Pressure in Fluids
Pressure in Fluids
Pressure in Fluids
What is Pressure?
1 Pa = 1 N/m2
1 kPa = 1000 Pa
Pressure in Liquids
Reservoirs and Tall Buildings
• Reservoirs for water
supply or for hydro-
electric power stations
are often made in
mountainous regions by
building a dam at one
end of a valley.
This pressure acts on piston B of area ½ m2. What is the total upwards force or thrust
on B if force = pressure x area.
This pressure acts on piston B of area ½ m2. What is the total upwards force or thrust
on B if force = pressure x area.
ΔP = ρgΔh
a. The pressure due to
the water on the fish
• Answers:
a. Pwater = hρg
Pwater = 40 m × 1000 kg/m3 × 10 N/kg
= 400 000 Pa
• A girl in stiletto heels is more likely to damage a wooden floor than an elephant is. Why?
• i. What is the pressure on a surface when a force of 50 N acts on an area of
a) 2 m2
b) 100 m2
c) 0.5 m2?
ii. A pressure of 10 Pa acts on an area of 3 m2. What is the force acting on the area?
• What is the pressure 100 m below the surface of sea water of density
1150 kg/m3? (gravity = 10 N/kg)
Atmospheric Pressure
• The air forming the earth’s
atmosphere stretches
upwards a long way.
• Collapsing can
1. Bourdon Gauge
2. Mercury Barometer
3. U-Tube Manometer
4. Aneroid Barometer
Measuring Atmospheric Pressure
Pressure Gauges
• A Bourdon Gauge measures car oil pressure as well as the pressure in gas
if PA = pressure X
then PA = pressure at Y since
X and Y are at the same level
in the mercury.
pressure of gas = atmospheric pressure + pressure due to liquid column h
Measuring Atmospheric Pressure
Pressure Gauges
• Manometer
Given the following data, calculate the pressure of the
gas supply assuming the liquid in the manometer is
PG = PA + hρg
Measuring Atmospheric Pressure
• Aneroid barometer: Pressure Gauges
An aneroid (no liquid) barometer consists of a partially
evacuated, thin metal box with corrugated sides to
increase its strength.
Measuring Atmospheric Pressure
• Aneroid barometer:
Pressure Gauges
The box is prevented from collapsing by a strong spring.
If the atmospheric pressure increases, the box caves in
slightly; if it decreases, the spring pulls it out.
At high pressures
nitrogen dissolves
in the blood and on
returning to the surface
too fast he would suffer
the painful and
sometimes fatal
condition called
Atmospheric Pressure
Pressure, Aviation and Diving
Pressure Questions
Floating, sinking and flying
Archimedes’ Principle
• A ship floats because
it gets support from
the water.
• The principle of floatation states:
The load lines called the Plimsoll mark on the side of a ship show the
levels to which it can legally be loaded under different conditions.
The load lines called the Plimsoll mark on the side of a ship show the levels
to which it can legally be loaded under different conditions.
Colder water is more dense than warmer or hot water. The warm water
allows a boat to carry more cargo because the ship would have less buoyant
force to overcome.
Ships, Submarines, Balloons
• Submarines
How do you think a submarine sinks?
They are tracked by radar to give data on wind direction and speed.
Ships, Submarines, Balloons
• Hydrometer:
The large bulb gives the instrument buoyancy, and the small
weighted bulb makes it float upright.