Market Segmentation
Market Segmentation
Market Segmentation
By-Chaitanya Purohit
MBA 3rd sem.
Segmenting Consumer Markets
The Market Segmentation Process
VALS Framework
Advantages of market segmentation
Disadvantages of market segmentation
Market Segmentation:
Ex.- Mcdonalds globally, sell burgers aimed at local markets, for example,
burgers are made from lamb in India rather then beef because of religious
issues. In Mexico more chilli sauce is added and so on.
As people age their needs and wants change,
some organizations develop specific products
aimed at particular age groups for example
nappies for babies, toys for children, clothes
for teenagers and so on.
Yuppie Associations
•High valued house/flat
•Good Salary
•Young branded car.
are important and then
clustering the responses
Next, marketers seek further understanding of the consumer
in each promising segment