Commodity Options
Commodity Options
Commodity Options
Working of options
Option buyers have the right to buy and sell the underlying asset Option buyers are not obligated to buy and sell the underlying instrument Option sellers are obligated to deliver the underlying asset (call), or take the delivery of underlying asset, at strike price of the option ,regardless of the current price of the underlying asset ,if the option is exercised. Options are good for a specified period of time ,after which they expire. Options are available in several strike prices representing the price of underlying instrument The cost of option is referred to as option premium The premium reflects variety of factors ,including the current price of the underlying asset , the strike price, time remaining until expiry ,and volatility
Option class Option series Moneyness of an option Option styles (European generally cheaper than American)
Call option Put option
Working of options
The length of the option (All else being same longer option commands a higher premium) The options strike price The relationship between the strike price of an option and the current price of underlying future contract ,length of option affects option premium Call Option with lower strike price will have higher premium cost Put option with a higher strike price will cost more to purchase than a put option with a lower strike An option with more time to expiry will have greater chance of being profitable before expiry, but will command higher premium
In April gold contract is trading at around Rs 15,000 for 10 grams .A trader expects that over the next several months there may be significant price increase and April Gold futures will rise significantly above its present level. To profit , the trader is considering buying a call option with a strike price , say ,Rs 15,200 for 10 grams. Assume that the premium for that option is Rs 500 for 10 grams (A total of Rs 50,000 for 1kg gold contract) and that the commission and other transaction costs will be Rs 2 per 10 grams (Rs 200 for a 1 kg contract) Break even price = Rs 15200+Rs 500 +Rs 2 =Rs 15,702
One the trader has bought an option ,then, at any time prior to the expiry the option, he can;
Exercise the option: the buyer will acquire long or short position in underlying future contract. Result will be: A cash margin will need to be deposited in order to provide protection against possible fluctuations in the future price If the future prices moves adversely to the traders position, additional cash margin deposits will be called in Unlike buying a call or a put option which has limited risk, a futures position has potentially unlimited risk. Only a small percentage of option buyers elect to realise option trading profits by exercising an option. Most choose having an brokers offset I.e liquidate the option at currently quoted premium
It is an option to reduce loss in case future price does not perform as expected, or if the price outlook has changed The amount the option will sell for will depend primarily on: The current futures price in relation to options strike price, and The length of time remaining until expiry of the option Net profit or loss after allowance for commission and other transaction costs will be premium paid and received There is no guarantee that there will be an active market at the time of liquidating the options The individuals who bought these options from you may have been offsetting a previously established short positions in the calls or may be establishing a new long position in them Continuing to hold the option
One the trader has bought an option ,then, at any time prior to the expiry the option, he can; Liquidating the option:
Take the case of trader who acted in anticipation of rising gold and bought a call option on 1kg gold Futures contract. The premium cost was Rs 50,000 and commission and transaction costs were Rs 200.Gold prices have subsequently risen and now command a premium of Rs 55000.What is traders net gain by liquidating the option Rs 4600
Margin requirements
Option writers are required to post margin to fulfill contract obligations When required margin exceeds posted margin , writer will receive a margin call. Holder of the option need not post a margin Out money requires less margin Margin requirements are determined in part by other securities held in investors portfolio If the underlying security is not owned, it is determined by the value of the underlying security as well as by the amount by which option is in or out of the money
Margin Calculation
The loss and gains are difficult to estimate in case of options, the financial risk is estimated by the clearing house by using a computer software : standard portfolio analysis of risk (SPAN). The basic method is to compute the loss for a given range of prices on the next day, given the current days price for underlying asset. This is Risk margin. Premium margin: it is the amount of premium the writer would receive for the options they have written. Assignment margin:The clearing house imposes a margin for any assignment in case of exercise of option before maturity date.
Call options are available on the bank Nifty index on sep-1st with expiry on sep-24th . The value of the bank nifty index on Sep-1 is 7377.20. the option premium is Rs. 153 for the bank nifty call option with an exercise price of 7600. you write 5 options. The margin a/c will be as shown below, assuming that you would close out the position on Sep-5th . Since the multiplier is 50, the total premium is market premium*50.
