_8Y03 Week 1 2024 AC (1)
_8Y03 Week 1 2024 AC (1)
_8Y03 Week 1 2024 AC (1)
Welcome to
Socio-emotional / Physical Processes
and the Exceptional Learner (I/S)
What Do You Believe and See
about Special Education?
The Process- one example
Individual Education Plan
A working document
Why IEP?
• You will have identified students in your secondary
• The face of Secondary inclusion is changing.
• They will be working for no-credit, partial credit,
and full credit.
• Although you will not be required to write IEPs on
your own, as the classroom teacher, you are
responsible for meeting their learning needs.
• It is best to take ownership of the IEPs so that you
are teaching expectations that best match your
5 Ws and How of the IEP?
• What? Why? The IEP is a government document that
makes schools and school boards accountable for the
programs they provide for students with disabilities.
• When? Must be completed within 30 school days of the
students first day of school or of decision to create an IEP. It
is reviewed at the end of each term and revised at the
beginning of the new term. Parents see it and sign off 3
times per year.
• Who? The resource teacher and the classroom teacher
develop the IEP. Parents are given the opportunity to
provide input.
• Where? Is stored in OSR, BUT should be accessible to the
teacher as it is a working document!
• How? Lets take a look…
Resources for Writing the IEP
• Special Education in Ontario Schools K-12
• What gains did the student make?
• Were the materials, methods and
procedures appropriate?
• What does the student need to learn
Accommodation or Modification
Accommodation (changes to Modification (changes
HOW we teach and assess) WHAT we teach and asses)
• Refers to the teaching strategies, • Refers to changes made to the
assessment & evaluation strategies, content of the learning
supports and /or services that are expectations that are different
required for a student to access the from the age and/or grade
curriculum and demonstrate placement of the student.
learning. • Use curriculum expectations
• Do not alter the provincial learning from alternate grade level.
expectations for the grade or level of • Changes to outcomes or what
the curriculum an individual is expected to
• Can be classified as; environmental, learn.
physical, academic, organizational, • Changes to the number and/or
motivational, assessment and complexity of the grade-level
evaluation. learning expectations.
• Allowed for EQAO testing in limited • Not allowed for EQOA testing.
ways (adjustments to environment,
time, format)
Annual Goals
• A statement of one specific learning
outcome that the student could realistically
be expected to accomplish in one school
It means:
• you can count it
• you can observe it
• It is specific
• 80% accuracy on 3 out of 4 occasions
• 75% accuracy on 3 out of 5 consecutive data
days of collection
• 70% accuracy on 3 out of 5 trials
• Fifty percent of the time
3 Parts of Performance Tasks
(IEP goals)
• Action- WHAT the student will be able to do
Final Assignment- Planning for
Inclusive Academic Learning
Groups have been created to have representation of different subject
Cases have been assigned to each group- these give general starting
points but can be adjusted to suit the desired profile (change age, add
assessment area, add interests ect- use creative license)
Begin to develop a profile for the student you will be focusing on
Next steps will include:
Start thinking about the Accommodations or Modifications you think
will benefit the student (Environment, Instructional and Assessment),
begin to make a list.
Assessment Criteria
A PROFILE: you must develop a case profile from the assigned case. The profile is to be written on
the School-based Team form provided for you and include relevant background information,
current level of achievement (academic, social, emotional), atypical and typical development,
current strengths and needs and reasoning for why this plan is necessary. Please indicate what
grade and course for which this plan is being developed. (5 marks)
CONSTRUCT YOUR PLAN: Imagine that you are writing an IEP for this student. Indicate and
SUPPORT (with comments and references to literature) what accommodations and/or
modifications need to be made for this student to be successful in your class (think UDL and DI-
environmental, instructional, assessment) (at least 3 of each). (May be point form). (10 marks)
THE HOW: This is where you will develop 2-3 SMART IEP goals for your student and identify
strategies and assessment criteria (as per page 3 of the IEP) Consider differentiated teaching
strategies and differentiated assessment strategies to make your curriculum accessible for this
student (at least 2 of each) (10 marks). (May be point form)
EVALUATE: Consider how you will know if your plan is successful? Where would you go from
here? How does this plan affect your overall teaching strategies? (5 marks) (paragraph form
and completed after case conferences during week 6)
SUBMIT YOUR PLAN: Submit your project through SAKAI in the “Assignments” tab (one per
group with all names included on the cover page). It should be 3-5 pages, double-spaced,
include both a cover sheet and a references page in APA style. Each group member is
responsible for submitting the self and peer evaluation form in their own Dropbox on SAKAI.
Criteria High Degree Considerable Limited Level (F) Rating