BCH314 Lecture Notes Section #4
BCH314 Lecture Notes Section #4
BCH314 Lecture Notes Section #4
Acrylamide gels
• Electrophoresis in acrylamide gels is frequently referred to as PAGE, being an abbreviation for
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
• Cross-linked polyacrylamide gels are formed from the polymerisation of acrylamide monomer in the
presence of smaller amounts of N,N’-methylene-bisacrylamide (normally referred to as ‘bis’-
• Acrylamide monomer is polymerised in a head-to-tail fashion into long chains and occasionally a bis-
acrylamide molecule is built into the growing chain, thus introducing a second site for chain extension.
• The polymerisation of acrylamide is an example of free-radical catalysis, and is initiated by the addition
of ammonium persulphate and the base N,N,N’,N’-tetramethylenediamine (TEMED).
• TEMED catalyses the decomposition of the persulphate ion to give a free radical (i.e. a molecule with
an unpaired electron):
• Free radicals are highly reactive species due to the presence of an unpaired
electron that needs to be paired with another electron to stabilise the
• The free radical (R) therefore reacts with a monomer molecule (M),
forming a single bond by sharing its unpaired electron with one from the
outer shell of the monomer molecule. This produces a new free radical
molecule RM*, which is equally reactive and will attack a further monomer
• In this way long chains of acrylamide are built up, being cross-linked by the
introduction of the occasional bis-acrylamide molecule into the growing
• Oxygen mops up free radicals and therefore all gel solutions are normally
degassed (the solutions are briefly placed under vacuum to remove loosely
• Acrylamide gels are defined in terms of the total percentage of
acrylamide present, and the pore size in the gel can be varied by
changing the concentrations of both the acrylamide and bis-
• Gels of between 10% and 20% acrylamide are used in techniques such
as SDS–gel electrophoresis, where the smaller pore size now
introduces a sieving effect that contributes to the separation of
proteins according to their size.
Sample Loading Buffer
• SDS (CH3-(CH2)10 -CH2OSO3- Na+ ) is an anionic detergent. Samples to be run on SDS–PAGE are firstly
boiled for 5 min in sample buffer containing ß-mercaptoethanol and SDS. The mercaptoethanol
reduces any disulphide bridges present that are holding together the protein tertiary structure, and
the SDS binds strongly to, and denatures, the protein.
• Each protein in the mixture is therefore fully denatured by this treatment and opens up into a rod-
shaped structure with a series of negatively charged SDS molecules along the polypeptide chain.
• On average, one SDS molecule binds for every two amino acid residues. The original native charge
on the molecule is therefore completely swamped by the negatively charged SDS molecules.
• The rod-like structure remains, as any rotation that tends to fold up the protein chain would result
in repulsion between negative charges on different parts of the protein chain, returning the
conformation back to the rod shape.
• The sample buffer also contains an ionisable tracking dye, usually bromophenol blue, that allows
the electrophoretic run to be monitored, and
• Sucrose or glycerol, which gives the sample solution density thus allowing the sample to settle
easily through the electrophoresis buffer to the bottom when injected into the loading well.
Stacking Gel and Band Sharpening
• The purpose of this stacking gel is to concentrate the protein sample into a sharp band before it
enters the main separating gel.
• This is achieved by utilising differences in ionic strength and pH between the electrophoresis
buffer and the stacking gel buffer and involves a phenomenon known as isotachophoresis.
• The stacking gel has a very large pore size (4% acrylamide), which allows the proteins to move
freely and concentrate, or stack, under the effect of the electric field.
• The band-sharpening effect relies on the fact that negatively charged glycinate ions (in the
electrophoresis buffer) have a lower electrophoretic mobility than do the protein–SDS complexes,
which, in turn, have lower mobility than the chloride ions (Cl) of the loading buffer and the
stacking gel buffer.
• When the current is switched on, all the ionic species have to migrate at the same speed
otherwise there would be a break in the electrical circuit.
• The glycinate ions can move at the same speed as Cl only if they are in a region of higher field
strength. Field strength is inversely proportional to conductivity, which is proportional to
• The result is that the three species of interest adjust their concentrations so that [Cl] > [protein–
SDS] > [glycinate].
• There is only a small quantity of protein–SDS complexes, so they concentrate in a very tight band
between glycinate and Cl boundaries. Once the glycinate reaches the separating gel it becomes
more fully ionised in the higher pH environment and its mobility increases. (The pH of the
stacking gel is 6.8, that of the separating gel is 8.8.)
