Week02 Lecture05
Week02 Lecture05
Week02 Lecture05
Lecture - 05
Black box testing & White box testing
Two broad concepts in testing, based on the sources of information for test design are
• White-box testing
• Black-box testing
Since individual programmers know the details of the source code they write,
they themselves perform white box testing on the individual program units they
Black box testing is performed at the external interface level of a system and it is
conducted by a separate software quality assurance group.
Black box testing VS. White box testing
The ideas of white box testing and black box testing do not give programmers and
test engineers a choice of whether to design test cases from the source code or from
the requirements specification of a program.
These strategies are used by different groups of people at different times during a
software’s life cycle.
Neither structural testing nor functional testing is by itself good enough to detect
most of the faults.
A test plan provides a framework, scope, details of resource needed, effort required,
schedule of activities, and a budget.
A framework is a set of ideas, facts, or circumstances within which the tests will
be conducted.
The stated scope outlines the domain of the test activities. The scope covers the
managerial aspects of testing, rather than the detailed techniques and specific test
Test planning & Design
Test design is a critical phase of software testing.
During the test design phase, the system requirements are critically studied, system
features to be tested are thoroughly identified, the objectives of test cases and the
detailed behavior of test cases are defined.
Test objectives are identified from different sources, namely, the requirement
specification and the functional specification and one or more test cases are
designed for each test objective.
Each test case is designed as a combination of modular test components called test
steps. These test steps can be combined together to create more complex, multistep
A test case is clearly specified so that others can easily borrow, understand, and
reuse it.
Monitoring & Measuring Test Execution
• It is important to monitor certain metrics which truly represent the progress of
testing and reveal the quality level of the system.
• Based on those metrics, the management can trigger corrective and preventive
• By putting a small but critical set of metrics in place the executive management
be able to know whether they are on the right track