153 7650 28,250
185 9250 46,250
210 10,500 52,500
245 12,250 61,250
318 15,900 79,500
Risk margin & total margin in INR Day Option premium Upside theoretical price Downside theoretical price Risk margin/contract Risk margin for 5 contracts Premium margin for 5 contracts Total margin 1 153 162 141 450 2250 28,250 30,500 2 185 197 168 600 3000 46,250 49,250 3 210 225 195 750 3750 52,500 56,250 4 245 270 208 1250 6250 61,250 67,500 5 318 350 286 1600 8000 79,500 87,500
The risk margin is calculated as (upside theoretical price- current option premium)* contract multiplier. E.g. for the 1st day, risk margin= (162-153)*50= 450. The premium margin = current option premium* contract multiplier. Total margin= Premium margin + Risk margin
Intrinsic value - profit that could be made if the option was immediately exercised
Call option = max(S-K ,0) Put option: max(K-S,0) At money : No intrinsic value ,only time value ITM= positive intrinsic value and time value OTM = no intrinsic value
Selling options
Seller will make money Move favorable to sellers position Market remain stationary and quiet Market moves ,but to a lesser degree than premium received
Pricing options
Change in the price of underlying asset Strike price Time until expiry Volatility of the underlying asset Risk free interest rate
+ ? + +
+ ? +
+ + + +
+ + +
European call option price European put option price American Call option price American Put option price
Effect of volatility
Call option values also increase with the volatility of the underlying stock price. Consider circumstances where possible stock price may range from $10 to $50 compared to a situation where stock prices may range only from $20 to$40.In both cases avg stock price is $30.Strike price is $30 What are the payoffs?
Effect of volatility
High volatility scenario Stock 10 20 price Option 0 0 payoff Low volatility scenario Stock 20 price Option 0 payoff 25 0 30 0 40 10 50 20
30 0
35 5
40 10
Effect of volatility
Assume equal probability of 0.2 Expected payoff in high volatility scenario=$6 Low volatility condition = $3
Time decay
Options have a fixed expiry date Options are wasting assets Time decay accelerates in last 30 days before expiry Time decay in favor of option writers and against option buyers The more time an option has to expiry ,the more time value it will have Theta Detriment to option buyer and to benefit of option seller (time value declines and probability that option would become profitable reduces)
Time decay
Time decay from day 120 to day 90(least impact)
St<=X 0 X X
St>X St-X X St
Put-Call Parity
Assumptions: Strike price should be the same Maturity period should be the same Consider the following 2 portfolios: Portfolio A: European call on a stock + PV of the strike price in cash Portfolio C: European put on the stock + the stock Both are worth max(ST , K ) at the maturity of the options They must therefore be worth the same today. This means that
c + Ke -rT = p + S0
Arbitrage opportunities
Suppose that the Stock price is$31 , the strike price is $30 , the risk free interest rate is 10% p.a. , the price of the three month European call option is $3 , and the price of a three month European put option is $2.25.In this case , c + Ke rT = 3+30 e-0.1*3/12 =$32.26(Portfolio A) and p + S0 =2.25+31= $33.25 (Portfolio C) Portfolio C is over priced relative to portfolio A Action Now Short portfolio C and long portfolio A Buy call for $3 and Short put for $2.25 and sell stock for $31 Cash flows = -$3+2.25+31= $30.25 When invested at the risk free interest rate , this amount grows to $30.25 e0.1*0.25 = $31.02 at the end of 3 months
Arbitrage opportunities
Actions in 3 months if ST >30 Receive $31.02 from investment Exercise call to buy stock for $30 Put option will not be exercised Net profit = $1.02 Actions in 3 months if ST <30 Receives $31.02 from investment Call option will not be exercised Put exercised : buy stock for $30(short on put ) Net Profit =$1.02
Exotic option
Plain vanilla Vs OTC Flexibility Most developed in foreign exchange market In commodities in crude oil , natural gas ,precious metals ,base metals Relatively inexpensive Bermudan option Asian option (eg. Asian call option may have payoff equal to avg. stock price over last 3 months minus the strike price)
Exotic options
