One Act Play
One Act Play
One Act Play
a. Tomb b. Vault
c. Cupboard d. Box
Question No. 2
a. Friend b. Enemies
c. Lovers d. Rivals
Question No. 3
In the story Romeo and Juliet, act 3, scene 1, what does Mercutio
means when he says “Ask for me tomorrow, and you shall find
me a grave man”?
a. Peace b. Agreement
d. Celebration
Question No. 8
a. a. A traveler on a religious
b. Soldier
c. A teacher d. A doctor
Question No. 9
a. Terrible b. Argument
c. Execute d. Excellent
Lesson Objectives
Analyze the elements of a one-act play, including setting, plot, characters,
theme, and dialogue, as demonstrated through written or oral responses.
3. Dialogue
referring to the play’s
basic storyline, is the
structure of a play that
tells what happens as the
story goes.
Stages of a Plot
Expositio Denouemen
Most plays have a theme or main ideas, such as the value of
prayer, the rewards of showing patience, or the healing
power of love. The play’s outcome implies some lessons or
morals about the theme or affirms some meaningful
observation or conclusion about life.
is the type of play. Examples are tragedy, comedy, romantic,
mystery and historical play
is a group of people who watch the play. An audience can be the
most important element of drama to be considered since it is the
audience that determines whether the play is successful. Many
playwrights also write the drama’s plot with great concern
regarding their groups of the audience rather than their interests.
Romeo and Juliet
In the town of Verona lived two families—the Capulets and the Montagues—who were
enemies. Among the Montagues was Romeo. He attended a ball to meet his love,
Rosaline, but when he saw Juliet. He forgot everything about Rosaline. He was asking
around about Juliet when Tybalt saw him and prepared a fight, but the elder Capulet
stopped him. Later, when Romeo found time to speak to Juliet, He confessed his
feelings to her, but he felt fear when he found out that Juliet was a Capulet. Romeo and
Juliet see and interacts with their parents as figures of authority because they were the
head of the family. But because of the distant relationship between Romeo and Juliet
with their parents, they rebelled and chose love over family. Thus, the start of the
tragic fate of these two star-crossed lovers.
Comprehension Question
1. What is the
story all about?
2. How did the
story end?
3. What is the
purpose of the
author in writing
the story?
4. Share your brief
analysis on the
story “Romeo and
5. Do you think
Romeo and Juliet
are rebellious?
6. Have you ever
rebelled against your
parents because of a
Activity 3. Write It Up
Write a short essay (3-5 sentences) discussing your thoughts on the chosen topic, using
personal experiences, or observations. Select one of the following topics:
1. Love – Love is a powerful force that transcends boundaries and unites people.
3. Life – Life is a journey filled with challenges, opportunities, and moment of growth.
4. Love is dangerous
5. Inspiration – inspiration can come from various sources and ignite creativity,
innovation, and personal growth.
1. Love – Love is a powerful force that transcends
boundaries and unites people.
2. Family – Family provides a foundation of support and
belonging that shapes individual’s identity and
3. Life – Life is a journey filled with challenges,
opportunities, and moment of growth.
4. Love is dangerous
5. Inspiration – inspiration can come from various
sources and ignite creativity, innovation, and personal
1.Imagine you are Juliet’s
friend. What advice would
you give her about her
relationship with Romeo?
2.What do you think the
story would change if
Romeo and Juliet had
listened to their families
and stayed away from each
Direction: Bring out a 1/4 sheet of paper. Read the statements carefully.
Choose the leter of your best answer, then write it on a separate sheet of paper.
a.Antagonist b.Audience
c.Director d.Minor
Recreate a ascene from the story
Romeo and Juliet to be submitted
next week.
Content 15%
Props/Costume 10%
Creativity 20%
Editing 10%
Teamwork 10%
Cinematography 15%
Audio Quality 10%
Audience Impact 10%