Prac 3
Prac 3
Prac 3
The freezing point of pure water is 0 C but the freezing point of
aqueous solutions containing non-volatile dissolved solutes is less
than zero.
Thus, the addition of solutes depresses the freezing point of water.
The extent to which the freezing point is depressed below O C is
proportional to the concentration of dissolved solute particles;
a 1 molal solution of an ideal non-ionized solute has an osmotic
potential of -2.27 MPa and freezes at -1.86 C.
Based on this relationship the osmotic potential of any unknown
solution can be calculated:
-2.27 MPa / -1.86 C = Ψs / Δf re-arranging: Ψs = (1.22 MPa deg-1 ) Δf
Since this equation is for solutions at zero oC (273 K) we must correct the
equation to yield our answer at room temperature by multiplying the equation by
the ratio of the absolute temperatures (room temperature in K/273 K). Thus:
Δf = true freezing point
Δf' = apparent freezing point
µ = degrees of super cooling (negative in sign)
0.0125 = amount of water (1/80) that solidifies per degree of super
One disadvantage of this method is that the solute composition of the sap influences the accuracy of the measurement. The equation
above is given for ideal solutions of glucose or mannitol. Sucrose, on the other hand has a freezing point depression of 2.06 oC, not
1.86oC. Nevertheless, the method still provides an estimate in reasonable agreement with those obtained by other methods.
Bland and Tanner (1985) report that the osmotic potential for a potato tube is in the
range of -0.58 to -1.53 MPa. Our tubers should fall within that range.
First, we will calibrate the thermometer by placing 3 mL of water in the sample test
Immerse this unit in a beaker (600 mL) containing salt and ice. The ice bath should
Suspend a thermometer in the sample making sure that it doesn't touch the bottom
Stir the sample continuously and watch the decrease in temperature. When the
temperature reaches 0oC, record the temperature every 10 seconds (Table 1).
Continue readings as the sap cools. Note the temperature closely. Periodically tap
the thermometer gently to induce freezing. When freezing occurs there will be a
rapid increase in temperature. Note this temperature which is the apparent freezing
point (Δf') and continue to record temperatures until they become fairly constant. [In
some cases, the sample may freeze without releasing a detectable heat of fusion. If
this occurs, discard the sample and begin again. You can often determine that this
has occurred if there is a plateau in the cooling rate of the sap.] The freezing point
of the water should be zero. If the Δf' of the water is not 0oC, then correct the Δf' of
the sap sample accordingly.
Repeat the experiment with a potato sap sample. To prepare the potato sap, obtain
frozen potato sections and carefully remove the peel . Homogenize the thawed
potato in a blender. Transfer the homogenate to a centrifuge tube and spin at the
highest setting for five minutes to recover the supernatant.
1.Complete Tables 1 & 2.
2.Plot temperature vs. time for both sap and water.
3.Calculate the true freezing point (Δf) of the sap (Table 2).
Temperature ('C)
Time (sec)
Water Sap
Table 2: Summary Table - Freezing Point Depression
room temperature (C)
room temperature (K)
Δf true fp (C)
Ψs (MPa)