Mental Health Challenges in Nepal
Mental Health Challenges in Nepal
Mental Health Challenges in Nepal
March, 2021
Systems-based Problem Solving
• Is there a problem? If so, what?
• As many as 70% of primary care visits are driven by patients’ psychological problems,
such as anxiety, panic, depression, and stress
• Only 10% of patients will complete a referral to a mental health provider that is not co-
Is there a problem?
• Pagaal
• Dimaag problems
• Not treatable
• Not real
Is there a problem?
• 2008/9 Maternal
Morbidity and
Mortality study
Is there a problem?
Globalized goals
• Nepal spends 1% of healthcare budget on mental health
• US spends 5.5%
• DFID (Dept for Int’l Dev) PRIME (Programme for Improving Mental Heath Care) from
UK - improve coverage and treatment for priority mental disorders by implementing
and evaluating a comprehensive mental health care package, integrated into primary
health care in five countries (Nepal, India, South Africa, Ethiopia and Uganda)
• In-practice screening/diagnosis
• Treatment
• Consultation/referral
What already exists?
Cost Access
Collaborative Care
T – Team-based
E – Evidence-based
M – measurement-driven
P – population-level
Innovating in Primary Care
• Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)
• Started in the US in the 1990s
• Based on DSM classification of Major Depression
• Scores >10 are positive
• > 80% sensitivity and specificity in the US
• “Heart-Mind” problems
• Yes or no?
• Sensitivity = 94%
• Specificity = 27%
• PPV = 0.45, NPV = 0.98
CIDT and Community Health
• CIDT = Community Informant Detection Tool
Opportunities for the future
• Develop clear role of behavioral health provider/team