CH1 Introduction To Marketing Communication
CH1 Introduction To Marketing Communication
CH1 Introduction To Marketing Communication
Target market (Audiences)
• Target Audience:
group of consumers singled out by an organization
for an advertisement or campaign
– Household Consumers
– Business Organizations
– Trade Channels (retailers)
– Professionals
– Government
Communication Objectives
– Informative Advertising
• To communicate customer value and is used heavily
when introducing a new product
– Persuasive Advertising
• To build brand value and sometimes compare with
competing brands
– Reminder Advertising
• Maintain customer relationships and keep customers
thinking about the product
Basic Promotion Methods
Advertising Publicity
Goals and Tasks of Promotion
Informing Reminding
PLC Stages:
Maturity Persuading
Target market, target audience and
• Refresh on the Coca cola side of life
• This creative billboard was made for Coca Cola. An empty bottle with a
straw in it and a rope ladder hanging next to it from the rooftop. This
way it looks like somebody made a lot of effort to get to the drink.
• Some advertisements themselves rise to the level of memorable
slogans. The 1971 "Hilltop" ad featured a song with the words "I'd Like
to Buy the World a Coke." Although that wasn't an actual slogan (the
ad in fact was part of the "It's the Real Thing" campaign), the ad and
song lyrics are still so well known today that the lyrics are considered a
slogan to many.
• In January 2003, latest slogan for Coca-Cola was introduced -- "Coca-
Cola... Real." The campaign (and slogan in turn) reflects genuine,
authentic moments in life and the natural role Coca-Cola plays in
•Kapiti have introduced a new luxury designed ice
cream. This campaign from Colenso BBDO, Auckland
brings to life the brief literally: Kapiti - where design
meets ice cream.
Comments from Adweek blog “So, I see these ads, and I'm
thinking, Great! The next time I have a craving for surrealist ice
cream, and I happen to be in New Zealand, I'll pick up some
Kapiti frozen treats! Thanks, Colenso BBDO, for the tip, delivered
so stylishly in this print campaign.
Designer watches, shoes and handbags melt in a most attractive
Advertisement is one of the best ways to pass on your
message or point to your targeted audience. Nowadays, lots
of companies are making ads to promote their products &
through these ads they are getting the more business. The
aim of advertisement example is to catch the attention of
their targeted audience.
Today we are presenting 30 very interesting and creative
advertisements from leading shoes brands. Nowadays, lots
of companies are selling their products & services through
• Come to the zoo before the zoo come to you
• It looks like a tiger is attacking this bus. With the
tagline: “ Come to the zoo before the zoo comes to
you” the zoo in Perth was to attract more visitors.
• The threatened Sumatran Tiger offers its own
threat to get you to the zoo. There are fewer than
400 of these tigers left in the wild, less than the
number of city buses in Perth.
Perth Zoo's Wildlife Conservation Action program
helps raise funds to support threatened species
Sony Playstation 3 – Play Beyond Ads
Marketing Activities
Retailers and
Producer Customers
– Push Strategy
• Pushing the product through marketing channels to
final consumers
• Personal selling and trade promotion are relatively
Marketing Marketing
Activities Activities
Retailers and
Producer Customers
• Pulling strategy Promotional effort by the seller to
stimulate final-user demand, which then exerts
pressure on the distribution channel.
• Pushing strategy Promotional effort by the seller
directed to members of the marketing channel
rather than final users.
• Combination Strategy
– Aiming marketing communications at both
resellers and ultimate consumers.
The Promotional Mix:
The Tools for IMC
• External analysis
– Consumer behavior analysis
– Market segmentation and target marketing
– Market positioning
3- Analysis of the Communication Process
Decide on media
Establish budget Select channels