• The event may be the demand for a product, rainfall at a particular place, population
of the country or growth of technology.
• Estimation of demand for a particular product, inventory needs, personnel requirements
and other business variables
• The primary goal of OM is to match supply to demand. Forecasting demand is essential
for how much capacity or supply is needed to meet demand.
• Non-profit sectors also forecast: libraries, blood banks, police, fire depart., etc. base
their yearly plan on forecasts of needed services and expected revenues.
• 80 percent of forecasting is done with quantitative methods
• In industry, forecasting is the first level of decision activity.
• Forecasting today is becoming increasingly important as firms focus on increasing
customer satisfaction while reducing the cost of providing products or services.
• The international journal of Applied Forecasting
• Journal of Business Forecasting
Forecasting Process:
1. Determine what to forecast: decide whether to forecast unit sales, $ sales, total sales,
sales by production line, domestic sales, sales in the region
2. Identify time dimensions: length and period of forecasting- annual, quarterly, month,
weekly, daily basis
3. Data Considerations: Quantity and the type of data that are available for forecasting.
- Internally, Externally
- Some data are not retained for use in forecasting. How frequently data are kept:
annual basis, quarterly basis, monthly basis, and daily basis.
6. Forecast Preparation: Some methods or sets of methods are used for developing the forecast.
Prepare a worst-case, a best-case, and most likely forecast. A combination of all forecasting
result for getting a better forecast.
8.Tracking result: Continuous tracking of how well forecast compares with actual values,
deviation from forecast and actual events should discuss and understand the errors that
Time Series Data
• The data that is used most often in forecasting are time series.
• A time series is a set of numerical values of some variable obtained at a regular period
over time.
• The series is usually tabulated or graphed and understand the behavior of the variable.
Actual value of the variable at time t = mean value at time t + random deviation from mean value
Y = pattern(mean) + ɛ (noise)
Demand Patterns
Historical Pattern:
This exists where there is the trend in data when the mean value does not change over time.
Trend: Time series display either increasing or decreasing in the average values
of the forecasting variable over time. Sales of products, stock price.
Wavelike upward and downward movement of the data about the trend time over a
period of time.
Price of metals, gross national products
It is a special case of a cycle in which fluctuations are repeated usually within a year.
Sales of soft drinks, sales of refrigerators, sales of wool items
Random fluctuations and most difficult to capture in the forecasting model.
Forecasting Models
The forecasting techniques can be classified into quantitative techniques and
qualitative techniques.
• Delphi method
• Market Research
Simple Moving Average:
The moving averages which serve as an estimate of the next period’s value of a variable
given a period of length n.
SMA is a method of computing the average of a specified number of the most recent data
value in a series.
Moving average
1 95
2 100
3 87
4 123
5 90
6 96
7 75
8 78
9 106
10 104
11 89
12 83
In the table for a three months weighted moving average with a weight of 0.50 assigned
to the most recent demand value, 0.30 assigned to the next most recent value and 0.20
assigned to the oldest of the demand value. Forecast the demand for period 7.
•The forecasting horizon is relatively short i.e. daily, weekly or monthly demand.
•ESM model is applicable when there is no trend or seasonality component in the data.
•It keep on running average demand and adjust it for each period in proportion to the
difference between the latest actual demand figure and the latest value of the average.
Exponential Smoothing Method
Ft = Ft-1 +α (Dt-1 – Ft-1)
•If α = 0, Ft = Ft-1
The new base is just same as previous base (average)
•If α = 1, Ft= Dt-1
The new base is the previous period demand.
If the value of α is small are smooth and fluctuation is less.
A firm uses simple exponential smoothing with α = 0.2 to forecast demand. The
forecast for the first week of January was 400 units, where as the actual demand
turned out to be 450 units:
b) Assume that the actual demand during the second week of January turned out to
be 460 units. Forecast the demand up to February fourth week, assuming the
sequence demand as 465,434, 420, 498 and 462 units.
Forecast of second week of January:
•Adjusted ESM is projects the next period forecast by adding a trend component to the
current period forecast Ft
Compute the linear or trend ESM forecast for the first week of March for a firm with
the following data. Assume forecast for the first week of January(F 0) as 600 and
Corresponding initial trend (T0) is 0. Let α =0.1 and β=0.2
Week Demand
Week 1 650
Week 2 600
Week 3 550
Week 4 650
Week 5 665
Week 6 675
The relationship between a dependent y and only one independent variable x, then
such model is called a simple regression model.
Y = a+ bX
Y= dependent variable
X= independent variable
a= y- intercept
b= slope (trend)
XY – nXY
a = Y – bX b=
X 2 – n(X) 2
A firm believes that its annual profit depends on its expenditures for research. The information for the
preceding six years is given below:
Forecast the profit for the 7th year when the expenditure is 6 lac.
