CHAPTER 2 Classification of Nanomaterials
CHAPTER 2 Classification of Nanomaterials
CHAPTER 2 Classification of Nanomaterials
• In this book, we distinguish seven classes:
• Metallic
• Ceramic
• Polymeric
• Composite
• Electronic
• Biomaterials
• Nanomaterials
Metallic Materials
• so far we can conclude that one single particle with 10 microns can generate 1
billion nanosized particles with a diameter of 10 nm, whereas the total volume
remains the same.
• In bulk crystalline materials, the atomic energy levels spread out into
energy bands.
• The valence band, which is filled with electrons, might or might
not be separated from an empty conduction band by an energy
• A band gap is an energy range in a solid where no electron states can
exist due to the quantization of energy in quantum mechanics.
• For conductor materials such as metals, there is typically no band gap.
• Therefore, very little energy is required to bring electrons from the
valence band to the conduction band, where electrons are free to
• For insulator materials such as ceramics, the energy band gap is quite
significant and thus transferring electrons from the valence band to the
conduction band is diffi cult.
• In the case of semiconductor materials such as silicon, the band
gap is not as wide, and thus it is possible to excite the electrons from
the valence band to the conduction band with some amount of energy.
• This overall behavior of bulk crystalline materials changes when the
dimensions are reduced to the nanoscale.
• For 0-D nanomaterials, where all the dimensions are at the nanoscale,
an electron is confined in 3-D space.
• Therefore, no electron delocalization (freedom to move) occurs.
• For 1-D nanomaterials, electron confinement occurs in 2-D, whereas
delocalization takes place along the long axis of the
• In the case of 2-D nanomaterials, the conduction electrons will be
confined across the thickness but delocalized in the plane of the sheet.
• Therefore, for 0-D nanomaterials the electrons are fully confined.
• On the other hand, for 3-D nanomaterials the electrons are fully
• In 1-D and 2-D nanomaterials, electron confinement and delocalization
• Under these conditions of confinement, the conduction band
suffers profound alterations.
• The effect of confinement on the resulting energy states can be
calculated by quantum mechanics, as the “particle in the box”
problem. (infinite potential well or the infinite square well) –
• particle free to move in a small space surrounded by impenetrable barriers.
• In this treatment, an electron is considered to exist inside of an
infinitely deep potential well (region of negative energies), from
which it cannot escape and is confined by the dimensions of the
• In 0-D, 1-D, and 2-D, the effects of confinement on the energy state
can be written respectively as
• Where;
• ħ≡h/2π, h is Planck’s constant,
• m =mass of the electron,
• L =width (confinement) of the infinitely deep potential well,
• nx, ny, and nz are the principal quantum numbers in the three
dimensions x, y, and z.
• the smaller the dimensions of the nanostructure (smaller L), the wider
is the separation between the energy levels, leading to a spectrum of
discreet energies.
• In this fashion, the band gap of a material can be shifted toward higher
energies by spatially confining the electronic carriers.
• Another important feature of an energy state E n is the
number of conduction electrons, N (E n), that exist in a
particular state.
• As En is dependent on the dimensionality of the system, so
is the number of conduction electrons, N (En),.
• This also means that the number of electrons dN within a
narrow energy range dE, which represent the density of
states D(E), i.e., D(E) =dN/dE, is also strongly dependent on
the dimensionality of the structure.
• Therefore the density of states as a
function of the energy E for
conduction electrons will be very
different for a
• quantum dot (confinement in three
• quantum wire (confinement in two
dimensions and delocalization in one
• quantum well (confinement in one
dimension and delocalization in two
• bulk material (delocalization in threed
• Because the density of states determines various properties,
the use of nanostructures provides the possibility for
tuning these properties.
• For example, photoemission spectroscopy, specific heat,
the thermopower effect, excitons in semiconductors, and the
superconducting energy gap are all influenced by the density
of states.
• Overall, the ability to control the density of states is
crucial for applications such as infrared detectors, lasers,
superconductors, single-photon sources, biological tagging,
optical memories, and photonic structures.