Finalmittribute-Retirement-Partyvee Jay San Mateo
Finalmittribute-Retirement-Partyvee Jay San Mateo
Finalmittribute-Retirement-Partyvee Jay San Mateo
Daang Bakal Street, Sto. Niño, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija 3105
VSM Creations is a personally named event management company. It
was originated from the owner’s name initials. The company was
created after the owner got excellent feedbacks from his relatives’
visitors in an event where he was the head organizer. From then on, he
started to build the company and dreamed to help clients in making
their celebrations the most happiest and memorable ones .
Address : Daang Bakal Street, Sto. Niño, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija
Mobile No. : 0926-9292-049 VSM Creations aspires to be the most reputable events
Telephone No. : (044) 958-5765
E-mail Address : planning and management company, providing diversity and
Facebook Page : VMS Creations, “We Plan. You Celebrate”
success of our programs event that will surely last forever in our
Instagram/Twitter : @VSMCreations
clients’ lives.
December 7, 2020
Thank you for trusting VMS Creations for your husband’s tribute and retirement party.
We, VMS Creations, as one of the leading events planners are organizing excellent deals
for events. We assure you to provide all your expectations and give you an extraordinary
service for your husband’s retirement day.
For more information and to review about our exciting and amazing services, you can
view our facebook page VMS Creations, “We Plan. You Celebrate” or email us at
vmscreations@gmail,com. To personally discuss the details, just contact us at
09269292049 and we will be there.
We guarantee that we will give your husband the most and cherished party in his life.
Sincerely yours,
This agreement is entered into this ______ day of _________________, 2020 by and
between VSM Creations, hereafter referred to as “VSM CREATIONS” and ROSELLE
GREGORIO, hereinafter referred to as “CLIENT” whose respective addresses are set
forth in this page of Agreement.
Birthday Party
Tribute Party
Retirement Party
Christmas Party
Halloween Party
Farewell Party
Debutante Ball
Graduation Ball
Address : Daang Bakal Street, Sto. Niño, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija 3105
Irene Simbulan
Corazon Cabungcal
Address : Daang Bakal Street, Sto. Niño, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija 3105
Christmas Party
7th Birthday
Address : Daang Bakal Street, Sto. Niño, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija 3105
Address : Daang Bakal Street, Sto. Niño, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija 3105
Address : Daang Bakal Street, Sto. Niño, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija 3105
Event Planner – in charge with the overall Photographer – in charge in capturing the best
concept of the event from ingress to egress moments in the event.
Venue Coordinator – in charge and works for Videographer – in-charge with the video
the venue of the event. documentation .
Event Safety Coordinator – assures the safety Master of Ceremony – in-charge in making the
of the guests while the event is ongoing. Also, event lively and fun.
in-charge in monitoring the health protocols.
Usherettes – in charge in guests’ book signing
Caterer – provides and prepares food and and assisting guests for the assigned table.
beverages. Also in-charge with the over-all
decorations of the venue. Address : Daang Bakal Street, Sto. Niño, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija 3105
Venue Casa Granja Events Venue, Inc. Three Kings Parish Center
Address : Daang Bakal Street, Sto. Niño, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija 3105
Edna’s Cakeland
Cake Provider Kapitan Pepe Subd., Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
(044) 958-9673
VSM Creations will conduct a special event on December 29, 2020 at Three Kings Parish
We would like to ask for your help and assistance for the upcoming event. We need your
services and we want to have a close and good work cooperation with you. Let us make
every detail unforgettable and successful. Let us give them a whale of a time to have fun.
We hope you are pleased with this arrangement. We look forward to a successful working
relationship with your company.
Sincerely yours,
Address : Daang Bakal Street, Sto. Niño, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija 3105
VEE JAY G. SAN MATEO Mobile No. : 0926-9292-049
Owner, VSM Creations Telephone No. : (044) 958-5765
This agreement dated on ________ day of ________________, 2020 will serve as the
contract for the services that will be provided by the [SUPPLIER NAME] for the
upcoming event. [SUPPLIER NAME] will not take any cancellation of the contract 12 Sample Contract with Suppliers
days before the event day. [SUPPLIER NAME] and VSM Creations will be binded by this
contract as both parties.
In this contract, VSM Creations and their affiliates will not be held responsible for
any liability, loss and damage to materials and equipment.
The supplier is bound to serve the event when the contract is already agreed.
Both parties must be informed in any emergency situations 12 days before the
NOW THEREFORE, that by their mutual covenants and for good and valuable
consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties
agreement in the following conditions above.
VEE JAY G. SAN MATEO [NAME ] . Address : Daang Bakal Street, Sto. Niño, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija 3105
Address : Daang Bakal Street, Sto. Niño, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija 3105
Address : Daang Bakal Street, Sto. Niño, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija 3105
6:00pm-6:15pm 15-minute Video Presentation of Retiree’s Son / Projector Operator • Play video clip
retiree’s childhood memories • Photographer/Videographer
6:15pm-6:30pm Intermission Number Family & Relatives • Music and Lighting
• Photographer/Videographer
Address : Daang Bakal Street, Sto. Niño, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija 3105
Sub-total P 63,000.00
Supplier Services/Inclusion Particulars Amount Total
Sub-total forwarded P 63,000.00
Drinks & Beverages
• Water
• Four Seasons Beers and wines not P 15,000.00 P 15,000.00
• San Mig Apple / Light included in the package
• Wine
Sub-total P 109,900.00
Supplier Services/Inclusion Particulars Amount Total
Sub-total forwarded P 109,900.00
TopSound Lights and Sound LIGHTS & SOUNDS P 7,000.00 P 7,000.00
System • Reception lights
• Spotlight
• Sound system
• Wireless microphones
• DJ
Other Expenses • Supplies (alcohol, facemask, P 7,000.00 P 7,000.00
logbook, writing paper, ballpen, game
prizes, thermal scanner)
• Certificate with frame and Plaque P 2,000.00 P 2,000.00
• Designs for beach-themed area P 5,000.00 P 5,000.00
• Memory lane area P 2,000.00 P 2,000.00
• Program host P 3,000.00 P 3,000.00
Total Expenses P 135,900.00
Contingency Fund 10% P 13,590.00
Subtotal P 149,490.00
Professional Fee 20% P 29,898.00
GRAND TOTAL P 179,388.00
VENUE P 15,000.00
CATERING P 63,000.00
December 27, 2020 Final Call to all suppliers and working committees
December 29, 2020 Event’s Day (Egress) Address : Daang Bakal Street, Sto. Niño, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija 3105
Failure to comply with the Strict implementation of health and Possible Risks & Discrepancies
Covid-19 Transmission
health protocols safety protocols
Address : Daang Bakal Street, Sto. Niño, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija 3105
Sound System Technical problem Back up sound system set Mobile No. : 0926-9292-049
C o m fo r t C o m fo r t
2 1
S a nit a t ion a r e a
Detailed Floor Plan
S a nit a t ion a r e a
S e cu r it y /
S e cu r it y /
3 5
A ir c on
4 6
A ir c on
9 7
10 8
R ed C a rp et
Fo o dT a ble
Fo o dT a ble
12 14
17 15
18 16
A ir con
A ir c on
19 20
Medics Photobooth
M em or yLane
Working area
for caterer
Address : Daang Bakal Street, Sto. Niño, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija 3105
Address : Daang Bakal Street, Sto. Niño, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija 3105