X Ray
X Ray
X Ray
Dhilna Thanathuparambil
Accurate Diagnosis: Medical imaging enables the detection and diagnosis of a wide range of diseases and conditions, often
with greater accuracy and precision than traditional physical examination techniques.
Early Disease Detection: Imaging modalities can detect abnormalities at early stages, facilitating timely intervention and
improving treatment outcomes.
Treatment Guidance: Imaging guides the planning and execution of various medical procedures, such as biopsies, minimally
invasive surgeries, and radiation therapy.
Disease Monitoring: Imaging allows physicians to monitor the progression of diseases and the response to treatment,
facilitating adjustments and optimizing patient care.
Research and Development: Medical imaging plays a critical role in medical research, providing insights into disease
mechanisms and facilitating the development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.
Radiography is a medical imaging technique
that uses X-rays to generate images of
internal structures of the body.
Uses of pneumothorax.
Co l l i mat o r : a d ev i ce t h at l i mi t s t h e s p r ead o f X- r ay s
t o a s p eci f i c ar ea o f t h e b o d y b ei n g i mag ed .
Co n t r o l P an el : i s t h e i n t er f ace t h at al l o ws t h e
o p er at o r t o co n t r o l t h e X- r ay mach i n e.
Types of X-ray
Chest X-rays are one of the most Dental X-rays are used to Bone X-rays are used to visualize
common types of X-ray visualize the teeth and jawbone. bones and joints. They can be
examinations. They are used to They can be used to detect used to diagnose fractures,
visualize the heart, lungs, and cavities, bone loss, and other dislocations, and other bone
other structures in the chest. dental problems problems