Barrier option (knock in and knock out option) (double vs single barrier option) Cheaper than plain vanilla counterparts Rainbow option Look back option (a look back call option provide payoff equal to maximum stock price during the life of the option minus the strike price ,instead of final stock price minus the strike price) Ladder option(step lock option) Binary/digital /bet option(cash-or- nothing and assetor- nothing) Quanto option Weather option
Exotic options
Compound options Eg a call on call .On the first exercise date ,T1, the holder of the compound option is entitled to pay first strike price ,K1, and receive a call option.The call option gives the holder the right to buy the underlying asset for the second strike price ,K2, on second exercise date T2 Shout option
Long stock
Long call
(a) Profit
Short call
Short stock
Long stock
Short put
Long put
Pay off like long call option
Combination of a purchasing (long) or selling (short) a put and a call on the same expiration Betting on a large price movement (long straddle) or little price movement (short straddle) Bottom straddle or straddle purchase Stock price near strike price leads to loss, movement in the either direction leads to significant profit
A straddle is appropriate when an investor is expecting a large move in a stock price but does not know in which direction the move will be. (Bottom straddle or straddle purchase) A top straddle or straddle write is the reverse position. Created by selling a call and a put with same expiration date and same exercise price. If the stock price is close to strike price on expiration date, significant profit results Loss arising from large move is unlimited
Total cost : Option premium paid Maximum loss: option premium paid Maximum profit : Unlimited Expecting volatile wheat price over next three months , a trader simultaneously buys a Rs 12,000 put at a premium of Rs 410 per tonne, and a Rs 12,000 call also at a premium of Rs 420 per tonne Total premium cost Rs.830 At any price within Rs 11170 and Rs 12830 range other than exactly Rs 12000- a portion (but not all) of Rs 830 premium costs will be recovered by offsetting the in-the money option and allowing the out-of money option to expire worthless
Selling a straddle
Total receipt : option premium received Maximum loss: unlimited Maximum profit : option premium received Assume one earns a Rs 410 premium by writing a Rs 12000 put ,and an additional Rs 420 premium by writing a Rs 12000 call total premium received is Rs 830.Ifthe futures price at expiry is between Rs 11170 and Rs 12830 , the short straddle position will realise a net profit If future price at expiry is Rs 11,900, the call and put buyers will allow the option to expire worthless and writer retains the premium.
K Strip
K Strap
Long position in one call and two puts Large price move but decrease more likely than an increase
2600 2650 2700 2750 2800 2850 2900 2950 3000 3050 3100 3150 3200
-50 -50 -50 -50 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
200 100 0 -100 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
150 50 -50 -150 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
3050 3100 3150 3200
-200 -250 -300 -350
200 200 200 200
0 -50 -100 -150
2500 2600
2700 2800 2900 3000
100 100
100 100 -200+100=-100 -400+100=-300
-300+100=-200 -200+100=-100
100-100=0 100 100 100
-100 0
100 200 0 -200
Bottom vertical combination (buys a put and a call with same expiration date and different strikes) The call strike ,K2 is higher than put strike price, K1 The profit pattern depends on how close together strike prices are. Larger the distance less downside risk and farther the stock price has to move. Downside risk less than straddle Top vertical combination (sale of a strangle) Range of stock price ST<=K1 K1<ST<K2 ST>=K2 Payoff from Payoff from Total payoff call put 0 K1-ST K1-ST 0 0 0 ST-K2 0 ST-K2
A Strangle Combination
Profit K1 K2 ST
A stock is currently valued at $69 by the market.It is expected to move significantly in next three months.A call costs $4 and the put costs $3.An investor buys both call and put with strike price of $70 Identify the strategy and net profit / loss to the investor if stock price is a) $69 b) $70 c) $90 d) $55
