ISDN Slides1
ISDN Slides1
ISDN Slides1
Narrowband ISDN has been designed to operate over the current communications infrastructure, which is heavily dependent on the copper cable. B-ISDN however, relies mainly on the evolution of fibre optics.
Broadband ISDN allows its users to communicate over high speed, high quality digital channels. The media is supports include Telex, fax, voice telephone, video telephone, audio, high definition TV and computer networking.
Services category
Interactive services: Conversational series Messaging services Retrieval services Distribution services:
Tv broadcast Videography.
What are the features of isdn and why is narrow band ISDN is not so popular ? Advantage of BISDN over other networks? Explain ISDN swiching services and their 4 refernce points? ISDN switching. what are the interfaces available and explain reference points and its uasage. Explain ISDN concept?
The Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) is a set of international standards for access to advanced, all-digital public telecommunications networks.
ISDN Introduction
ISDN provides all of its services over an entirely digital transmission system When ISDN is referred to as a network it is to be considered a telephone network, not a computer network
Introduction:The key elements of this definition are: Video Image Data Mixed media at a number of standard data rates
Components of ISDN
ISDN Channels
A CHANNEL is the basic unit of ISDN service. The ISDN Standards define three basic types of channels: Bearer channels (B channels) Delta (or "Demand") channels (D channels) High-capacity channels (H channels)
ISDN Devices
Terminal Equipment (TE) Terminal Adapter (TA) Network Termination 1 (NT1) Network Termination 2 (NT2) Exchange Termination (ET) Terminal Equipment (TE)
allows non-ISDN devices to operate on an ISDN network. Terminal Equipment Type 1 (TE1) - A device that supports ISDN standards and that can be connected directly to an ISDN network connection. For example, routers with integrated ISDN interfaces, ISDN telephones, personal computers, or videophones could function as TE1s.. Terminal Equipment Type 2 (TE2) - A non-ISDN device, such as a router, analog phone or modem, which requires a TA in order to connect to an ISDN network.
Network termination type 1 & 2 (NT2) A device that provides switching services for the internal
network. This type of interface is typically used with PRI lines, when they need to be divided for several functions.
ISDN Protocols
E-series protocolsTelephone network standards for ISDN. I-series protocolsSpecify ISDN concepts and interfaces. Q-series protocolsStandards for ISDN switching and signaling. Operate at the physical, data link, and network layers of the OSI reference model
Each B channel to be used for separate applications including voice, data and Internet
Multiple B channels can be Multilinked together
What Is ISDN?
ISDN Benefits
Carries a variety of user traffic, such as digital video, data, and telephone network services, using the normal phone circuitswitched network Offers much faster call setup than modems by using out-of-band signaling (D channel) Provides a faster data transfer rate than modems by using the 64-kbps bearer channel (B channel) Can negotiate PPP links
Often less than one second
NT-1 (Network Terminator-1)
An NT-1 is an interface box that converts ISDN data into something a PC can understand (and vice versa). It works a little like a cable TV descrambler for ISDN signals, and is often built into ISDN adapters. This chunk of hardware converts the data it receives over ISDN to a form your computer can understand. Sometimes mistakenly called an ISDN modem or a digital modem, a terminal adapter handles data digitally and does not need to modulate or demodulate an analog signal. Terminal adapters can be an internal board or an external board that connects to the computer through the serial port.
TA (Terminal Adapter)
Note: With Q.921/Q.931 the second digit indicates the OSI layer.
ISDN physical-layer frame formats are 48 bits long, of which 36 bits represent data
ISDN Encapsulation
The two most common encapsulations:
ISDN defaults to HDLC. PPP is much more robust.
Remote Access (Telecommuters) Remote Nodes (Voice and Data) SOHO Connectivity (Small Branches)