02 DB Design
02 DB Design
02 DB Design
Unit 2
Muhammad Qasim
Quiz 1
Thursday 13-Oct-2022
Unit 1&2
(Introduction + DB Design)
Assignment 1
In Tomorrows Class
Data Models
A Data Model is
◦ A collection of concepts that can be used to describe the
structure of a database.
By structure it means data-types, relationships and
constraints that should hold on the data.
through links. Each hierarchical data model has a single parent entity
for each record. A parent can have more than one child node, and all
the siblings are sorted in a specific order.
In the 60s and 70s, this data model was mainly used by the
◦ 1. Entity
◦ 2. Attribute
◦ 3. Relationship
Data Model
In the following example, the Employee and Department are the two entities.
The attributes of the Employee entity are Emp_ID, Emp_Name,
Emp_Salary, and Emp_Age. And, the attributes of the Department entity
are Dept_ID and Dept_name. These two entities are connected by a
relationship, whose name is Works_In.
Data Model
Advantages of Entity-Relationship Data Model
Some benefits or advantages of the Entity-Relationship data model are
as follows:
If any user knows the relationship between the entities, then he/she
can easily and fastly develop and maintain the ER model. So, this
model is very easy to set up and develop.
This data model can be easily converted by the developers into other
In this data model, there are more chances that some details of data
and relationship as the object. This model stores the videos, audios,
and graphical files which can't be stored in the relationship model.
This model is based on the three main components whose names
are object class, object identity, and object structure. This data
model is mainly designed for storing and retrieving the objects
which are created by the programs of object-oriented languages. It
also provides the facilities of object-oriented to the database users.
Database Schema
A database schema in a database system is structure described in a
formal language which is supported by database management system
(DBMS) and refers to organization of data as a blueprint of how a
database is constructed (divided into database tables in case of
Relational Databases). The formal definition of database schema is a
set of formulas (sentences) called integrity constraints imposed on a
database. These integrity constraints ensure compatibility between
parts of schema. It Includes descriptions of database structure, data
types and constraints of database.
Database Schema
A database schema divided broadly into two categories:
Physical Database Schema: The schema pertains to actual storage of data and
its form of storage like files, indices etc. It defines how data will be stored in
a secondary storage.
Logical Database Schema: The schema defines all logical constraints that
need to be applied on stored data. It defines views, tables and integrity
Database State / Instance
Database itself is called Database State/Extension/Instance:
Schema Constructs
A DB State/Instance/Extension
Schema Vs Instance
Important to distinguish between DB schema and state:
◦ When we define a new database, specify its database schema
only to the DBMs
The corresponding database state is the empty state
◦ Initial state of database when database is first Populated or
loaded with initial data
Every time when a basic operation is applied we get another database
At any point in time database has a current state
◦ DBMS ensures that every state of database is Valid State
i.e. satisfies structure and constraints specified in schema
Schema only change when requirement change called schema
evolution, E.g. we may decide another data item needed to be stored
for each record
Three Schema Architecture of DBMS
The three schema architecture describes how the data is
represented or viewed by the user in the database. This
architecture is also known as three-level architecture and is
sometimes called ANSI/ SPARC architecture.
This architecture contains three layers or levels of the
database management system:
◦ External level
◦ Conceptual level
◦ Internal level
Three Schema Architecture of DBMS
Three Schema Architecture of DBMS
1. External or View level: This is the highest level of database
abstraction. External or view level describes the actual view of
data that is relevant to the particular user. This level also
provides different views of the same database for a specific
user or a group of users. An external view provides a powerful
and flexible security mechanism by hiding the parts of the
database from a particular user.
Three Schema Architecture of DBMS
2. Conceptual or Logical level: The conceptual level describes
the structure of the whole database. This level acts as a middle
layer between the physical storage and user view. It explains
what data to be stored in the database, what relationship exists
among those data, and what the datatypes are. There is only
one conceptual schema per database.
Database administrator and the programmers work at this level.
This level does not provide any access or storage details but
concentrates on the relational model of the database. The
conceptual schema also includes features that specify the
checks to retain integrity and consistency.
Three Schema Architecture of DBMS
3. Internal or Physical level: This is the lowest level of database
abstraction. It describes how the data is actually stored in the
database and provides methods to access data from the
database. It allows viewing the physical representation of the
database on the computer system. The interface between the
conceptual schema and the internal schema identifies how an
element in the conceptual schema is stored and how it may be
Three Schema Architecture of DBMS
Note: If there is any change in the internal or physical schema,
it needs to be addressed to the interface between the
conceptual and internal schema. But there is no need to change
in the interface of a conceptual and external schema. It means
that the changes in physical storage devices such as hard disks,
and the files organized on storage devices, are transparent to
application programs and users.
Advantages of Three-schema
Following are the advantages of three schema architecture:
This architecture makes the database abstract. It is used to
Representational Model
Conceptual/int mapping
Internal Layer
Internal/Physical Model
Level/View RH Fatima Abdullah 12081980 5 D019 RH Ahmad Ali…
OS Layer
Database Languages
1. Data Definition Language (DDL):
◦ Used to define schemas.
◦ CREATE – is used to create the database or its objects (like table, index,
function, views, store procedure and triggers).
◦ DROP – is used to delete objects from the database.
◦ ALTER-is used to alter the structure of the database.
DQL – Data Query Language
◦ SELECT – is used to retrieve data from the a database.
DML – Data Manipulation Language
◦ INSERT – is used to insert data into a table.
◦ UPDATE – is used to update existing data within a table.
◦ DELETE – is used to delete records from a database table.
DCL – Data Control Language
◦ GRANT-gives user’s access privileges to database.
◦ REVOKE-withdraw user’s access privileges given by using the GRANT command.
DBMS Component Modules
A DBMS is a complex software system
The figure showed in next slide is divide into two halves.
The top half refers to the various users of the database system
The lower half shows the internals of the DBMS responsible for
storage of data and processing of transactions
Typical DBMS Component Modules
Users of the
database system
Internals of the
Centralized DBMSs Architecture
◦ All DBMS functionality, application program execution, and
user interface processing carried out on one machine
Client/Server Architectures
The client/server architecture was developed to deal with
computer environment in which a large number of PCs,
workstation, file server…
If the bottom layer is split into two layers (a web server and a
database server), then it is a 4-tire architecture (possible to the n-
The intermediate layer or middle layer is sometimes called the
application server or Web server
Three-tier Architecture Can Enhance Security:
1. Database server only accessible via middle tier
2. Clients cannot directly access database server
Three-tier Architecture