Gayatri shelake PRACTICE SCHOOL 55-1
Gayatri shelake PRACTICE SCHOOL 55-1
Gayatri shelake PRACTICE SCHOOL 55-1
report on
Submitted to
Bachelor of Pharmacy
Miss. Gayatri Chandrakant Shelake
Final Year B.Pharm Sem – VII
Under the Guidance of
Mr. Umesh T. Mali
Nootan College of Pharmacy,Kavathe-Mahankal – 415111,
Academic Year 2024-2025
Mali Sir.
University, Loneri.
This work has been carried out under our supervision at Nootan College
This work has been carried out under my supervision and guidance by the above
Date: Mr.U.t.Mali
Place: Kavathe Mahankal
I further declare that this is an original work and not submitted this report
1 Abstract 07
2 Introduction 08
3 09-10
Preformulation Parameters
4 10-13
8 Conclusion 23
9 Reference 24
Abstract :
The formulation development is important part of pharmaceutical development and essential
for therapeutic and commercial success of product by providing quality, safety and efficiency.
The main parts of formulation development are product development methods like drug
discovery, research etc. It is an essential factor not only in the starting stage of drug
development, but also in later marketing success of drug product. It ties the exploration of a
new drug substance to the successful development of a drug product. Formulation can
determine patentability, lifecycle the success of a pharmaceutical product.
This is an investigation of physical and chemical properties of drug substance alone and
when combined with expecients that affect drug performance
To generate information useful to formulator
To increase drug stability
To reduce excipient incompatibility
To improve drug bioavailability
To develop the elegant, stable effective and safe dosage form by establishing kinetic rate
profile and establish physicochemical parameter of new API
To generate useful data needed in developing safe dosage forms that can be manufactured
on a commercial scale
Ionization constant-PKA
PH solubility profile
Common ion effect-Ksp
Thermal effect
Partition co-efficient
Stability in toxicology formulations
Solution stability
pH rate profile
Solid-state stability
Bulk stability
Defination :
“It is the ability of any compound or element or crystallize
as one or more distinct crystal species with different
internal lattice is called polymorphism.”
Types –
Enantiotropic– One polymorph reversibly changed into Another by varying temperature &
pressure e.g. Sulphur
Monotropic- One polymorph form is unstable at all temp & pressure e.g. Glyceryl stearate
Methods of determination :
i. Angle of repose
ii. Density measurement
iii. Carr’s index
iv. Hausner’s ratio
Tan θ= h/r
h-height of conical heap
r-radius of horizontal plane of powder
Types of density :
a. Bulk density-Weight of powder/Bulk volume is known as bulk density
b. Tapped density-Powder weight /Tapped volume is known as tapped density
c. True density – Mass/True volume is known as true density.
Stability Analysis
Stability of formulation dictate shelf life of marketed product, so to achieve this
preformulation is performed. Drugs degraded during storage via hydrolysis, oxidation, or
photochemical reaction. Formulation of a stable dosage form is essential for the patients
safety and drug efficacy ,hence stability studies become an integral and important part of
the drug development program.
Drug formulation
“The process through which a variety of substances combined with the drug active
pharmaceutical ingredients to finally produce a drug product that can be given to patient is
called drug formulation.”
= +
The drug delivery system can further be divided into two Main types:
1. Conventional drug delivery system.
2. Novel drug delivery system.
NDDS is a system for delivery of drug other than conventional drug delivery system.
NDDS is acombination of advance technique and new dosage forms which are far
better than conventional dosage forms. Is a novel approach to drug delivery that
addresses the limitations of the traditional drug delivery systems.
Aim Of NDDS:
Controlled Drug delivery system: Controlled drug delivery is one which delivers
the drug at a predetermined rate , for locally or systemically, for a specified period of time.
Liposomes –
Liposomes are vesicle of lipid bilayer which encloses an aqueous compartment. Liposomes are
phospholipid-based colloidal vesicular structures in which hydrophilic core is entirely enclosed
by membranous lipid Bilayers.
Vesicular Drug delivery system - Vesicular drug delivery system is one of the
systems that can improve the bioavailability of the drug and the reduction in toxicity By drug
targeting to the specific site. Bingham pioneered the biologic origin of vesicular systems in
1965, and hence named them Bingham bodies.
The target region for effective nose-to-brain drug delivery is the olfactory epithelium
in the upper nasal cavity. This region contains olfactory nerve cells which bypass the
BBB & provide direct access to the brain & CSF.
i. Dissolution Test -The assembly consists of the following: vessel, which may be
covered, made of glass or other inert, Transparent material, which should not sorb,
react or interfere with the preparation to be tested; a motor; a drive shaft; and a
Cylindrical basket (stirring element). The vessel is partially immersed in a suitable
water-bath of any convenient size or heated by a Suitable device such as a heating
jacket. The water-bath or heating device permits maintaining the temperature inside
the vessel at 37 ± 0.5 ºC during the test.
ii. Disintegration Test – To carry out a disintegration test for tablets, we use a basket
which holds 1 to 6 tablets. This is Then raised and lowered into a beaker of water,
which is used to simulate conditions in the stomach at 3737 ± 0.5 ºC. If the tablets or
Capsules float, perforated plastic disks are placed on the top of the tablets to keep
them under the water level. The tablet disintegration Time is taken when no residue
is left in the mesh.
iv. Hardness Test – Monsanto hardness tester used to determine the hardness of
solid dosage forms .
STERILITY TEST: It is done for detecting the presence of viable forms of bacteria,
fungi and yeast in parenteral products he test for Sterility must be carried out under
strict aseptic conditions in order to avoid accidental contamination of the product
during test.
i. LAL TEST -The LAL (limulus amebocyte lysate) testing, also known as bacterial
endotoxin testing, is an in vitro assay used to detect the presence and concentration
of bacterial endotoxins in drugs and biological products, and is an important part of
pharmaceutical microbiology.
Productio Marketin
n g
Primary Packaging – Primary Packaging is the material that first envelops the
product and holds it. This usually is the smallest unit of distribution or use and is the
package which is in direct contact with the contents.
Tertiary Packaging -
Tertiary Packaging is used for bulk handling, warehouse storage and transport
•PHYSICAL TEST: appearance light absorption, ph., non volatile matter, residue on
ignition ,heavy metals, buffering capacity, Oxidisable substances are check.
•CHEMICAL TEST: test include ph. Materials chloride sulphates, paper or board,
alkalinity of glass, compatibility test for Containers.
The term “labelling” designates all labels and other written, printed, or graphic matter
upon an immediate container of an article or Upon, or in, any package or wrapper in
which it is enclosed, except any outer shipping container.
For labelling of dosage form one should follows all the godliness given Product Name,
Drug Facts, Table, Active Ingredients, Purpose And Use, Warnings, Directions, Allergic
Reactions active Ingredients, expiry date, date of manufacturing, various type of
drugs Properly should be mentioned .
iii. MVP samaj's college of pharmacy (2020) international journal of science and research (IJSR)
review on preformulation study of drug volume -9 page 1
iv. Trevino JT , Quispe RC ,Khan F ,Novak V 2020 Non-Invasive Strategies for Nose-to-Brain
Drug Delivery figure 1
vi. Preformulation Studies: An Integral Part of Formulation Design by Pinak Patel Submitted:
July 16th 2018 Reviewed
vii. Mohammad mudassar , Department for Quality control of packaging material page 1-7
viii. Industrial pharmacy 1 textbook by nirali by dr.ashok hajare page no.1.1to 1.40