Laser10 11 11
Laser10 11 11
Laser10 11 11
Revision of light properties Types of emissions (Qualitative & Quantitative) Population inversion Amplification Process LASER equipment LASER properties Types of LASER & uses
Properties of light (Revision) Wave length Frequency Velocity Monochromatic (Single frequency) Coherent Polarized
Frequency = number of oscillations per second Wave length is distance traveled by wave in one oscillation Speed of wave = Frequency X wave length m/sec
Polarization is possible only for transverse waves Transverse vibrations in all directions
Wave Characteristics :
Frequency : indicates type of wave
A single frequency light wave is called Monochromatic In light, waves of different frequency give different colours
Monochromatic & Non coherent waves Start point of both waves marked is not same.
Revision of light properties Types of Emissions (Qualitative & Quantitative) Population Inversion Amplification Process LASER equipment LASER Properties Types of LASER & uses
Normal Spontaneous emissions Photons are emitted randomly No phase relationship exist between them. Hence light emitted is non coherent & un polarized.
Recap Until now we have studied how a photon interacts with electron at ground state However a photon can interacts with a electron which is already in excited state This interaction is totally different Photon can not give energy to electron as the electron is already at higher energy state Hence photon will not disappears This interaction produces LASSER
Interaction of photon with excited state electron Photon stimulates the excited electron to jumps to ground state producing a second photon
identical to itself
The intruding photon continues to exist
stimulated emission
Until now we have done qualitative analysis of a photon with electron at ground or excited state
Now we will do quantitative analysis same. ie If N photons are available under a given condition, then how many will interact with Electron at ground state Electron in excited state
Let N1 = Atoms have electrons in ground state Let N2 = Atoms have electron in excited state
Using Boltzmann formula N2 / N1 ratio can be calculated if there is no external excitation. As per the law At room temperature most atoms are in the
ground state.
As T increases, N2 (excited electrons)
Revision of light properties Types of Emissions (Qualitative & Quantitative) Population Inversion Amplification Process Laser equipment Laser Properties Types of Laser & uses
In normal condition (N1 > N2), hence absorption dominates and there can not be accumulation
of photons.
For N1 = N2, the rate of absorption of light exactly balances the rate of emission; the medium is then said to be optically transparent. For N1 < N2, stimulation emission process dominates, photon accumulate and light in the system undergoes a net increase in intensity.
Thus to produce a high intensity light stimulated emissions must dominate absorptions, For this we must have a state where N2/N1 > 1 In other words more atoms should have exited electrons than atoms with ground state This is called population inversion & is essential to produce LASER
How to achieve population inversion Theoretically ,in a atom electrons can not jump in some orbits (called forbidden orbits). This depends on spin momentum of electron But in reality due to other effects, electron do
There are many other ways of creating population inversion The frequency of out coming laser depend on medium This phenomenon can occur over full electro magnetic spectrum We call LASER if this frequency is in visible range
population inversion
Forbidden orbit
Laser transmission
1.Electron are excited from L1 to L3 Emission involves L3 to L1 Spontaneous & fast L3 to L2 Radiation less jump L2 to L1 Slower jump
In a continuous excitation process electron accumulate at level L2 due to slower rate .After some time N2 >N1, creating required population inversion between L2-L1 level
How to achieve amplification 1.Now if we have a exiting electro of Forbidden orbit energy = E2 E1 2.It will stimulate L2 to L1 jump, creating accumulation of Laser transmission photon with energy E=E2-E1 L1 Ground state, E1, N1 These accumulated photon come out of medium as a strong coherent ,monochromatic LASER beam of frequency = ( E2-E1) / h
Lesser energy level
Revision of light properties Types of Emissions (Qualitative & Quantitative) Population Inversion Amplification Process & Laser properties Laser equipment Types of Laser & uses
How amplification takes place If the number of photons being stimulated per unit time is greater than the number of photons being absorbed, then the net result is a continuous accumulation of identical photons in the medium . Thus intensity of light in the media increases. Thus amplification takes place
All stimulate photon come out spontaneously as highly energy intense light pulses Pluses are generated very fast hence we see a continuous LASER beam The energy of beam & its frequency (color) can be decided by suitably selecting Laser medium Type of mirrors Pumping arrangement Energy can be as high that it can cut 50mm steel sheet or trigger a nuclear reaction
Revision of light properties Types of Emissions (Qualitative & Quantitative) Population Inversion Amplification Process Functioning of Laser equipment Laser Properties Types of Laser & uses
( Energy source or )
Metal doped crystals
Certain gases
Dye solutions
Revision of light properties Types of Emissions (Qualitative & Quantitative) Population Inversion Amplification Process Laser equipement Laser Properties Types of Laser & uses
Types of LASER Diode lasers:( typical red laser pointers) Lightweight, cheap, durable, Used in CD player Mediumsemiconductor, Pumping-Electricity Have an inferior coherence Solid state lasers (Ex. Green laser pointers) Expensive, easy to maintain, Small Used for missile or bomb guidance systems. Medium: metal ions doped in solid crystals Pumping flash lamps or diode
Gas lasers;( First developed Ammonium maser 1954) Easy to maintain.CO2-lasers are most powerful Used in industrial, medical applications. Mediums Helium-Neon (Red), Krypton( blue, green,red) He-Cd - (Cadmium - blue) CO2-Laser (infrared). Dye lasers: Narrow frequency, highly coherent & intense. Difficult to maintain, expensive, Medium- a dye solution ( ex Rhodamine ) Pumping - other lasers)..
Uses of Laser Diode (red color) or infrared laser To read CDs, As pointers As a switch in alarm systems In computer laser printers In telephonic communication To measure distances ,time In medicine for surgery (CO2-laser, infrared) NdYAG, infrared lasers : For Navigation of planes and missiles CO2-lasers: In welding, cutting and drilling materials Gas lasers : Used in holography
Safety precautions
Lasers are dangerous above a certain intensity. Maximum risk is for eyes. Damages Retina ) Laser-pointers and show-lasers (very low power) are relatively safe