euro) YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 10
  • 11. LiveChromaKey ActionScript library for AR (Augmented Reality) YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 11
  • 12. LiveChromaKey • Image synthesizing engine for AR – 2009.05 released by Kawanet (me!) • Pure ActionScripe 3.0 – No other library dependencies • Only webcam needed – No blue back screen – No need to print AR marker PDF YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 12
  • 13. Step 1/3 - Stationary background At first, connect you webcam and run LiveChromaKey. Never move until it recognizes stationary background. YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 13
  • 14. Step 2/3 – Bluescreen on the fly It generates bluescreen automatically. Live Video – Background = Bluescreen - ⇒ YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 14
  • 15. Step 3/3 - Transparent foreground Get the foreground image as a translarent Sprite. Live Video – Bluescreen = Foreground - ⇒ YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 15
  • 16. LiveChromaKey Synopsis LiveChromaKey provides four kinds of Sprites. v a r c h r o m a k e y : L C K _ C o r e = n e w L C K _ C o r e ( ) ; c h r o m a k e y . i n i t ( ) ; v a r s p L i v e : S p r i t e = c h r o m a k e y . g e t L i v e ( ) ; v a r s p B a c k : S p r i t e = c h r o m a k e y . g e t B a c k g r o u n d ( ) ; v a r s p M a s k : S p r i t e = c h r o m a k e y . g e t M a s k ( ) ; v a r s p F o r e : S p r i t e = c h r o m a k e y . g e t F o r e g r o u n d ( ) ; t h i s . a d d C h i l d ( s p L i v e ) ; t h i s . a d d C h i l d ( s p B a c k ) ; t h i s . a d d C h i l d ( s p M a s k ) ; t h i s . a d d C h i l d ( s p F o r e ) ; YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 16
  • 17. Example: Travelling in Egypt pyramid.swf YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 17
  • 18. Sprites augmented IN reality The key feature of LiveChromaKey is to insert Sprites augmented between background and foreground images. Sprite YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 18
  • 19. Example: Slideshow in reality minority.swf YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 19
  • 20. Augmented reality by reality Another way to augment reality is using past reality. -2nd frame Previous frame Current frame YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 20
  • 21. Multiarmed deity exile.swf YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 21
  • 22. Brothers on the fly exile.swf YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 22
  • 23. “Exile” Dancing exile.swf YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 23
  • 24. Demos • You can play these demos on: – http://kawanet.blogspot.com/ – http://www.libspark.org/svn/as3/LiveChr omaKey/trunk/examples/pyramid.html – http://www.libspark.org/svn/as3/LiveChr omaKey/trunk/examples/minority.html – http://www.libspark.org/svn/as3/LiveChr omaKey/trunk/examples/exile.html YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 24
  • 25. LivePointers ActionScript library for detecting colored pointers. YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 25
  • 26. LivePointers • Live Color Pointer Detection Library • Uses Webcam as a 3D human interface – No need to print AR marker PDF • Any Color Pixel Cluster = Pointing Device • Ex. – Cluster #0 (250 pixels) – RGB: 25D985 (hex) – H: 152 – S: 0.83 – V: 0.85 YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 26
  • 27. Multiple Pointers Detection Live Color Pointer Detection Library YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 27
  • 28. Labeled Pointer Detection • Labeled pointer guided by color code. • Works as a human input user interface device. • Ex. a labeled pointer – Name: “fingercap” – Color: 0x2197A9 (uint) – Cost: approx US$1 YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 28
  • 29. Price is an advantage for UI Wii Remote Controller Fingercap US$35.96 US$1.00 Iʼm sure that Fingercap is definitely important user interface device of very near future. YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 29
  • 30. Corporate Perl Situation in Japan YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 30
  • 31. Corporate Perl in Japan • Several major Japanese companies strongly use Perl for their main business domains. • DeNA (mobagame) – Mobile SNS. 10+ mil users. • Livedoor – dankogai and miyagawa quit. • Mixi – SNS. 16+ mil users. • Recruit – Employs me. And more! YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 31
  • 32. Recruit Co., Ltd. (RGF) • Major publishing company since 1960 • Media is changing as well as in Japan. • Now third part of our sales is earning on/from the Interet. • Established Media Technology Labs 2007 – Web tech R&D, business dev, incubation YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 32
  • 33. Japan Perl Association • Established on April 2009. – The Chair: Daisuke Maki (lestrrat) – Focusing to support corporate use of Perl and Perl hackers job changing. • Hosts YAPC::Asia 2009 Tokyo. – 2009.09.10 – 09.11 Autumn – Shibuya.pm has hosted Y::A until 2008. YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 33
  • 34. OpenSocial Container By Perl YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 34
