Statistics_ Def-wps Office
Statistics_ Def-wps Office
Statistics_ Def-wps Office
Definition, Types,
and Importance.
What Is
Statistics is a branch of applied
mathematics that involves the
collection, description, analysis,
and inference of conclusions
from quantitative data.
Why Is Statistics Important?
Statistics is used to conduct
research, evaluate outcomes,
develop critical thinking, and
make informed decisions about a
set of data. Statistics can be used
to inquire about almost any field
of study to investigate why
things happen, when they occur,
Understanding Statistics
Statistics are used in virtually all
scientific disciplines, such as the
physical and social sciences as
well as in business, medicine, the
humanities, government, and
In practice, statistics is the idea that we can
learn about the properties of large sets of
objects or events (a population) by studying
the characteristics of a smaller number of
similar objects or events (a sample).
Gathering comprehensive data about an
entire population is too costly, time
consuming, difficult, or impossible in many
cases, so statistics start with a sample that can
be conveniently or affordably observed.
Statisticians measure and gather data
about the individuals or elements of a
sample and analyze this data to generate
descriptive statistics. They can then use
these observed characteristics of the
sample data, which are properly called
“statistics,” to make inferences or
educated guesses about the unmeasured
characteristics of the broader population,
known as the parameters.
Descriptive and
Inferential Statistics
The two major areas of statistics are known as
descriptive statistics, which describes the properties
of sample and population data, and inferential
statistics, which uses those properties to test
hypotheses and draw conclusions. Descriptive
statistics include mean (average), variance,
skewness, and kurtosis. Inferential statistics include
linear regression analysis, analysis of variance
(ANOVA), logit/Probit models, and null hypothesis
Descriptive statistics mostly focus on the central
tendency, variability, and distribution of sample data.
Central tendency means the estimate of the
characteristics, a typical element of a sample or
population. It includes descriptive statistics such as
mean, median, and mode.