Dial Up Networking
Dial Up Networking
Dial Up Networking
Introduction Overview of dial-up networking. TCP/IP Connecting To a Network Protocols Used in Dial-up Network Role Of Modem in Dial-up Network Different Software/Tools Used End Note
Dial-up networking is the most common methods for connecting to the TCP/IP network through a phone line. It is accomplished by a Modem. And is widely accepted because Dial-up access offers inexpensive internet access and provides a link to a user.
Role of TCP is in transport layer whereas role of IP is in the internet layer. The CSNET member sites who are the infrequent internet user couldnt justify the cost of leased line connections then the dialup IP system comes into play. From the TCP/IP view ,dialing a telephone call is equivalent to running a wire ,i.e. the call has been answered by a modem on the other hand ,there is a connection from one node directly to another & the connection stays as long as needed. Hence TCP is a connection oriented protocol.
Connecting Networks
Physical layer: Ethernet repeater Data link layer: bridge Network layer: router Application layer: mail gateway, proxy web server
Ethernet Connection
Originally a shared-access, coax-based bus network technology Different types of Ethernet networking are possible :
Originally, 10 megabit/sec, now 100 Mbps common and gigabit possible Also used for high-speed, point-to-point connections
Extension to current phone system Point-to-point connection Superimposes a high-bandwidth signal on telephone wire Generally higher downstream bandwidth than upstream
Cable Modem
The term is short for Modulate/DEModulate. Its Purpose is to transform the digital protocol transmission from a node into an analog signal that can pass through the interface with the phone system & to transform incoming analog signals from the phone line into a digital signal. Uses one or more cable channels for data communications Separate channels for sending and receiving Bandwidth shared with other users
Originally 11 Mbps, now faster versions Insecure, although WEP encryption helps a little
It was developed only for integrating modem protocols with TCP/IP. It was implemented in Unix system but now considered as obsolete. Its main purpose is to transmit IP datagram across a modem line .it provides no physical addressing & simply sends the data & then signal marking at the end of the data. The transmission over a phone line is slow. DATA ENDFLAG
Data format:
Point-to-point protocol
It is an effort to address some of the shortcomings of SLIP. Due to the fastness of modems and phone lines. It is really a collection of protocols that interact to supply a modem based network. PPP connection is established using the LCP negotiation process as described later. It transmits datagram received from upper layer protocol. Data format: Protocol enclosed data padding
It identifies 3 types of LCP packets link configuration packet,link termination packet & link maintenance packet. Packet format: code identifier length data
Software tools
rascal---enhance your dial-up session and keep your Internet connection alive by simulating network activity. Connection keeper---prevents your Internet connection from appearing idle or inactive while using very little bandwidth and system resources. If a connection is lost, Connection Keeper can automatically dial back in.
AnalogX Net Stat Live ---find out how fast your Internet connection is in real-time.
End note
Hence in recent times most people rely on broadband technologies but dial-up networking is reliable on remote areas. Dial-up networking has its own Significance..
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