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CONTENTS — volume 37, no 4, 2011

Published: Jul 2011


Understanding the causal relations between psychosocial factors at work and health – a circular process


The effects of shift work on body weight change − a systematic review of longitudinal studies

Original article

Workplace bullying and mental distress – a prospective study of Norwegian employees
Effect of job maintenance training program for employees with chronic disease – a randomized controlled trial on self-efficacy, job satisfaction, and fatigue
Comparison of research case definitions for carpal tunnel syndrome
Cause-specific mortality and cancer incidence among 28 300 Royal Norwegian Navy servicemen followed for more than 50 years
N–nitrosamines are associated with shorter telomere length
Lung function, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, and atopy among firefighters
Moulds in floor dust – a particular problem in mechanically ventilated rooms? A study of adolescent schoolboys under the Danish moulds in buildings program
Prenatal cell phone use and developmental milestone delays among infants

Case report

Chacinero’s lung – hypersensitivity pneumonitis due to dry sausage dust

Book review
