Presentation 6
Presentation 6
Presentation 6
Global warming
Global warming is a gradual, long-
term increase in the average
temperature of Earth's atmosphere
due to the greenhouse effect where
gasses from various human
activities, including the burning of
fossil fuels, trap heat from solar
Green House
The greenhouse effect is
a process that occurs
when gases in Earth's
atmosphere trap the
Sun's heat. This process
makes Earth much
warmer than it would
be without an
atmosphere. The
greenhouse effect is one
of the things that
makes Earth a
comfortable place to
Green House Effect
An increase in
population will
inevitably create
pressures leading
to more
biodiversity, and
spikes in pollution
and emissions, which
will exacerbate
climate change.
Effects of Climate Change
Human Health
The health effects of
these disruptions include
increased respiratory
and cardiovascular
disease, injuries and
premature deaths
related to extreme
weather events, changes
in the prevalence and
geographical distribution
of food- and water-
borne illnesses and other
infectious diseases, and
threats to mental
Rising temperatures
lead to more frequent
droughts, wildfires, and
invasive pest outbreaks,
leading to the loss of
plant species. That has
numerous detrimental
including: Lowered
Productivity: Longer
droughts and increased
number of heat waves
will stress plants,
causing them to be less
Ecosystems may
uninhabitable for
certain animals,
forcing wildlife to
migrate outside of
their usual
patterns in search
of food and livable
conditions, while
causing other
animals to die off.
Melting Glaciers
Melting glaciers add to
rising sea levels, which
in turn increases
coastal erosion and
elevates storm surge
as warming air and
ocean temperatures
create more frequent
and intense coastal
storms like hurricanes
and typhoons
Changes in Percipitation
Climate change can
affect the intensity and
frequency of
precipitation. Warmer
oceans increase the
amount of water that
evaporates into the air.
When more moisture-
laden air moves over
land or converges into a
storm system, it can
produce more intense
example, heavier rain
and snow storms
Ways to prevent Climate Change
Temperature is the
degree of hotness or
coldness of an object.
Wind is the
movement of air,
caused by the
uneven heating of
the Earth by the
sun and the Earth's
own rotation.
Wind vane Anemometer
Air Pressure
It is the force
exerted on a
surface by the air
above it as gravity
pulls it to Earth.
Humidity is the
amount of water
vapor in the air. If
there is a lot of
water vapor in
the air, the
humidity will be
Precipitation is any
liquid or frozen
water that forms
in the atmosphere
and falls back to
the earth.
Rain Gauge
What is Climate?
Climate is the average weather in a given
area over a longer period of time.
Factors Affecting the Climate
Latitude is the
measurement of
distance north or
south of the Equator.
It is measured with
180 imaginary lines
that form circles
around Earth east-
west, parallel to the
There is a relationship
between latitude and
temperature around the
world, as temperatures
are typically warmer
approaching the Equator
and cooler approaching
the Poles. There are
variations, though, as
other factors such as
elevation, ocean currents,
and precipitation affect
climate patterns. As the latitude increases,
temperature decreases
Altitude What is that during summer
many people visit baguio city?
Altitude, like
elevation, is the
distance above sea
level. Areas are often
considered "high-
altitude" if they
reach at least 2,400
meters (8,000 feet)
into the atmosphere.
Bodies of Water
Large bodies of water,
such as oceans, seas and
large lakes, can affect
the climate of an area.
Water heats and cools
more slowly than
landmasses. Therefore,
the coastal regions will
stay cooler in summer
and warmer in winter,
thus creating a more
moderate climate with a Places that are far from the
narrower temperature bodies of water have extreme
range climates
Topography affects the
climate in that it
influences wind
patterns and weather
patterns. For example,
mountains block cold
air from flowing over
the warm ground below
them, which results in
warmer temperatures
on one side of the
mountain range than
on the other side.
Ocean Currents
Ocean currents act much
like a conveyer belt,
transporting warm water
and precipitation from the
equator toward the poles
and cold water from the
poles back to the tropics.
Thus, currents regulate
global climate, helping to
counteract the uneven
distribution of solar
radiation reaching Earth's
Write TRUE if the
statement is right,
write FALSE if the
statement is wrong.
½ Crosswise paper
1. Climate change refers to a long-term shifts
in temperature and weather patterns.
2. Global warming is a grdual, short term
increase in the average temperature of Earth's
atmosphere due to the green house effect.
3. The Greenhouse Effect is a process that
occurs when gases in Earth's Atmosphere trap
the Sun's Heat.
4. One of the causes of Climate change is
Melting Glaciers.
5. One of the effect of Climate change is
Change in Percipitation.
6. Weather is state of the atmosphere at
a particular place during a long period of
7. Barometer is used to measure
8. Wind vane is an instrument used for
showing the direction of the wind.
9. Hygrometer is used in measuring
10. Climate is the average weather in a
given area over a longer period of time.
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. True
6. False
7. False
8. True
9. True
10. True