Structural concrete is the most commonly used construction
material, used up at a rate of about one ton for every living human
being. Man uses no material other than water in such tremendous
quantity. Concrete is the most important building material, playing
a part in all infrastructure projects. It can be molded into different
Concrete is a heterogeneous
shapes using suitable formwork.
mixture of cement, fine aggregate
(sand), coarse aggregate (boulders
or gravels) and water
which solidifies into a strong mass
due to the Hydration of Cement.
Apart from these components, large
number of additives
called admixtures are also added to
enhance the properties of concrete
Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC)
Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) is a composite building
material consisting of structural concrete reinforced with a
reinforcing material like steel. The most common reinforcement
used is steel, due to its complimentary properties and it is
called steel reinforced cement concrete or simply Reinforced
Types ofConcrete.
Reinforcement Used in
1. Mild Steel Bars: Mild steel bars
are generally bent easily without
breaking at the bends. They are
available in different diameters,
but you have to check if they
meet the requirements of the
applicable codes regarding
2. Hot Rolled Bars: Hot rolled bars are specially prepared
reinforcements. Compared to mild steel bars, their tension
strength is nearly twice as high and is commonly available in
thick sections. They can be bent without developing any
defects when heated to up to 100°C, but using regular mild
steel bars is not achievable.
4. Versatility: At the construction site, the concrete can be shaped into the
desired shapes, forms, surfaces, textures, and sizes using shuttering or
formwork configuration. When concrete is made, it is liquid, which makes
it more suited for a variety of architectural needs.
5. Pouring Concrete: Pouring the concrete into the formwork can be done
manually or with the help of a pouring machine or pump. The appropriate
type of compaction of the concrete should be performed properly to remove
air bubbles or voids and ensure uniform distribution. The compaction of
concrete can be mechanical, with vibration, or by using self compacting
Precast Concrete Cast-in-situ Concrete
01. Precast concrete is cast into a specific shape Cast-in-situ concrete is cast into forms on the
Definition at a location other than building site like building site. It offers unlimited possibilities to
factories. The concrete is placed into a form, the designer for any shape formation with a
typically wood or steel, and is cured. These limitless selection of surface textures.
components are then transported to the
construction site for erection into place.
Precast concrete can be plant-cast or site-
02. • In the precast concrete, elements are • In the cast-in-situ concrete, column, slab
Casting manufactured in a controlled casting etc. elements are casted on site in the
environment and hence it is easier to open environment and hence it is difficult
control mix, placement and curing. to control mix, placement and curing.
• Elements can be cast in advance and held • Elements cannot be casted in advance.
until the hour you need them, thereby • Weather condition can delay the casting
saves time. work.
• Weather condition has no effect on casting
03. Quality Quality can be controlled and maintained easily. Quality control and maintenance is
Control difficult.
04. Cost • Precast concrete is cheaper form of • In situ concrete is cheaper form of
construction if large structures are to be construction for small structures.
constructed. • Maintenance cost of cast-in-situ
• Maintenance cost of precast concrete concrete structure is less compared
structure is higher. to the precast concrete structure.
10. Points to • One has to meticulous during work with In the cast-in-situ concrete construction, be
Be Taken precast concrete because the precast careful about following points:
Care of unit can be damaged during • During the concreting process like mixing,
transportation and handling. transportation, placing, finishing etc.
• Curing of concrete for certain time etc.