• Thus, the interface between glycinate and Cl leaves behind the protein–SDS complexes, which are
left to electrophorese at their own rates.
• The negatively charged protein–SDS complexes now continue to move towards the anode, and,
because they have the same charge per unit length, they travel into the separating gel under the
applied electric field with the same mobility.
• SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) separates proteins on the basis of their shape
(size), which in turn relates to their relative molecular masses.
• A series of proteins of known molecular mass (molecular weight markers) are run on a gel on a track
adjacent to the protein of unknown molecular mass.
• The distance each marker protein moves through the gel is measured and a calibration curve of log
Mr versus distance moved is plotted.
• The distance migrated by the protein of unknown Mr is also measured, and from the graph its log Mr
and hence Mr is calculated.
• The method is suitable for proteins covering a large Mr range (10 000–300 000). Gels of 15%
polyacrylamide are useful for separating proteins in the range Mr 100 000 to 10 000.
• The method is easy to perform and requires very little material. If silver staining is used, as little as 1
ng of protein is required.
• While SDS–PAGE is the most frequently used gel system for studying proteins, the method is of no use if
one is aiming to detect a particular protein (often an enzyme) on the basis of its biological activity,
because the protein (enzyme) is denatured by the SDS–PAGE procedure.
• In this case it is necessary to use non-denaturing conditions. In native or buffer gels, polyacrylamide gels
are again used (normally a 7.5% gel) but the SDS is absent and the proteins are not denatured prior to
• Since all the proteins in the sample being analysed carry their native charge at the pH of the gel (normally
pH 8.7), proteins separate according to their different electrophoretic mobilities and the sieving effects of
the gel.
• It is therefore not possible to predict the behaviour of a given protein in a buffer gel but, because of the
range of different charges and sizes of proteins in a given protein mixture, good resolution is achieved.
• The enzyme of interest can be identified by incubating the gel in an appropriate substrate solution such
that a coloured product is produced at the site of the enzyme. An alternative method for enzyme
detection is to include the substrate in an agarose gel that is poured over the acrylamide gel and allowed
to set. Diffusion and interaction of enzyme and substrate between the two gels results in colour formation
at the site of the enzyme.
Gradient gels
• This is again a polyacrylamide gel system, but instead of running a slab gel of
uniform pore size throughout (e.g. a 15% gel) a gradient gel is formed, where
the acrylamide concentration varies uniformly from, typically, 5% at the top
of the gel to 25% acrylamide at the bottom of the gel. The gradient is formed
via a gradient mixer and run down between the glass plates of a slab gel.
• The second advantage of gradient gels is that proteins with very similar Mr values
may be resolved, although they cannot otherwise be resolved in fixed percentage
Iso-electric Focusing
• Separation is achieved by applying a potential difference across a gel that contains a pH gradient.
• The pH gradient is formed by the introduction into the gel of compounds known as ampholytes, which are complex
mixtures of synthetic polyaminopolycarboxylic acids.
• Ampholytes can be purchased in different pH ranges covering either a wide band (e.g. pH 3-10) or various narrow bands
(e.g. pH 7-8), and a pH range is chosen such that the samples being separated will have their isoelectric points (pI
values) within this range.
• Since this method requires the proteins to move freely according to their charge under the electric field, IEF is carried
out in low percentage gels to avoid any sieving effect within the gel.
• Depending on which point on the pH gradient the sample has been loaded, proteins that are initially at a pH region
below their isoelectric point will be positively charged and will initially migrate towards the cathode. As they proceed,
however, the surrounding pH will be steadily increasing, and therefore the positive charge on the protein will decrease
correspondingly until eventually the protein arrives at a point where the pH is equal to its isoelectric point. The protein
will now be in the zwitterion form with no net charge, so further movement will cease.
• Likewise, substances that are initially at pH regions above their isoelectric points will be negatively charged and will
migrate towards the anode until they reach their isoelectric points and become stationary.
Calculating pI of a Protein
• The pI of a particular protein may be determined conveniently by
running a mixture of proteins of known isoelectric point on the same
gel. A number of mixtures of proteins with differing pI values are
commercially available, covering the pH range 3.5-10.
