Microemulsion method is a bottom-up technique for liquid phase synthesis of nanoparticles using microemulsions. Microemulsions are isotropic, thermodynamically stable mixtures of oil, water, and surfactant that form transparent systems with droplet sizes usually between 20-200nm. They can be used as templates for nanoparticle synthesis, where reactants are solubilized within the water droplets and nucleation and growth occur, forming nanoparticles stabilized by surfactants. Key factors influencing nanoparticle size include microemulsion droplet size and composition, reaction temperature and time.
Microemulsion method is a bottom-up technique for liquid phase synthesis of nanoparticles using microemulsions. Microemulsions are isotropic, thermodynamically stable mixtures of oil, water, and surfactant that form transparent systems with droplet sizes usually between 20-200nm. They can be used as templates for nanoparticle synthesis, where reactants are solubilized within the water droplets and nucleation and growth occur, forming nanoparticles stabilized by surfactants. Key factors influencing nanoparticle size include microemulsion droplet size and composition, reaction temperature and time.
Microemulsion method is a bottom-up technique for liquid phase synthesis of nanoparticles using microemulsions. Microemulsions are isotropic, thermodynamically stable mixtures of oil, water, and surfactant that form transparent systems with droplet sizes usually between 20-200nm. They can be used as templates for nanoparticle synthesis, where reactants are solubilized within the water droplets and nucleation and growth occur, forming nanoparticles stabilized by surfactants. Key factors influencing nanoparticle size include microemulsion droplet size and composition, reaction temperature and time.
Microemulsion method is a bottom-up technique for liquid phase synthesis of nanoparticles using microemulsions. Microemulsions are isotropic, thermodynamically stable mixtures of oil, water, and surfactant that form transparent systems with droplet sizes usually between 20-200nm. They can be used as templates for nanoparticle synthesis, where reactants are solubilized within the water droplets and nucleation and growth occur, forming nanoparticles stabilized by surfactants. Key factors influencing nanoparticle size include microemulsion droplet size and composition, reaction temperature and time.
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Microemulsion Method
For The Preparation Of Nanometerials
Microemulsion method is one of the recent and ideal technique for the preparation of nanoparticles. Bottom up technique Liquid phase synthesis Emulsions An emulsion is a mixture of two or more liquids that are usually immiscible but, under specific transforming processes, will adopt a macroscopic homogeneous aspect and a microscopic heterogeneous one. In an emulsion, one liquid (dispersed phase)is dispersed in the other liquid(continuous phase) stabilized by the presence of some stabilizing agents(surfactants). Kinetically stable but thermodynamically unstable.
There are several types of emulsions:
1. Oil in water emulsions 2. Water in oil emulsions 3. Multiple emulsions like 4. O/W/O or W/O/W 4. Microemulsions MICROEMULSIONS Microemulsions are isotropic, thermodynamically stable, transparent systems of oil, water and surfactants, frequently in the combination of cosurfactants, with a droplet size usually in the range of 20-200nm. Their higher shelf life differs them from kinetically stable emulsions, which will separate into oil and water over time. Comparison of emulsions and Microemulsions Emulsions Microemulsions Kinetically stable Thermodynamically stable Droplet size 1-10 micro meter 10-100 nanometer
Opaque Transparent
Biphasic Monophasic
Anisotropic Isotropic
Require a large amount of energy More amount of surfactant is used for stabilization
High viscosity Low viscosity
High inter facial tension Ultra low interfacial tension
Types of Microemulsions
Based on the phase equilibrium, they
are classified into four types
Winsor I-oil in water; oil droplets
surrounded by surfactants dispersed in water Winsor II – water in oil; water droplets surrounded by surfactants dispersed in oil media, also called reverse micelles. Winsor III-bicontinuous phase is in equilibrium with excess oil phase at the top and excess water phase at the bottom- three phases are in equlibrium Winsor IV-macroemionuls may exict in the form of one of the three possible micro structures o/w, w/o and bicontinuous Types of microemulsions Microemulsion Formulation A microemulsion generally consists of four different components, 1. a lipophiic phase, 2. a hydrophilic phase, 3. Surfactant 4. and co-surfactant.
