Quarter 3 Module 1
Let's Watch!
What have you
observed while
watching the video?
What are the “labels” attached to the
man in the video?
What happened at the end of the
When you put “labels” on someone,
are you biased? Justify?
When we put “labels” on someone, it can
lead to bias because it involves making
assumptions or generalizations about an
individual based on specific characteristics
or stereotypes
What do you
think is our topic
for today?
Quarter 3 Module 1
Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
01 02 03
Determine and Evaluate the effect of Engage in
recognize the biases on individual constructive dialogue
common types of and collective thinking. to address and
biases. mitigate biases.
What comes to
your mind when
you hear the
word “BIAS ”?
is a disproportionate weight
in favor of or against an
idea or thing, usually in a
way that is closed-minded,
prejudicial, or unfair.
Imagine you are one of the judges in a
singing competition here at Nueva Ecija
High School. Then, you noticed that your
best friend has joined the competition. The
odds are fairly good that you would give
your best friend a higher score, not because
she is the best, but because you two are good
Imagine you are one of the judges in a
singing competition here at Nueva Ecija
High School. Then, you noticed that your
best friend has joined the competition. The
odds are fairly good that you would give
your best friend a higher score, not because
she is the best, but because you two are good
8 Common Types of Biases
Conformity Bias, Beauty Bias, Halo Effect,
Horns Effect, Similarity Bias, Confirmation
Bias, Bandwagon Effect, Gender Bias
Conformity Bias
This relates to bias caused by group or peer pressure.
In simple terms, it is the tendency of individuals to
align their beliefs and behaviors with those of a
group, often sacrificing their own judgement or
preferences to fit in and or avoid conflicts.
Conformity Bias
Ana is unsure with her answers on her assignment.
When her friends provide answers, Ana agrees with
her friends’ answers believing that they are smarter
than her.
Beauty Bias
This plays out in terms of other
physical attributes a person may
have. It is the tendency for people to
favor and give preferential treatment
to those who are perceived as
physically attractive.
Beauty Bias
1. "Our Company will only accept an
applicant who is in 6 feet tall or above and
someone who is good looking."
6. "I won't wear that hairstyle; it's not trendy right now."
7. "He's in a leadership role, so he must be really competent."
8. "I won't vote for her; people say she's not trustworthy."
9. "Everyone else is buying the latest gadget, so I should too."
10. "She's not conventionally attractive, so she must not be
Activity: Bias Busters
11. "I'll join that club because my friends are all joining it."
12. "Men should focus on their careers, not on family matters."
13. "She's well-dressed, so she must be successful in her
14. "Since he's good at sports, he must be great in academics
15. "I won't consider that viewpoint; it doesn't align with my
Activity: Bias Busters