Hedger will pay max ceiling price =12000+430-300 =12130 Assume the December future price has risen to Rs 12,450 Call option strike price 12000 can be sold for an intrinsic value of Rs 450 Premium paid = 430 Net price paid= 12000-300 +430 (If option is exercised) OR =12450-300+430-450(If option is offset) What if futures price decreases to 11,550 ? Local price = Rs 11,250 Net price paid for wheat =11250+430=11680 OR 11550-300+430 =11680
Result of long Rs 12,000 December wheat call at Rs 430 per tonne premium
Dec wheat future prices (1) 11550 11700 11850 12000 12150 12300 12450 Basis(2) Local Mandi Price (3)=(1-2) 11250 11400 11550 11700 11850 12000 12150 Long futures gain()/Loss(+)(4) 430 430 430 430 280 (430-150) 130 20 Effective buying price(5)=(3)+/-4 11680 11830 11980 12130 12130 12130 12130 -300 -300 -300 -300 -300 -300 -300
Result of short 11800 December wheat put at Rs 420 per tonne premium
Dec wheat future prices (1) Basis(2) Local Mandi Price (3)=(1-2) short futures gain()/Loss(+)(4) Effective buying price(5)=(3)+/4
11050 11200 11350 11500 11650 11950
-300 -300 -300 -300 -300 -300
10750 10900 11050 11200 11350 11650
(330) (180) (30) 120 270 420
11080 11080 11080 11080 11080 11230
Buying a call option and selling a put option (long call and short put)
Provides buying price range Purchasing call option creates ceiling price and selling a put establishes a floor price The hedger effectively lowers the price by selling the put Lower strike price for the put option (i.e floor price) and higher strike price for call option (i.e. ceiling price)
Assume again a flour maker is buying wheat for his mill and decides to use wheat options to establish a price range for requirements between August and November. December futures are at Rs 12,000 a tonne, and the expected basis is 300 .The flour maker decides to establish a buying price range by purchasing a Rs.12000 (at-the money) call for Rs 430 and selling a Rs 11,800 (out-of-the-money) put for Rs 420 Net premium Rs 10 Maximum ceiling purchase price = 12000+430-420300=11710 Minimum purchase price = 11800+430-420-300 = Rs 11,510 A small difference in price will result in narrower purchase price range
Buying a call option and selling a put option (long call and short put)
Result of long Rs 12000 December wheat call at 430 per tonne premium and short Rs 11800 December wheat put at Rs 420 per tonne premium
Dec wheat future prices at time of offset (1)
11600 11650 11700 11750 11800 12150
11800 short Net purchase price put (obligation to buy when prices fall)
220 270 320 370 420 420 11510(put strike+pr paidpr recd +- basis) 11510 11510 11510 11510 11710
Whether the price increases or decreases: Futures price when farmer sells crop+/- local basis at the time of salepremium paid for the option +Option value when option offset (if any)= Net selling price
Result of long Rs.12,500 April wheat put at Rs 430 per tonne premium
April wheat future prices (1)
11500 11600 11700 11800 11900 12000 12100
Take the case of the same wheat farmer . To augment the selling price , he decides to sell the Rs 12700 April wheat call option (out-of-the money) for a premium of Rs 400 per tonne. Expected maximum selling price= 12700+400-100 = Rs 13000
Result of short Rs12,700 April wheat call at Rs 400 per tonne premium
April wheat future prices (1) 11500 12000 12500 13000 13500 Basis(2) Local Mandi Price (3)=(12) 11400 11900 12400 12900 13400 short futures gain(+)/Loss()(4) 400 400 400 100 -400 Effective selling price(5)=(3)+/4 11800 12300 12800 13000 13000
Results long Rs 12,500 April wheat put at Rs 430 per tonne premium and short Rs 12700 April wheat call at Rs 400 per tonne premium
April wheat future prices at time of offset (1) 11500 12000 12500 13000 13500 14000 Basis(2) Local Mandi Price (3)=(1-2) 12500 put gain/loss 12700 call gain/loss Net selling price
Option Spreads
Many other option strategies can be crafted using combinations of option positions Price spread (vertical spread)
Buying and selling options on the same stock with the same expiration, but with different strike prices
Bullish spreads Buy a lower priced option and sell a higher priced option on the same stock Bull spread using calls(buy call option at certain strike price and sell on the same stock with a higher strike) Bull spread created from calls requires an initial investment (Pr paid> Pr. Recd.)
