Chap 13 Nuclei Latest
Chap 13 Nuclei Latest
Chap 13 Nuclei Latest
The idea that atoms are
indivisible changed in 1896
when the French physicist
Henri Becquerel discovered
that some unused
photographic plates had been
exposed by particles coming
from a piece of uranium.
Understanding how atoms can
change requires looking deep
into the structure of the atom
—into the atomic nucleus.
Composition of Nucleus
Nuclei contain positively charged protons and
neutral neutrons. Nuclei are characterized by the
number of protons and neutrons they contain.
protons and
neutrons are
The Constituents and Structure of Nuclei
The notation for a particular nucleus of element
X is written:
Masses and charges of atomic particles:
Atomic Masses
The atomic mass unit, u, is defined as the 1/12th
of the mass of atom.
d dv dm
F= (mv) = m +v
dt dt dt
If this force F displaces the body by a distance dx, its energy increases by
dv dm
dK = F.dx = m dx + v dx
dt dt
dx dx
dK = m dv + v dm
dt dt
dK = m v dv + v2 dm ………… (1)
c2 2m dm – m2 2v dv – v2 2m dm = 0
or c2 dm – mv dv – v2 dm = 0
c2 dm = mv dv + v2 dm ……………..(2)
K = (m – m0) c2 or K + m0 c2 = m c2
Here m0c2 is the energy associated with the rest mass of the body and K is the kinetic energy.
The mass of any stable nucleus is less than the sum of the masses of the protons
and neutrons it contains. This difference, multiplied by c2, is called the binding
energy, and is another consequence of relativity.
Mass Defect:
It is the difference between the rest mass of the nucleus and the
sum of the masses of the nucleons composing a nucleus is known
as mass defect.
Δm = [ Zmp + (A – Z) mn ] - M
Mass defect per nucleon is called packing
Binding Energy:
B.E = Δm c2
Nuclear Binding energy
Considering Oxygen nucleus which has 8 protons and 8
Mass of 8 neutrons = 8 × 1.00866 u
Mass of 8 protons = 8 × 1.00727 u
Mass of 8 electron = 8 × 0.0005486u
Actual mass of oxygen Nucleus =16-0.0043888=15.9956u
Therefore the expected mass of
8O = 8 × 2.01593 u = 16.132 u.
, , and .
Gold has 32 isotopes ranging A=173 to A = 204.
Information from the graph
Iron has a mass number of 56 and is one of the most stable of all the elements.
We say that iron has a high binding energy per nucleon (8.8 MeV).
Elements with lower and higher mass numbers per nucleon are less stable.
In fission, an unstable nucleus is converted into more stable nuclei with a
smaller total mass. This difference in mass, the mass defect, is the binding
energy that is released.
In the graph elements having mass no from 1 to at20 the stability fluctuates
some at peak indicating high stability and negative peak indicating low stability.
The nuclear force between neutron-neutron, proton-neutron and proton-
proton is approximately the same. The nuclear force does not depend on the
electric charge.
The changing of one element to another is called transmutation. If it
happens naturally we call them as Natural transmutation and if not its
Artificial transmutation
The basic process in beta decay converts a neutron into a
proton and an electron:
A nucleus may emit gamma radiation along with an alpha
particle or a beta particle.
Gamma emission does not affect the mass number or the
atomic number.
Both alpha and emission is not possible for an element
Nuclear Fission
1 + 1 H2 → 2 He3 + 5.5 MeV
He3 +
2 He3 →
2 He4 + 2 1H1 + 12.9 MeV
Material in the core which slows down the neutrons released from
fission so that they cause more fission. It is usually water, but may be
heavy water or graphite.
A fluid circulating through the core so as to transfer the heat
from it. In light water reactors the water moderator functions
also as primary coolant. Except in BWRs, there is secondary
coolant circuit where the water becomes steam.
The gravitational force between a H-atom and
another particle of mass m will be given by
Newton’s law:
How much energy will approximately be released if all the
atoms of 1 kg of deuterium could undergo fusion?
[Assume energy released per deuterium nucleus is 4 MeV]