Accurate formulation is necessary, for the microemulsions to attain low
interfacial tension and good solubilisation ability. Formulation variables :The nature of the components like the oil, surfactant, co-surfactant and water, as well as temperature and pressure which affect the microemulsion systems. Composition variables :The quantities of different substances present, are also likely to change the properties, and are referred to as which can be expressed as weight, percentage or proportion. Factors one should consider while formulating Following factor must be considered while formulating a microemulsion Oil/surfactant and surfactant/co-surfactant ratio pH Nature and concentration of the oil, surfactant, co-surfactant and aqueous phase Temperature Hydrophilicity/lipophilicity of polarity Ternary phase diagram To study the phase behavior of simple microemulsion systems comprising of surfactant, oil and water at fixed pressure and temperature ternary phase diagrams are used. Each corner of the ternary phase diagram represents 100% concentrations of a particular component. A typical ternary phase diagram surfactant/co- surfactant, is shown in Figure Components of Microemulsion Water phase: May be in the form of water pool or dispersion medium. Oil Phase: The oil phase must be chosen appropriately, since it governs the selection of the other ingredients for the microemulsion and there are two main factors: Firstly, the solubilizing potential of the oil for the selected substance must be seen and secondly, the chosen must be such that the microemulsion forming region is enhanced. Oils with shorter hydrocarbon chains are easier to micro-emulsify as compared to oils with long hydrocarbon chains. Surfactants in Microemulsions Surfactants are molecules that typically contain a polar head group and a non polar tail. They are surface-active and microstructure- forming molecules with a strong chemical dipole. They can be ionic (cationic or anionic), nonionic, or zwitterionic. Surfactant molecules self-associate due to various inter- and intra-molecular forces as well as entropy considerations. The surfactant molecules can arrange themselves in a variety of shapes. They can form spherical micelles, rod-shaped micelles, a hexagonal phase(consisting of rod-shaped micelles), lamellar (sheet) phases, reverse micelles, or hexagonal reverse micelles. Reverse Micelle There are some factors that affect the stability of an emulsion and further affect the morphology and size distribution of produced particles. These factors include type and amount of surfactant and co- surfactant, the concentration of precursor solution, the kind of oil phase. Micro-emulsion is generated by gradual addition of several drops of an agent as a non-continuous phase and the other material as a continuous phase and rapid mixing of these two phases. Oil drops in the water is a good example of micro-emulsions. Reverse Micelle Reverse micelles are most widely used as reaction media or templates for the synthesis of various inorganic nano-particles. The biomineralization process in nature uses organized aggregates of bio macromolecules to synthesize nanoparticles with dimensional. morphological and architectural specificity It has full control over nucleation. growth and the patterns formed. Water can be solubilized in the core forming water-in-oil droplets (5 nm) which eventually become the w/o micro- emulsion as the water content increases (5 to 100 nm). Characterstic of Reverse Micelles Reverse micelles are generally characterized by the molar ratio of water to surfactant, a of (H:0)/(surfactant)].This ratio has a decisive influence on the diameter of the reverse micelles.
The shape can be spherical, rod-like or lamellar and depends
on the concentration of surfactant, electrolyte, other additives, etc. The droplets undergo continuous collisions and exchange their contents. Formation of Nano-particles in W/O Microemulsion System Nano-particles (NPs),are synthesized by single phase w/o micro-emulsion with reverse micelles. Good dispersion of generated drops in the micro-emulsion is suitable for synthesis of nano- particles. It has good enough potential to control the chemical reaction. Mechanism of the Formation of Nano-particle The mechanism has not yet been understood well. However, it can be explained by the results achieved. Researchers suggests following steps: I. When the microemulsions material including reactants are mixed together reactants exchange takes place during the colliding of water droplets microemulsion. II. The reactant exchange is too fast and precipitation reaction occurs in the nano droplets, III. Nucleation IV. Growth, V. Coagulation of primary particles, VI. Resulting in the formation of the final nanoparticles surrounded by water and/or stabilized by surfactants. It is generally accepted that the wàter contents of microemulsion droplets are exchanged rapidly through droplet collision and fusion, with the fusion step as the rate determining step. How Reaction Takes place? Reaction may take place in two different ways First route(A): On the other hand reactant ions exchange may be occurred because of coalescence of two droplets with each other (In this case, the contact of reactants and subsequent reaction can be regarded as a number of sequential steps: Diffusion and convection to bring the emulsion droplets together. Surfactant layer opening and coalescence. Diffusion of the solubilizate molecules in the temporary dimeric aggregate. Reaction between solubilizate molecules. Nucleation and crystal growth of precursor particles, and Decoalescence to return as smaller droplets. Second route(B),: reactant diffusion is taken place through oily phase into aqueous droplets including the second reactant. While the particles achieve their final size, molecules of surfactant stick to particles surface,and cause their durability, stability and maintenance in a certain level and prevent more growing of particles. Two routes of Reaction Factors Affecting the Size of Nano-particles In the Microemulsion, the surface activated and stable micró-cavities produce cage-like effect and cause to limit growth nucleation and particles agglomeration. The size of micro-emulsion drops has a clear effect on the particles size. On the other hand, the size of microemulsion drops in turn depends on these collisions and created interactions. And these interactions are dependent on the viscosity of mixture. Advantages of Microemulsion Method These characteristics facilitate their use in the preparation of nanometerials
Ease of preparation: Microemulaions form spontaneously at room
temperature, and are easy to manufacture, w hen compared to liposomes and macroemulsions which require high pressure homogenization during preparation. Thermodynamic stability: The stability and shelf life of the formulation improved due to the thermodynamic stability of the microemulsions Ability to incorporate both hydrophilie and lipophilic therapeutic agents: solubilize both hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs, either alone or in combination. As a template for the synthesis of nano-particles: Microemulsion are thermodynamically stable, and consists of small droplets which possess large interfacial area. Disadvantages of Microemulsion Method Formation of Microemulsions generally requires large amounts of surfactants and/or co-surfactants. All of these at high concentrations are generally irritating. Limited solublizing capacity for highly melting substances. Many external factors, such temperature and pH, influence the stability of microemulsions as well.