UNIT-1 Final
UNIT-1 Final
UNIT-1 Final
Preferred Text Books acc. to Syllabus
Text Books:
1. Pankaj Jalote, ―A Concise Introduction to Software Engineering‖, Springer
International Edition.
2. Roger S. Pressman, ―Software Engineering‖, 7th edition, TMH.
Reference books:
1. K.K Aggarwal and Yogesh Singh, ―Software Engineering‖, 3rd Edition, New Age
2. Software Engineering, Ian Sommerville, 8th edition, Pearson education.
3. Software Engineering : A Primer, Waman S Jawadekar, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008
Introduction and
Software Life
Cycle Models
Evolving role of software – Software Engineering – Software
characteristics, The Changing Nature of software, Software
Evolving role of software
As Product
As Vehicle for delivering a product
Software as a product
Information transformer
• Producing, managing, acquiring, modifying ,displaying or
transmitting information.
• Examples: MS-Office
Software as a Vehicle
set of instructions or programs instructing a computer to do specific tasks.
Software is a set of
• Instructions that when executed provide desired function and
• Data Structures that enable the programs to adequately manipulate
• Documents that describe the operation and use of the programs.
Engineering is the application of mathematics, science, economics, social and
practical knowledge to invent, innovate, design, build, maintain and research.
It act as a Bedrock
Functionality changes
changes in the functionality of a software is adaptable
Maintainability of software
Software should run for long period of time
Provide security
if any unauthorised persons use software we should get a notification
The product that make other than client (the original owner) of the product the
users will be using it more.
• Foundation layer
• It keeps all layers together
• Covers all activities ,actions, tasks in order to develop a
• Provides technical questions “how to” for building a software
how to built a module,how to write a code
• Technical way to implement software
which coding lang is choose inorder to develop a software
• Provide automated or semi automated support for process and
Software characteristics
Introduction and
Software Life
Cycle Models
Characteristics of software
Changing nature of software
• The nature of software has changed a lot over these years.
• Its nature mainly depends on the applications:
– System software
– Application software
– Engineering/scientific software
– Embedded software
– Product-line software
– Web applications
– Artificial Intelligence software
– Ubiquitous computing
– Outsourcing
– Open source
• System Software
– System Software is a collection of programs written to provide
service to other programs.
– It needs heavy interaction with computer hardware.
– Examples: Compilers, Editors, File Management Utilities, other
System Applications Drivers and Networking Software.
• Application Software
– Application Software consists of standalone programs that are used
to solve specific business needs.
– It is used to process technical data/technical decisions and control
business functions in real time
– Examples:Google crome,firefox,word and mobile apps like
whatsup,telegram etc.,
• Engineering/Scientific Software
– It satisfies the needs of a scientific and engineering users.
– It is used to create interactive applications to take on real time.
– Examples: Computer Aided Design(CAD/CAM),Interactive
Applications in Educational Field
• Embedded Software
– Software that resides within a product or system is called as
Embedded Software.
– Examples: Keypad control for a Microwave Oven
• Product-line Software
– This type of software provides specific capability for use by many
different customers.
– The focus will be on limited & esoteric(secret) marketplace
– Examples: Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Computer Graphics,
Database Management, Multimedia & Entertainment and Business
Financial Applications.
• Web Applications
The applications we are accessed using internet.
– Web Application Software has grown relevant as E-Commerce
applications grow in importance
– They provide stand alone features, computing functions & content to
• Artificial Intelligence Software
– This type of software uses Non-Numerical Algorithms to solve
complex problems.
– Examples: Robotics, Expert Systems, Pattern Recognition(image and
voice), Artificial Neural Networks, Theorem Proving, Game Playing.
• Open Source
– Open Source Software refers to the software whose source code is
public to everyone to develop, test or improve.
– It benefits both programmers and non-programmers.
– It proves to be beneficial to developers, especially those in
– Examples: Linux Operating System, Apache Web Server Application,
LibreOffice Application, GNU Image Manipulation Application
Software myths
• Software myths propagate misinformation and confusion.
• Today, most knowledgeable professionals recognize myths for
what they are— misleading attitudes that have caused serious
problems for managers and technical people alike
– Management myths
– Customer myths
– Practitioner's myths
Management myths
• Managers with software responsibility are often under pressure to
maintain budgets, keep schedules from slipping, and improve quality.
– Myth1: We already have a book that's full of standards and procedures for
building software, won't that provide my people with everything they need to
– Reality: The book of standards may very well exist,
• but is it used?
• Does it reflect modern software engineering practice?
• Is it complete?
• Is it streamlined to improve time to delivery while still maintaining a focus on quality?
• In many cases, the answer to all of these questions is "no."
• Myth2: If we get behind schedule, we can add more
programmers and catch up.
• Reality: If software is late, adding more people will merely
make the problem worse. This is because the people already
working on the project need to educate the newcomers. So,
this does not immediately reduce the work.
• Myth3: If I decide to outsources the software project to a third
party, I can just relax and let that firm build it.
• Reality: If an organization does not understand how to manage
and control software projects internally, it will invariably
struggle when it outsources software projects.
Customer myths
• Myths lead to false expectations (by the customer) and
ultimately, dissatisfaction with the developer.
