Reading and Listening Comprehension
Reading and Listening Comprehension
Reading and Listening Comprehension
Reading without comprehension or understanding is
not reading. Many children can pronounce words
fluently but asked what they have just read, they are
unable to respond. Although they may score high in
teams of reading rate or fluency, they are
not really
Good readers.
What makes you a good
A good reader is someone who has a purpose for reading, whether
it is to look for specific information or to read for pleasure. A good
reader is involved in a Complicated thinking process as she/he
reads. These are strategies that we can Teach children to help
them become purpose full, active readers. Research has Shown
that readers who receive explicit instruction in these strategies
make Significant gains on reading comprehension tests. These
strategies include setting purposes for reading, Making
Productions, motivating reading and realizing when Something is
not making sense, questioning during reading, making mental
pictures of what is being read, understanding story structure, and
summarizing what is read.
Make Predictions
Auditory Attention
Auditory Memory
Auditory Perception