Nifm Project
Nifm Project
Nifm Project
Article 150: The accounts of the Union and of the States shall be
kept in such form as the President may, on the advice of the
Comptroller and Auditor-General of India, prescribe.
Basis of accounting
Contingency Fund
Public Account
Finance Accounts
Account of receipts and disbursements during the year
net of recoveries
Structure of Government Accounts
Government Accounts
Revenue Capital
General Services
Social services
Economic Services
Grants in Aid
Number of digits used
Head of Account What it depicts in accounts
Economic and Functional Classification
Functional Classification system- as explained
Functions (Major heads), schemes,
sectors, sub-sectors
Economic Classification
Presently a mix of both
Indian economic reforms
Began in 1991 facing an exceptionally severe balance of payments
Embarked on a programme of short term stabilisation combined with
a longer term programme of comprehensive structural reforms.
Rethinking on economic policy had begun earlier in the mid-eighties
by when the limitations of a development strategy based on import
substitution, public sector dominance and pervasive government
control over the private sector had become evident, but the policy
response at the time was limited to liberalising particular aspects of
the control system without changing the system itself in any
fundamental way.
The reforms initiated in 1991 were different precisely because they
recognised the need for a system change, involving liberalisation of
government controls, a larger role for the private sector and greater
integration with the world economy.
The classification of expenditure into Plan and Non Plan, although not rooted in
the Constitution, has evolved with planning process. Over a period of time,
several issues have cropped up from the distinction between plan and non-plan,
making it dysfunctional and an obstacle in outcomebased budgeting. Therefore,
this distinction should go for both Union and State Budgets.
The Union Minister of Finance in his budget speech for the year 2016-17
informed the House that the Plan/Non-Plan classification will be done away with
from fiscal 2017-18. J&K State has aleady dispensed the plan non plan
classification form financial year 2015-16