11 cm strips:
• pH 4 - 7
• pH 3 - 10
• pH 6 - 11
7 cm, 13 cm, 18 cm,
and 24 cm strips:
• pH 4 - 7
• pH 3 - 10 L (linear gradient)
• pH 3 - 10 NL (non-linear gradient)
• pH 6 - 11
Second Dimension on Vertical
applying the
pipetting the IPG strip
overlay low
Effect of sample prep
(Drosophila larva extract)
Homogenate precipitated with
Homogenized in 8 M urea, Homogenized in 2% SDS 80% acetone, 10% TCA.
4% CHAPS Heated at 95 ºC 3 min Resuspended in 8 M urea, 4% CHAPS
First dimension is pH 3-10 L run on IPGphor in 8 M urea, 2% CHAPS, 0.5% IPG buffer, 65 mM DTT
• Under favourable circumstances up to 5000 protein spots can be
identified on a large format 2-D gel. Thus with 2-D PAGE we now have
the ability to follow changes in the expression of a significant
proportion of the proteins in a cell or tissue type, rather than just one
or two, which has been the situation in the past.
• The potential applications of proteome analysis are vast:
• comparing normal tissue with diseased tissue;
• analyse the effects of drug treatment or toxins on cells;
• observe the changing protein component of the cell at different stages of
tissue development;
• observe the response to extracellular stimuli such as hormones or cytokines;
• compare pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacterial strains;
• compare serum protein profiles from healthy individuals and Alzheimer or
cancer patients to detect proteins, produced in the serum of patients, which
can then be developed as diagnostic markers for diseases
Comparison: E. Coli Protein Extract in IPG pH 6-11
7 cm 11 cm 13 cm 18 cm
Protein Detection Methods
Sensitivity Quantification Living cells Linear Dynamic
limit Range
Coomassie Blue 100 ng +++ no 3
Negative staining 15 ng + no 3
Silver staining 200 pg ++ no 7
Fluorescent 400 pg ++++ no 10
Fluorescent 250 pg ++ no 10
X-ray film 1 pg +++ yes 20
Phospor-imager 0.2 pg ++++ yes 10
Stable isotope < 1 pg ++++ yes ?
labelling (with MS)
Coomassie Blue Stain
• Sensitivity down to 0.1 mg
• Non-specific protein stain
• Stoichiometric binding of dye to protein
• Good linearity
• Diffusion-limited, thickness of gel governs speed of process
• Inadequate purity (Mass Spec!?)
• “Colloidal” Coomassie procedures are the most sensitive
Coomassie Blue Stain Method
• The most commonly used general protein stain for detecting protein on gels is the
sulphated trimethylamine dye Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 (CBB).
• Staining is usually carried out using 0.1% (w/v) CBB in methanol:water:glacial acetic acid
(45:45:10, by vol.).
• This acid–methanol mixture acts as a denaturant to precipitate or fix the protein in the
gel, which prevents the protein from being washed out whilst it is being stained.
• Staining of most gels is accomplished in about 2 h and destaining, usually overnight, is
achieved by gentle agitation in the same acid–methanol solution but in the absence of
the dye.
• The Coomassie stain is highly sensitive; a very weakly staining band on a polyacrylamide
gel would correspond to about 0.1 mg (100 ng) of protein.
• The CBB stain is not used for staining cellulose acetate (or indeed protein blots) because
it binds quite strongly to the paper.
• In this case, proteins are first denatured by brief immersion of the strip in 10% (v/v)
trichloroacetic acid, and then immersed in a solution of a dye that does not stain the
support material, for example Procion blue, Amido black or Procion S.
Acid Violet 17 Staining:
(Patestos NP et al. Electrophoresis. 9 (1988) 488-496)
• Many laboratories routinely use 0.8% gels, which are suitable for
separating DNA molecules in the range 0.5 - 10 kb.
Determination of Size
• Since agarose gels separate DNA according to size, the Mr of a DNA
fragment may be determined from its electrophoretic mobility by
running a number of standard DNA markers of known Mr on the same
gel (DNA Ladders).
• Since the base sequence of λ DNA is known, and the cleavage sites for
EcoRI are known, this generates fragments of accurately known size
Buffers Used
• Buffers in gel electrophoresis are used to provide ions that carry a
current and to maintain the pH at a relatively constant value.
• These buffers have plenty of ions in them, which is necessary for the
passage of electricity through them.
• In molecular biology, TBE and TAE buffers are often used in procedures involving
nucleic acids, the most common being electrophoresis.
• Tris-acid solutions are effective buffers for slightly basic conditions, which keep
DNA deprotonated and soluble in water.