Special Casting
Special Casting
Special Casting
Topics Introduction
Sand casting Shell-Mold Casting Sodium silicate molding process Permanent molding process Centrifugal casting Investment casting
Melting Of Metal
Heat Treatment
Furnaces tightness
Defects Pressure
Inserts made of sand Used to make hollow regions Used to form letterings on the casting and other features
Vents used to carry off gases that are produced and exhaust air from the mold cavity as metal flows on to the mold
Wood Plastic Metal They must be tough enough to be used repeatedly Made of different materials to reduce wear Coated with a parting agent to facilitate there removal Patterns One-piece patterns for simple low cost production Split patterns each part forms a portion of the cavity Match-plate patterns popular type of pattern Two-piece patterns are constructed by securing each half of one or more split patterns to the opposite sides of a single plate Used in large production runs and in molding machines
Rapid prototyping
Dry facing sand sprinkled on board & pattern & then Molding sand is packed
Cope half placed over the Drag half Parting sand Sprinkled over the drag & the pattern Sprue pin, Riser pin placed
Facing sand in the form of paste applied in the Mold cavity The mold is now ready for pouring
To lower gas forming materials in the mold sometimes Air dried molds are used. Drying of molds can be of two types: skin dried complete mold drying
Common methods of drying the mold hot air gas or oil flame
Skin drying accomplished with the aid of torches Directed at the mold surface
Shell-Molding Process
preparation of the sand mixture in such a way that each of sand grain is thoroughly coated with resin The metallic pattern is heated to a temperature of 200-300C depending on the size of the pattern The heated pattern is securely fixed to dump box as shown in figure(a) Then the dump box is rotated after some time as shown in figure(b) So that the coated sand falls on the heated pattern
it thus causing the sand mixture to adhere to the pattern The required thickness of shell is achieved , dump box is rotated backward ,so that the extra sand falls on the box leaving the formed shell intact with the pattern as in fig(d) The average shell thickness achieved depends on the temperature of the pattern and the time the coated sand remains in contact with heated pattern
Applications Cast iron, Aluminium and copper alloys are cast by this process
silicate based binder , the sand mixture will be jolted or squeezed around the pattern
2 After squeezing CO2 is passed through core or mold 3 The CO2 chemically reacts with silicate to get harden 4 Then pattern is withdrawn from mold
Sodium silicate Molding Process The refractory material is coated with a sodium Silicate binder. After compaction CO2 is passed Through the mold. CO2 chemically reacts with Sodium silicate to cure or harden the binder. After Curing the pattern is withdrawn from the mold
Advantages good dimensional tolerance because of the hard rigid mold good surface finish of the cast products
poor shake out and collapsibility binder hygroscopic causing porosity in castings
Permanent-Mold Casting
Called hard-mold casting Two halves of a mold are made from materials such as iron, steel,
bronze, or other alloys The mold cavity and gating system are machined in to the mold Sand aggregate are placed in to the mold prior to casting for producing cavities Typical core materials are Oil-bonded or resin-boned sand Plaster Graphite Gray iron Low-carbon steel Hot-worked die steel Mold cavity surfaces are coated with refractory slurry to increase the life of the mold every few castings Mechanical ejectors are used to remove complex parts Can produce high production rates Good surface finish
Centrifugal Casting
Utilizes the inertial forces caused by rotation to distribute the molten
metal in to the mold cavities First used in the 1800;s Three types of centrifugal casting True centrifugal casting Semi centrifugal casting Centrifuging
Schematic illustration of the centrifugal casting process. Pipes, cylinder liners, and similarly shaped parts can be cast with this process.
True Centrifugal Casting produces hollow shaped products without using internal cores The Centrifugal accelerating force is high almost 70 to 80 times that of gravity which helps in pushing the molten metal to the walls of the mold Outer shape is controlled by the mold contour while the inner shape is controlled by the amount of the molten metal poured in
There are horizontal as well as vertical axis machines. Only short tubes are manufacture in the vertical machines Advantages Mechanical properties of the castings are better Directional solidification can be accomplished Core requirements are eliminated Gating system is not required
Axisymmetric shapes and concentric holes are suitable for CC Equipment cost is high so suitable for mass production
Investment Casting
One-piece mold
Dried in the air Heated to 90 175 C Held inverted for 12 hrs to melt out wax The mold is then heated to 650 1150 C for about 4
hrs depending on the metal to be cast to drive off the water of crystallization After the metal has been poured the mold is broken up and the cast is removed A number of patterns can be joined to make one mold called a tree which increases production rate
2. ASSEMBLY : The patterns are attached to a central wax stick, called a sprue, to form a casting cluster or assembly.
3. SHELL BUILDING : The shell is built by immersing the assembly in a liquid ceramic slurry and then into a bed of extremely fine sand. Up to eight layers may be applied in this manner. 4. DEWAX : Once the ceramic is dry, the wax is melted out, creating a negative impression of the assembly within the shell.
In the conventional process, the shell is filled with molten metal by gravity pouring. As the metal cools, the parts and gates, sprue and pouring cup become one solid casting.
When the metal has cooled and solidified, the ceramic shell is broken off by vibration or water blasting.
The parts are cut away from the central sprue using a high speed friction saw.
8. FINISHED CASTINGS After minor finishing operations, the metal castings-identical to the original wax patterns--are ready for shipment to the customer.
Applications of Investment Casting Intricate shaped objects like jewelry Cylinder heads cam shafts gas turbine blades
Advantages of Investment Casting Process Complicated and intricate shaped products can be easily cast High dimensional tolerance achievable Surface finish is excellent Additional machining not required as it is a net shape process All types of metals and alloys can be cast by this process
A relatively expensive process Size of the casting is limited (max. around 5 kg)