Appling the formula you will get the value of b=2 and a= 20
Y= 20 + 2x
= 20 + 2 (6) = 32 lac
The profit in the 7th year when the expenditure is 6 lac will be 32 lac.
The advertisement expenditure and the actual sales (in thousand) for five months
is given below. Using regression analysis forecast the sales for advertisement
expenditure is 2.3 thousand $.
Sales Advertising
Month (000 units) (000 $)
1 264 2.5
2 116 1.3
3 165 1.4
4 101 1.0
5 209 2.0
Sales Advertising
Month (000 units) (000 $)
1 264 2.5
2 116 1.3
3 165 1.4
4 101 1.0
5 209 2.0
XY – nXY
a = Y – bX b=
X 2 – nX 2
Sales, Y Advertising, X
Month (000 units) (000 $) XY X2 Y2
1 264 2.5 660.0 6.25 69,696
2 116 1.3 150.8 1.69 13,456
3 165 1.4 231.0 1.96 27,225
4 101 1.0 101.0 1.00 10,201
5 209 2.0 418.0 4.00 43,681
XY – nX Y
a = Y – bX b=
X 2 – n(X) 2
Sales, Y Advertising, X
Month (000 units) (000 $) XY X2 Y2
1 264 2.5 660.0 6.25 69,696
2 116 1.3 150.8 1.69 13,456
3 165 1.4 231.0 1.96 27,225
4 101 1.0 101.0 1.00 10,201
5 209 2.0 418.0 4.00 43,681
Total 855 8.2 1560.8 14.90 164,259
Y = 171 X = 1.64
XY – nXY
a = Y – bX b=
X 2 – n(X) 2
Sales, Y Advertising, X
Month (000 units) (000 $) XY X2 Y2
1 264 2.5 660.0 6.25 69,696
2 116 1.3 150.8 1.69 13,456
3 165 1.4 231.0 1.96 27,225
4 101 1.0 101.0 1.00 10,201
5 209 2.0 418.0 4.00 43,681
Total 855 8.2 1560.8 14.90 164,259
Y = 171 X = 1.64
a = Y – bX b = 109.229
Sales, Y Advertising, X
Month (000 units) (000 $) XY X2 Y2
1 264 2.5 660.0 6.25 69,696
2 116 1.3 150.8 1.69 13,456
3 165 1.4 231.0 1.96 27,225
4 101 1.0 101.0 1.00 10,201
5 209 2.0 418.0 4.00 43,681
Total 855 8.2 1560.8 14.90 164,259
Y = 171 X = 1.64
a = – 8.136 b = 109.229
Sales, Y Advertising, X
Month (000 units) (000 $) XY X2 Y2
1 264 2.5 660.0 6.25 69,696
2 116 1.3 150.8 1.69 13,456
3 165 1.4 231.0 1.96 27,225
4 101 1.0 101.0 1.00 10,201
5 209 2.0 418.0 4.00 43,681
Total 855 8.2 1560.8 14.90 164,259
Y = 171 X = 1.64
a = – 8.136 b = 109.229
Y = – 8.136 + 109.229(X)
Alpha company has the following sales pattern. Compute the sales forecasting for
the year 10.
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Sales 6 8 11 23 29 34 40 45 56
(in lacs)
Home Assignment:
Alpha company has the following sales pattern. Compute the sales forecasting for
the year 10.
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Sales 6 8 11 23 29 34 40 45 56
(in lacs)
Home Assignment
A company that manufactures steel observed the production of steel(in metric tones)
represented by the time series
a) Find the liner equation that describe the trend in the production of steel by the company.
b) Estimate the production of steel in 2003.
Answer: a) y= 76+4.857x b) 95.428 metric tons.
Seasonal Models
Consider the following data for the demand for school uniforms from a garment store.
The data in the table shows the demand (in hundreds) for four quarters of the year.
Fit seasonal model for the data.
•After getting the opinions from the panel members they are to be compared for
•If the variation among the opinion is too much, the summary is to be circulated again
among the members and again provide for opinions.
•Generally 50% of the estimate is treated as the basis for comparison.
•The panel members whose opinions differ significantly from the middle of 50% of the
estimate will asked for the reconsider their opinions.
•Still, if they want to stick to their original opinions they will be asked to provide rationale
for the same.
•Delphi method is an iterative process, until the panel converges on the specific value
or range of values as defined by the required accuracy or arrives at point under
Marketing Research
Primary Research
• Interviews
• Observations
• Experiment, field project