KAMATCHI S Presentation
KAMATCHI S Presentation
KAMATCHI S Presentation
AI in Transportation:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force in the
transportation sector, reshaping the way we move people and goods
across the globe. From autonomous vehicles to smart traffic management
systems, AI is driving innovation and delivering substantial benefits in
terms of safety, efficiency, sustainability, and convenience.
Project mission
Exotrainer addresses the introduction of wearable gait exoskeletons for the therapy of children affected by Spinal
Muscular Atrophy (SMA). Although it is a rare disease, SMA is the first cause of child mortality, affecting
children of both gender, of all races, in all countries. There is no cure for SMA, and treatment focuses on
maintaining the physical state of the patient, and attempting to delay the onset of scoliosis. Walking is key for this
purpose and Exotrainer provides a better therapy approach through wearable gait exoskeletons. Exotrainer builds
over available technology and addresses a new target group and different diseases, as current commercial devices
are targeted to adult paraplegics. Exotrainer targets children improving the therapy of SMA and potentially other
rare diseases. Exotrainer will have an impact on children’s quality of life and life expectancy. The new therapy
can potentially reduce the welfare costs to families in 25.000€ per year and per family and even reduce the cost to
the healthcare systems by an improved and personalized therapy.
Exotrainer will make progress on the technical problems of commercial exoskeletons for SMA children.
Starting from ATLAS prototype for quadriplegic children Exotrainer is optimized for the physiological
requirements of SMA children.
Exotrainer will provide additional degrees of freedom at ankle and hip for physiological 3D mobility.
Tolerance for continuous use with the use of orthetic textile/gelatinous fibres providing cushioning and
• No thoracic control and weight-bearing capacity required .
• Exotrainer will make use of adjustable-rigidity joints, already tested in ALTAS, to actively control
joint impedance.
• Minimum user height of 95 cm (the average height of a 3-year old child).
Zenbo robots, developed by ASUS, are designed to serve as
helpful and engaging companions for people of all ages.
There are two models in the Zenbo family: the original Zenbo
and the more compact and affordable Zenbo Junior.
These robots have received accolades at the Consumer
Electronics Show (CES) for their innovation, with Zenbo winning
the Best of CES Award in 2017 and Zenbo Junior taking the CES
Innovation Award in 2019.
The LBR iiwa is the world’s first series-produced sensitive,
and therefore HRC-compatible, robot. LBR stands for “
Leichtbauroboter” (German for lightweight robot), iiwa for
“intelligent industrial work assistant”. With the LBR iiwa, humans
and robots can work together on highly sensitive tasks in close
cooperation, opening the possibility of new applications and paving the
way for greater cost-effectiveness and efficiency.
When grouped with its smaller sibling, the LBR iisy running
on KUKA’s new operating system, iiQKA.OS, KUKA’s lightweight
robot portfolio can handle cobot applications from small to large
and simple to complex.
Baxter is an industrial robot first built on 22 September 2011 by Rethink
It is 3 feet tall and weighs 165 lbs without its pedestal; with its pedestal, it is
between 5’10” – 6’3” tall and weighs 306 lbs. It is designed for simple industrial
commercial customers, but it remains notable in the robotics research field for its safety