Option Spreads
Payoff from short Total payoff call option(K2) Zero Zero -(ST-K2) Zero ST-K1 K2-K1
Profit ST K1 K2
Short call option
Max profit difference between strike prices- Net premium paid Maximum loss: limited to net premium paid
Profit K1 K2 ST
Buy a put at lower strike and sell put with higher strike
Option Spreads
Bearish spreads Using puts buy put with higher strike and sell put with lower strike
Short put option
Profi t K1 K2
Short call option Buy call with higher strike and short call with lower strike Involve an initial cash inflow
ST- K2
Calendar spreads
The longer the maturity , the more expensive is calendar spread A calendar spread usually requires an initial investment Profit diagrams for calendar spreads show the profits on assumption the long maturity call option is sold on the expiry of the short maturity option. The investor makes profit if the stock price at the expiration of short maturity is close to its strike
If the stock price is very low on expiry of short maturity option: Short maturity option expire worthless and long maturity option is close to zero
The resulting payoff is curved. This is because one option is still alive at the expiration date of the other. The maximum possible loss for the neutral calendar spread is limited to the initial debit taken to put on the spread
Assume that Ranbaxy Laboratories stock has two call options with same exercise price of Rs 420 but with a three month option is Rs 25 and six month option is Rs 60 The investor with calendar spread can sell the long maturity at the maturity of the short maturity call and receive the time value of the call option Since the two options do not expire on the same date, it is difficult to directly calculate the profit with a calendar spread.Only a intuitive explanation will help in understanding the profits from calendar spread
Possible scenarios
Probability Price of wheat (Rs/kg) 20 30 Quantity(kg) Revenue (Rs)
0.6 0.4
40,000 30,000
8,00,000 9,00,000
Expected price =Rs 24 Farmer would go short in the expected quantity = 36,000 kg His position for two different price scenarios at the end would be as follows:
9,44,000 6,84,000
Possible scenarios
Quantity for hedging = Covariance of revenue with price/variance of price
Probability Price of wheat (Rs/kg) 20 30 X =24 Revenue (Rs Variance of in lakh) price Covariance of revenues and price (Rs in lakhs) -0.4*-4*0.6 =.96
8 9 8.4
(-4)2 *0.6=9.60
Hedging strategy
Quantity for hedging = 2,40,000/24 = 10,000 kg
Price Gain/loss on futures (Rs/kg) (Rs)
20 30 (24-20)*10000 =40,000 (24-30)*10000= -60,000
8,40,000 8,40,000
A) The fair price of 3 months and 6 months future with cost of carry of 15% and spot value of Rs. 3,000 is: F3= so * ert= 3000* e 0.15*3/12= Rs 3114.64 (actual price= 3125) F6= so * ert= 3000* e 0.15*6/12= Rs 3233.65 (actual price= 3200) An arbitrageur will act as follows:
Solution contd..
3-m future is overvalued and must be sold 6-m future is undervalued and must be bought (bear spread) B) If at the end of 3 months the spot price increased to Rs. 3500 and future prices stand corrected then the fair value of futures would be Rs. 3500 & 3634 at which the investor squares off. The position of investor would be
Solution contd..
Original 3-m futures Sold at 3,125. Bought at 3500. Profit/Loss: (375) Original 6-m futures Bought at 3,200. Sold at 3,634 Profit/loss (+ 434) Net profit on the calendar spread = Rs. 59 C) If at the end of 3 months the spot price decreased to Rs. 2,700 and future price stand corrected, then the fair value of future would be Rs. 2700 & 2803 at which investor squares off. The position of investor would be:
Solution contd..
Original 3-m futures Sold at 3,125 . Bought at 2700 Profit/Loss = +425 Original 6-m futures Bought at 3200. Sold at 2803 Profit/Loss = -397 Net profit on the calendar spread= Rs.28
Review question
Outline your strategies for trading in Rubber in the following cases. Also explain the risks, cost and profit potential in each strategy You expect the market to be extremely bullish given robust demand from end-users You expect the market to be stable at the current level and remain range-bound You expect the market to be extremely volatile from the current levels but are unsure about the direction You expect the market to be extremely volatile only if a range is broken.
1-Feb-11 Price (per Price (per Contract quintal) Contract quintal) Feb-11(lead 15 Feb-11(lead mini) 120.20 mini) 121.50 Feb-11 (zinc 15 Feb-11 (zinc mini) 111.20 mini) 110.50