  • 35. OpenSocial • OpenSocial is a set of APIs for SNS. • Many SNSs in the world, including Mixi in Japan, support OpenSocial apps. • Two way to access to social network ■ – JavaScript library interface ■ – RESTful XML / JSON-RPC protocols ■ YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 35
  • 36. Apache Shindig • An OpenSocial container implemention by Apache incubation project. • Consists of four parts: – Gadget Container JavaScript – Gadget Rendering Server – OpenSocial Container JavaScript – OpenSocial Data Server • Java and PHP version of it released. • No Perl version yet. YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 36
  • 37. Importing Shindig to Perl • Weʼre importing Shindigʼs RPC Data API handling servlets to Perl! • Collaboration/partnership wanted. A p i S e r v l e t . p m Database Layer A p p D a t a H a n d l e r . p m A p p D a t a S e r v i c e . p m C o l l e c t i o n O p t i o n s . p m Data Gadget D a t a R e q u e s t H a n d l e r . p m SNS RPC API Render D a t a S e r v i c e S e r v l e t . p m Website Servlet Servlet J s o n R p c S e r v l e t . p m P e r s o n H a n d l e r . p m P e r s o n S e r v i c e . p m Perl Perl PHP R e q u e s t I t e m . p m R e s p o n s e I t e m . p m Apache R e s t R e q u e s t I t e m . p m R p c R e q u e s t I t e m . p m : YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 37
  • 38. Emoji Picture characters commonly used on mobile phones in Japan YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 38
  • 39. Background • 3 mobile phone carriers in Japan. – NTT DoCoMo, KDDI and SoftBank. – Vodafone has gone away from Japan. • Each company has defined their Emoji character sets with less compatibility. • Most Japanese users heavily use Emojis on mobile email. YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 39
  • 40. Private code points • Each company uses their own code point in PUA (private use area). Ex. “heart” • DoCoMo KDDI SoftBank U+E6EC U+E595 U+E022 SJIS-F991 SJIS-F7B2 SJIS-F962 • We need translation maps for each pair of Emoji sets. YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 40
  • 41. NTT DoCoMo Emojis (282) YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 41
  • 43. SoftBank Emojis (351) Some of Emojis are displayed like animation GIFs on mobile phone devices. YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 43
  • 44. Googleʼs code points • Gmail supports “emoticon” characters. • They also uses PUA again and has their translation map from/to Japanese Emojis. • Then, Googleʼs “emoji4unicode” project has proposed unified code points of Japanese Emojis to Unicode standard. Thanks! • http://emoji4unicode.googlecode.com/ YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 44
  • 45. Ex. Emoji for Sun • DoCoMo PUA <U+E63E> • KDDI PUA <U+E488> • SoftBank PUA <U+E04A> • Google PUA <U+FE000> • Unicode Standard <U+2600> “BLACK SUN WITH RAYS” YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 45
  • 46. Ex. Emoji for Dung • DoCoMo (donʼt have emoji for dung) • KDDI PUA <U+E4F5> • SoftBank PUA <U+E05A> • Google PUA <U+FE4F4> • Unicode Standard proposed <U+1F410> “DUNG” YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 46
  • 47. Perl Modules Released • Unicode::Emoji::E4U – Emoji mappings based on emoji4unicode project – Pure Perl OO interface for the table • Encode::JP::Emoji – Emoji encodings and cross-mapping tables in pure Perl – Pure Perl encodings for Encode.pm – XS (UCM) version of this was canceled. YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 47
  • 48. Encode::JP::Emoji Usage u s e E n c o d e ; u s e E n c o d e : : J P : : E m o j i ; # f r o m D o C o M o < U + E 6 E 2 > t o G o o g l e < U + F E 8 2 E > m y $ k e y c a p 1 = " ¥ x E E ¥ x 9 B ¥ x A 2 " ; E n c o d e : : f r o m _ t o ( $ k e y c a p 1 , ' x - u t f 8 - e 4 u - d o c o m o ' , ' u t f 8 ' ) ; # f r o m K D D I < S J I S + F 7 F 5 > t o S o f t B a n k < S J I S + F 7 4 7 > m y $ s c r e a m = " ¥ x F 7 ¥ x F 5 " ; E n c o d e : : f r o m _ t o ( $ s c r e a m , ' x - s j i s - e 4 u - k d d i a p p ' , ' x - s j i s - e 4 u - s o f t b a n k 3 g ' ) ; Encode::JP::Mobile is an alternative module to do above. YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 48
  • 49. MA5 Web Application Contest http://mashupaward.jp/ YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 49
  • 50. Mashup Awards • Largest web application development contest in Japan since 2006. • MA4 – 2008.06.03 – 09.16 (C) RECRUIT Co., Ltd. 2009/8/5 50
  • 51. ChaMap – MA4 Grand Prix Geo location based chat communication platform service using Google Maps, Language API and some other APIs. Real time translation and read out in English. http://www.chamap.net/ (C) RECRUIT Co., Ltd. 2009/8/5 51
  • 52. Get 1,000,000 Yen on MA5! See detail on http://mashupaward.jp/english/ about the previous MA4 contest last year. YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 52
  • 54. Conclusion • Corporate Perl is growing also in Japan. • Come to Japan and see us in YAPC::Asia 2009 on this September. • Recruit (RGF) is working for an OpenSocial container implemented by Perl. • Dung Emoji code point <U+1F410> is proposed to Unicode standard. • Apply your work to MA5 contest to win the grand prix of 1,000,000Yen! (≒9,000 beer) YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 54
  • 55. Thank you! Yusuke Kawasaki 川﨑 有亮 (kawanet) http://www.kawa.net/ YAPC::Europe 2009 Lisbon 55