• Myth1: A general statement of objectives is sufficient to begin
writing programs. we can fill in the details later.
• Reality : A formal and detailed description of
• the information domain
• function
• behavior
• performance
• interfaces
• design constraints
• validation criteria is essential.
• Myth2: Project requirements continually change, but change
can be easily accommodated because software is flexible.
• Reality:
It is true that software requirements change, but the impact of
change varies with the time at which it is introduced
It is true that software requirements change, but the impact of
change varies with the time at which it is introduced. If change is
requested in design, then it costs 5 times more as if it is done in
analysis. If it is requested in coding, then it costs 10 more, in testing it
is 50 times more and if it is requested after delivery, then its cost
increases enormously.
Practitioner's myths
• Myth1: Once we write the program and get it to work, our job
is done.
• Reality:
Industry data indicate that between 60 and 80 percent of all
effort expended on software will be expended after it is
delivered to the customer for the first time.
• Myth2: Until I get the program "running" I have no way of assessing
its quality.
• Reality: One of the most effective software quality assurance
mechanisms is formal technical review. Software reviews can
effectively detect the problems in requirements documents, design
documents, test plans, and code.
• Myth3: The only deliverable work product for a successful project is
the working program.
• Reality: A working program is only one part of a software delivery.
Apart from this several other documents such as analysis, design
and testing documents, user manuals etc. may also be created
during software development.
Software Life Cycle model
• Software Life cycle Model is also called as Software Development Life cycle Model
or Software Development Process Model.
• The life cycle of a software represents the series of identifiable stages through
which it evolves during its life time.
The need for a software life cycle model
Feasibility Study
Feasibility Study
• Main aim of feasibility study is to determine whether
it would be financially and technically feasible to develop the software.
• First roughly understand what the customer wants:
– different data which would be input to the system,
– processing needed on these data,
– output data to be produced by the system,
– various constraints on the behaviour of the system.
Feasibility Study
• Development of an overall understanding of the
• Formulation of various possible strategies for
solving the problem different solution strategies.
• Evolution of different solution strategies in terms
• resources required,
• cost of development, and
• development time.
Requirements Analysis and Specification
• This phase is to
– understand the exact requirements of the
– document them properly.
• Consists of two distinct activities:
– requirements gathering and analysis
– requirements specification
Requirements Gathering and Analysis
M1 M2
M3 M4
System Testing
When to use incremental mode
• When customers demands a quick release of product.
• A project has a long development schedule
• Software team are not very well skilled or trained.
• The client gets important functionality early
• Errors are easy to recognized
• Easier to test and debug
• Changes are easy to implement
• It is less expensive and flexible
• it is good to use when projects having lengthy development
• Proper planned execution are needed
• Science each increment requires its own planning, design,
coding, so overall cost of the project can be higher.
• Difficulty in tracking progress
with multiple increments being developed simultaneously, it
is risk to track progress of a project as a whole.
• More time spent on testing
Rational Unified Process
• It was developed by rational ,now part of IBM.
• It was designed for object-oriented development using uml.
• RUP process that development of software can be divided into
4 phases.
• 1.Inception
• 2.Elaboration
• 3.Construction
• 4.Transition
• Each Phase has a distinct purpose and completion of each
phase is a well-defined milestone.
Inception Phase
• The purpose of this phase is to establish
scope of the project
vision document
business benefits it is expected to provide
initial use-case
we use use-case modeling to identify project scope ,
costs,time required to build it.
Key risks
Basic plan of the project regarding cost and schedule.
The Completion of this phase is a life cycle objectives
Elaboration Phase
• Final use-case modeling
• Analysis modeling
• The architecture of system is designed
• The completion of this phase is Life-cycle architecture
Construction Phase
• In construction the software is build and tested.
• This phase results in software product to be delivered along
with user manuals.
• And successfully completing this phase results in initial
operational capability milestone being achieved.
Transition Phase
• The purpose of this phase is to move software from
development environment to clients environment.
• It is complex task which can require additional testing,test-
cases,test-plans etc.,
• The successful execution of this phase results in achieving
milestone product released.
Agile and extreme development model
• Extreme programming is one type of agile s/w
• Extreme programming uses an object-oriented approach.
• Extreme programming starts with user-stories which are
short(a few sentences) that describes the required output
features and functionality for software to build.
• The customer assigns a value (priority) to the story.
• Members of XP team assess each story measured interms of
• Once a basic commitment ,the XP team orders stories in one of
three ways.
• 1. all stories will be implemented with in a week
• 2.stories with highest value will be moved up in the schedule
and implement first.
• 3.The riskiest stories will be moved up schedule and
implemented first.
• It follows keep it simple approach.
• Simple design preferred over a complex representation
• Here we follows one kind of design i.e, CRC(Class –
Responsibility Collaborator)
• How many classes we have to create and how many variables
creates etc.,
• Refactoring
it is process of changing a software system in such a way that
it does not alter external behaviour of code yet improve
internal structure.
• It simplify internal design (minimize chances of introducing
• A key concept during coding in XP is PAIR PROGRAMMING.
• Pair programming
XP recommends two people work together at one computer
workstation to create code for a story.
• As the pair programmers complete their work ,the code is
integrated with others.
• XP acceptance tests derived from user user stories are
specified by the customer and focus on overall system features
and functionality.